
Strip club ratings v. stripper ratings.

Friday, December 23, 2005 1:02 PM
A thread that has since dropped off of this board asked if dancers were aware of this site and its system of rating strip clubs. As I recall, the consensus was that the vast majority of dancers had no such awareness. For some reason, I was thinking about this issue yesterday. I have, on occasion, discussed this board with dancers, and none of them have ever heard of it. The interesting thing, however, is the fact that they initially focus in on the idea that the ratings are given to DANCERS, not to clubs as a whole...and they are uniformly horrified by such a prospect. Once I have assured them that the establishments, not the dancers, are the subject of the numbers, they are OK with it. But I have seen veteran, experienced, worldly, seemingly hardened dancers almost blanch in horror at the idea that they might be graded/ranked/rated. The human ego is a strange thing. (From a practical matter, I doubt that such a thing would be possible on a club with a nationwide scope. There are few enough of us who have common experience with the same clubs, let alone individual dancers. Dancers change shifts, change clubs, and-horrors!--change stage names often enough to prevent any widespread dancer ratings. It may be possible on those boards that cast a narrower geographic net.)


  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    I agree that differing tastes and expectations are a reason why a particular number is likely meaningless. That is why, in my reviews, I try to avoid the adjectives, or at least put in a lot of descriptive words in addition to the adjectives. My dancer's EXCELLENT body, may not be so hot to you, if you like the 38DD, "Barbie Doll" Baywatch-extra type of figure, compared to my petite, flat-chested brunette with a rounded ass.
    19 years ago
    Dancers may not be aware of this site but many of them are aware of online discussions about them and their clubs. Some clubs have discussion boards on their web sites and many of the girls follow them closely. (And if you post something negative the clubs will quickly remove your comments.) Clubs that don't thave web sites often have active discussion boards elsewhere and the girls are very aware of those too. If someone posts someting negative about one of them, every girl in the place will be talking about it (some agreeing, some not) for weeks afterwards.
  • messaround
    19 years ago
    Hey FOUNDER..... maybe for the new year a new section to rate dancers?
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    I don't think dancer ratings would do much good and only cause problems unless they performed the same for everyone. For example one dancer may like me and give me special attention but won't do that with anyone else or visa versa for someone else. Guys look for different things as well. One guy might want big tits while another likes only natural small tits. One guy might want only high contact while another wants to just watch. You would have to have an accurate resume of private information to have a rating system mean much. The end result would be only the extreme dancers (extremely good or extremely bad) get a rating that stands out to be noticed. I think we already point out the names of con artists or scam artists if we find them. The really good ones we try to keep private so everyone else doesn't take her time away when we want to see her. The other major problem with stripper ratings would be actually knowing about all the strippers. I can go to a club for years and still see new dancers every week since there is some high turnover in some clubs. Even the same female may be nice one week and horny like hell the next and cool the next week.
  • komey1970
    19 years ago
    I think it's difficult to rate a strip club without rating the strippers. After all, that is the real reason most of us go there. Granted, people have differant tastes, but if you give a general impression of what you may find (i.e. most girls are A-cups, or fake tits). That would give someone else an idea what they may find.
  • DandyDan
    19 years ago
    I have to disagree with Korney on this. While for the most part, stripclubs are only as good as the strippers who dance for them, sometimes the club can be better or worse than the dancers. If you have a club with highly rated dancers who are generally unavailable for lapdances, you aren't going to rate it highly. And sometimes lowly rated dancers can give great lapdances, thus raising the club higher than the dancers.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    It would be very hard to rate individual dancers. Frankly, I don't even put much stock into club ratings. Every customer has different expectations from a dance or a dancer. My "personality girl" might get a "10" from me but onyl a "3" from some guy who was looking for a bit more contact. Interestingly, I participate in a website that posts reviews for escorts and they are VERY much aware of the ratings and reviews that they recieve.
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