
How many clubs have you reviewed.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005 4:33 AM
I noticed that I just hit the 30 reviews, but the majority are on two clubs I pop into on a regular basis. These clubs don't get reviewed a lot, so on my monthly visits I usually try to update the trend for the local readers (one is going seriously downhill, at least the day shift, the other hanging on). If you count clubs, I have 7 unique clubs reviewed in the last year. What's your count?


  • pop
    19 years ago
    I'm not sure. There are 13 different clubs listed on my page, but I remember posting reviews for others that must be older and expired. And I thought that I rarely did reviews.
    19 years ago
    For a long time I never bothered to review clubs unless I liked them or unless they were so bad it was funny to write about. But that's when I was traveling a lot and visiting a lot of different clubs. Now that I go a lot less often I review them all. But I haven't tried any new ones in a long time.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    21 reviews. 17 clubs.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    21 reviews. 17 clubs. All since May of last year, so just enough to keep active.
  • DandyDan
    19 years ago
    I have 24 different clubs reviewed out of 38 reviews. I don't always review the clubs I go to most unless there is a big change to report, or if I'm close to having my membership lapse. I've had more clubs reviewed, but they have since closed.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    I was referring to competition playing online games. I don't really care if I have more reviews than someone else.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    While some people like to have their names, pics, or nicks posted for all to see, I often like to go unnoticed so I try to avoid being in the top 40 (maybe if the founder offered anonymous as an option on the top 40 I would post more reviews). I suppose if I was in a competition and the ranking displayed the winners, I would like it. Unless that meant everyone was out to play against one of the top guns to try to knock him down.
  • komey1970
    19 years ago
    5 clubs - don't know how many reviews. Nor do I care.
  • ShotDisc
    19 years ago
    my best guess is since I have been reviewing here I have reviewed almost 50 clubs and placed almost 150 reviews. at one time about 5 yrs ago, I was the number one reviewer for 6 months running. stopped traveling and lost most of my reviews. Add in another 12-15 clubs I have visited prior to finding this site.
  • Doverman
    19 years ago
    I had reviewed many of South Florida's fine establishments before this became a member site. Now that I've moved to an area with decent clubs I'll start hitting the streets again and review them. The sacrifices we make......
  • lousybuck
    19 years ago
    11 reviews, 11 clubs. I don't have a 'regular' club since I now only club when I travel. I tend to go to the same cities (Phoenix, Austin, Dallas, San Diego, DC) but go to a diffent club each time. Having a regular club a few years ago (MBOT) was not really working for me financially. This system seems to keep me more to the moderate side.
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    23 reviews, 16 unique. I had more reviews entered before the database crash last year plus reviews that were entered into the old TUSCL database before it became membership-based.
  • minnow
    19 years ago
    14 rev./11 clubs
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    Six distinct clubs.
    19 years ago
    I'm listed as having 15 reviews, and several of those are of the same club. But I know that some of my older ones have disappeared and long ago I wrote reviews on another site. So I'd guess I've probably reviewed about 25-30 different clubs in total. I once wrote a review of all the DC clubs in a single review, so that's about 7 right there.
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