
Half of these dancers aren't worth chasing after

I had posted a topic about a month ago about this one dancer that I had met named Sunny. I had found out that we both use to work in the same Profession in the past. I had said that I was going to try and see if I could make connections with her even though I didn't want a relationship just a fuck buddy. Well I found out last night from another dancer that she had quit after a incident with her so callled husband. The dancer told me that Sunny was getting her ass beat by her husband(He is only 20years old) out in the parking lot one night a few weeks ago. Babygirl stated she asked Sunny why she stayed with the guy and she said it is because they have 2 kids together. The bum left after security told him to leave. I was just thinking to myself that this girl wasn't even worth my time in the first place. She is married(even though the marriage is a joke), she has 2kids, and she obviously has issues to stay with a guy that beats her.

In final, what I am trying to say is that half(not necessarily all) of these dancers that we think or hot and want to bang have so much baggage that it is best not to hook up with them period. Be it for sex or whatever just leave it at the club. Time for me to take a break from the Stripclub/GoGo Bar scene. I will probably take the next 2 or 3months off. I was told by a new dancer that a old club of mine in Columbus, GA has gotten back to the way it use to be some 3 or 4years ago. Maybe some time in Febraury I will go up there.


  • komey1970
    19 years ago
    To me it's all a matter of if you are chasing after a stripper to begin with for dating. I don't go to the clubs looking for dates. I go to have fun with topless and naked girls. The only time I chase is if there is a girl I REALLY want to go to VIP with.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    Davids: I'm still not seeing your point. You claim to speak for the board. How can you make that claim? I can read just fine, been doing it since before you knew what tits where. Where is your claim backed-up other than in your own posts?
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    Davids: Rejected by the group? Again I say, what the fuck are you talking about? How could you possibly have the balls to assume you speak for anyone but yourself when you post here?
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Yoda: Simple, it's called being able to read. Guess you can't do that, either. Loser. Go away. I think the pink site is more your speed.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Yoda: Wrong, you were the one who started down the insult path long, long ago. Now that you see that your "strippers are just like any other women" agenda has been throughly rejected by this group you resort to pathetic tactics like insults, "can't we all get along", and 'there is no right and wrong. just opinion". Pathetic. Now fuck the hell off, loser.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    As usual, when your argument weakens, you resort to insults and profanity. That's an awfully narrow-minded approach for someone who claims to be so scholarly.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Yoda says:

    "I'm not math guy, I'm not thermodynamics guy."

    Indeed, I agree. You are plain and simple: loser guy.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    Davids: Your response has nothing to do with anything I said. My posts here deal with only one topic: Strip clubs. I'm not math guy, I'm not thermodynamics guy. Save your off-topic BS for someone who cares.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Yoda: All your agendas are belong to us. Fuck off now, twerp.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Mathematics, books, what PCs people use, cowbell (whatever the fuck that is), thermodynamics. Lots of stuff gets discussed here. Pay attention, loser.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    Davids: Mathamatics? Again I say, what the fuck are you talking about. This was a board about strip clubs lasttime I checked.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Wanna fight, old man?
  • davids
    19 years ago
    And you, sir, are a pathetic, unethical old man and a criminal.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Hey, can someone clarify for me what exactly is wrong about reading books regarding attraction and dating and similar topics?

    Also what does it means to be "natural"? For example I read in a book on body language that if you sit with your arms crossed people will think you are "closed off" and will be less inclined to talk to you. Since I didn't know this before I read the book, I was careful not to do it afterward. Was that unethical? Is this a "trick" I am playing?

    Is being consciously aware of bad body language and preventing it wrong for some reason? How about when I read women for their body language and interpret it based on information I have read but didn't know how to interpet before? Is that wrong? What if I gather the information through my own observations as opposed to read and testing it? Is that more ethical or cooler then?

    If I notice that women like it more when my hair is gel'ed than when it is not and I gel it up before I go out (though I think it feels better w/o gel in it), is that a "trick" and hence there's something wrong with that?

    Should I not read at all and disregard other people's insights (except for the fine geniuses and studs, here *wink* *wink*) so I can act more "natural"? (Note I do not take for granted things I read: they all get field tested.) What do you guys think?
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Yoda: No in mathematics there is right and wrong. AN was blown out of the water. I guess you could argue in some subjects there is no right wrong: eg which hair color do you prefer, but when AN and I argued it was about a subject in which there is an undoubtable standard of truth. Sorry to rain on your parade. Nice try. Retard.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    Davids: Your comebacks are getting old. Come up with some new material. Your not blowing anybody's logic out of the water when you dissagree with them, you are just dissagreeing with them. Nothing to pat yourself on the back about.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Aha! Figured out the "trick" parts. I'm not the one who plays tricks here: I'm only interested in strippers who meet normal dating criteria which means I have to respect them as normal people. tiffany and AN and JC and others on the other hand, don't think strippers are dateable. tiffany in particular thinks they are losers and 'crazy". Hence he is the one playing tricks by getting them to sleep with them despite this. He then projects his guilt about this onto me. Crazy guy. And to think I admired him for a bit. Oh well, live and learn, eh?
  • davids
    19 years ago
    A couple of things trouble me about tiffany's posts: first if he is get laid so often, then why does he need to spend $1000/month on strippers? Seems he can't get the stripper of his choice w/o paying.

    Secondly, he accuses me of trying to "trick" them. But I am the one who only wants to date strippers who would fit my normal dating criteria. He, OTOH, seems to only be interested in one night stands. Is he the one who is playing the tricks? If they knew him long term would his personality bomb it for him?

    As for AN: Fuck, what a fucking retard. I'll demonstrated my superior science knowledge when I blew him to smitherens in the debate over Godel's Theorem. You would think he would learn... Some people are just beyond I hope I guess.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Oh, and Tiffany1, trust me, you weren't hearing a science geek.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    So I think the Rolling Stones peaked with "Exile on Main Street". They had some good stuff afterwards, "It's Only Rock and Roll" for example. Opinions vary. By "Tatoo You" I think they were almost embarrasing.
  • T-Bone
    19 years ago
    AN - Funny, i used to hear this little science geek bitch all the time. He must have found another geek to play pattycake with. My ears feel better already ;)
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Ah, "Without effort" is your claim to fame. The effort is half the fun for us "geeks". Doesn't trouble me none. I'll take a higher success rate if requires a bit of (enjoyable) work, as opposed to less effort and waiting to "get lucky". Sorry, you lose, dumbass.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    tiffany: and here is where I win over you and Yoda and other "intuitionists" shall we call them?

    I know how to make it a repeatable process that will work when I want it to (which is actually a small number of cases).

    You two have to play a numbers game and hope to get lucky. Sorry, you lose. Loser.
  • T-Bone
    19 years ago
    I get laid. A lot. Without effort.

    Yep, you lose geek.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    tiffany1, do you hear anything? I haven't for weeks. I'm having a good time on this board again. Just a thought.
  • T-Bone
    19 years ago
    Boo hoo.

    I'm the one getting laid science boy. You're the one reading the "how to" manual. You lose.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Nah, I figured it out too (probably years quicker than you did, too). Nice try, though. Any other blank in your fersome arsenal to fire at me?
  • davids
    19 years ago
    tiffany: Looks like I blew your logic apart and now you are going to resort to insults and name calling and run away like a scared little boy. Just like all the other posters here. Figures.

    The posters you named aren't worthy of any courtesy or respect. Like you they have no logical skills, or ability to articulate anything, and can only resort to insults and name calling to pathetically try to further their positions.
    Doesn't work though.

    My trick is to take a scientific approach to things. If that is bad then so be it, but I certainly won't be ashamed of my inclination to learn, experiment, and improve. I also don't think there is anything wrong with trying to accelerate the process or make it conscious either. Too bad that you do.

  • T-Bone
    19 years ago
    Davids - Once in a while, you manage to offer a nugget of common sense here. Sadly though, I have no interest in conversing with you.

    Start treating other posters on this board with some level of courtesy and respect (most notably Yoda, SC, AN, FONDL and JC), and I'd consider it.

    Until then - you're just the same young, inexperienced, pathetic, cocky for no reason, geek who is deperately trying to "learn" how to trick strippers into dating your insecure ass. Too bad you have to trick them...that sucks for you.

    Grow up, for everyone's sake.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Yoda: Geesh, Yoda just when I think you couldn't be more pathetic than "can't we all just get along?" you start crying "there is no right and wrong! just opinions! mine is as good as anyone elses! I don't have to change it!"

    Essshhh... Pathetic.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    Davids: What the fuck are you talking about? Nothing has been ripped from anywhere. You are so desperate to find a flaw in anyone elses logic that you shove your opinion down people's throats as reality. It's just an opinion. No better than mine or any other poster's opinion. Nothing has changed my view of women or dancers in many many years. NOTHING you could ever post will change it either. I go to clubs, I have fun, I avoid dancers that I don't like and I spend time with the dancers that I do....prety much the same as what I do with the rest of my time. The reality of how a dancer makes money doesn't make her a bad person, it makes her a dancer. The job is what it is but it's just a job. What part of that can't you handle?
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Ok, tiffany is clearly the real deal if he knows about the married/boyfriend thing not being an obstacle. Hence I'll ask a question:

    Why not date strippers providing they meet your normal dating criteria (e.g. not crazy or losers or whatever it is)? Then you can have sex with them a whole bunch of times.

    Do you ever have sex with the same strippers more than once? How long do these relationships typical last?
  • T-Bone
    19 years ago
    lotsoffun - i hate to rain on your parade dude, particularly because you may be the exception to the rule, but the last 5 strippers I've had sex with ITC and/or OTC were all married and all lied to thier PL trusting husbands about it.

    In fact, surprised a little, I've asked, "is your husband OK with this?" The reply was always, "well...he doesn't really like it, but he also doesn't know I fool around with anyone or this kinda thing can happen (FS, BBBJ)"

    Coincidence? I don't think so.

    In my experience I've found it disturbingly easier to lay married strippers vs. the single ones.

    I'm not saying your wife strays, but let's not incorrectly assume that a wedding ring or SO relationship keeps strippers faithful.
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    Ordinary women aren't much better than strippers, plus most of them don't look as good. So, in a sense, they are "just as good."

    We're no princes ourselves though.

    We're the schleps who go to the clubs to see them strip, instead of doing something a little more productive or interesting with our lives. Some of us schmucks even spend an inordinate time in the angry verbal mosh pit known as the Internet pointlessly bickering and bantering about this wretched excuse of a hobby.

    Every moment I spend here is one more moment I have something in common with a pathetic mentally deranged loser like RomanticLover. That doesn't sit too well with me. I think it's time for me to get out of here.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    JC says: Don't date strippers because they are losers. Oh, wait real women are just as bad (hence don't date them either?) See told you guys he was gay.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Yoda: you used to claim that strippers had no significant demographic differences from any other randomly selected group of women the same age. That they were "just as good".

    However, it is now clear from the posting here that many posters here think they are too much of losers too be worth dating. Yeah, fuck 'em if you can, but dating, bawk!

    Hence the old cornerstone of your world view has been ripped out from under you. My position has won over yours. You are a pathetic defeated man. Go join AN for a drink at the bar and commiserate in your sorrows.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    Davids: I actually agreed with most of your first post. Dancers who play the OTC card with no intention of following through are taking a gamble that will pay off most of the time. A guy will come in for months and spend money on them until he finaly realizes that the OTC part is never going to happen and moves on...usually to another dancer who will use the same line....

    Once again Davids I am confused about whre you think I have ever written that all stripers are angels. Strip clubs are not bible school. Dancers make money by convincing guys that they want to be with them-on one level or another. This is something that a customer should understand walking through the door. ITC you spend money on them, OTC can go either way. The bottom line is that you as the customer make the decision and don't let your little head take control of your wallet or your emotions.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Most day girls are married? Now there's a scary thought. I guess some guys have like 0 standards.
  • lotsoffun201
    19 years ago
    I am married to a dancer. We have a great relationship and she continues to dance since she likes the workout, and thinks it is better than aerobics and yoga. Her money is hers, and I never ask for a dime. She can do with it what she pleases, and is known as a clean, no roaming dancer. This is verified since I know ALL of the doormen and managers who look out for her. I don't beat her, or have ever laid a hand on her. She works days so she is ALWAYS home at night.

    By the way....most dancers are married, particularly the dayshift girls. Night girls usually have SO's. What I love is the stories about customers who get sold the fantasy and keep trying to date the girls. Just a little advice guys, take your experience for what it is, and if you get offered something OTC, or think you are going to get anywhere, it is highly unlikely.
  • Jpac73
    19 years ago
    Okay JC I agree with what you said, but it has prompted another question. Would you or any person on this board admit that your ATF or Favorite dancer lacks morals or in some cases is a whore? Yeah I know it sounds rude but we all know that some of these girls are Ho's. Some people(The more religiouse ones) think that by a girl just taking off her clothes to strangers makes her one regardless if she is having sex with anyone.

    Okay for me thinking about my former ATF "Faith" I wouldn't say that she is a whore but the truth is she does or did lack morals being naked in front of strange guys.
  • T-Bone
    19 years ago
    Dating material? Seriously? Who the hell goes to SCs to find a girlfriend? Bad idea. Now chasing after them for some OTC ass though....I find that aspect worthwhile.

    Many strippers are nuts...but crazy girls are often great in the sack or the backseat of your car ;)
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Good post by JC.

    I think about 0.5% would clearly make good dating material. Another 1% are iffy. Another 2% would make good friends. Now these numbers are my estimates based mostly on the night girls I've interacted with at Rick's. Starting about Feb/05 Rick's was forced to drastically up the quality of the girls it hired due to a need to present a better face to the public due to legal pressures. Hence I actually estimate that these numbers are going to be HIGHER than for the overall stripper population of the US.

    Ok, we got a number of people taking an anti-"Strippers are Angels" stance now. Time for Yoda to come in and do some Jedi level stripper ass-kissing to correct the problem.

  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    It isn't half of them; it's most of them, maybe all of them. Women working at strip clubs don't have a lot going for them other than their looks, or else they would have found a job doing something else.

    The only thing that keep strippers doing what they do is that they can make a lot more money stripping than working some shitty minimum wage job. The profession attracts either shallow, materialistic women who will do almost anything to make a lot of money and don't want to work too hard for it or women who are desperate for money because of their circumstances (single mother, drug habit, shopaholics) but not so desperate that they're willing to try other less savory professions.
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    When I was 17 years old, and about to leave to start college at Major Big Ten State University, my favorite aunt gave me this advice: "Don't sleep with anyone crazier than you are." Neither of us knew it at the time, but I think she was talking about strippers.

    I didn't always follow her advice. However, I always regretted those occasions when I didn't follow the advice, so it must have been sound.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Well actually if you dig down, they do know what they are doing is wrong, but they do it anyway. I think partly the thrill of power and feeling of being elevated above their victims gives them an artificial boost of self-esteem.

    Don't worry this weakness in their character can be used to your advantage.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    FONDL: A couple of reasons: a) they are ethically challenged so don't see anything wrong with it; b) this might cost them money with some customers, but for most it will make them more money so they play the odds. (Not all customers are as savvy/experienced as those who post here and read RL's warnings night after night.)
    19 years ago
    I agree it's usually best left in the club. Trouble is a lot of these girls assume that we're all looking for OTC action and they feel they have to string us along. That's exaclty what happened with my most recent fave. She kept suggesting that we get together outside, and when I finally agreed she backed out, and now we don't see each other anymore. I don't get it. Why do they do shit like that?
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