
Lamest Hustles

Thursday, December 8, 2005 8:15 PM
Here are some to get you guys started: - guessing my astrological sign (bad enough, but I had one not give up after she had made 5 wrong guesses!) - "this is your last chance to get a dance from me for two months because I have to go in for surgery" - "I've danced for you before..."


  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    What's your opinion of hustling in general?
  • komey1970
    19 years ago
    Once had one girl try to get me to spend money because she could not pay her hotel bill. She mentioned this after I agreed to get a dance. She was willing to do OTC for it. As I was low on cash at the time, I had to decline. She was nice enough looking that I might have done it.
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    Guys, this all was resolved four hundred years ago: "The fault, dear Brutus, lies not in our stars, but in ourselves."
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    With regards to astrology, it isn't even really the ridiculous notion that the position of the stars in relation to one's birth date could somehow affect one's destiny. It's the even more ridiculous notion that such revelations are not only possible but easily determined and generously shared for all to enjoy in a convenient, easy-to-read newspaper column or Web site.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    One thing I learned in a college Astronomy class (based on science) is that while astrology may have been started by people studying the stars, today's astrology is not based on any valid science. If you want some general advice it might be ok. At one time your sign was based upon the time of your birth and what constellation the sun was in at that time. Well for everyone that doesn't know astronomy, the stars do move after thousands of years and the sign you think you have is not the one that the sun was in at the time of your birth anymore. If you back up one maybe two signs in some cases, you'll have the sign of the star constellation the sun was in at the time of your birth. Now doesn't astrology look a bit more foolish? If you read and believe something though, you can make it happen or believe something to be real. Back to lamest hustles, I do not like it when dancers try to drag you off to the dance room either before even asking for a dance. I once had a dancer pull the chair I was in (it had wheels unfortunately) a good 30 ft before I put my feet down firmly enough to stop her. That was not a good way to make me go with her. I don't know why she pleaded so much with me but I was dead set against going anywhere with her after that.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Guys, do NOT make me post a 5,000 word deconstruction of Astrology and why it's a crock. We all know where that leads.
    19 years ago
    JC, I used to hate that too, when a girl tries to drag me off to the VIP room without ever asking. Except, once I walked into a club and within the first 30 seconds a girl grabbed me by the arm and said, "Quick, nobody's watching the cameras right now, if we go in back we can do anything we want to." Sounded like a real hustle, but the girl was cute and kinda funny so thought what the heck. Turned out it wasn't a hustle, she was for real. Turned out to be one of my best sessions ever. Now I try to keep an open mind. Chitown, I never thought much of it either, but my ATF swears by it and some of the things she's said about people she's never even met based solely on their sign are downright scary. The older I get the more I think there may be some truth to such stuff.
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    Good heavens, the last stripper to guess "my sign" got it right the first time. Too bad I think that astrology is a bunch of garbage.
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    Good topic. Cheesy, poorly phrased come-ons also suck, even from the best looking of women. I also hate the hustlers who try to drag you off to the private dance room without even asking.
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