
Comments by casualguy (page 150)

  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Strippers on another website posting about their HATRED and RESENTMENT of custom
    It would be nice if RL posted something of greater value than a vague statement such as some strippers hate their customers or some guys manipulate strippers. Tell us the web site, the club, the who when and where of the facts if there really is any.
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    19 years ago
    Informal Survey-Breasts, butts or legs?
    I enjoy looking at shaved pussies. Of course nice breasts, ass and legs are also nice along with a pretty face.
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    19 years ago
    Being nice to a dancer you don't want to be with
    I've gotten in a habit of saying maybe later because of a few strippers who just sit, stand or argue forever if I say no. Then I meet a few dancers who actually believe me when I say maybe later and they keep coming back again and again and again. I used to just say no thanks, I'm not interested until one girl argued with me for over 15 minutes before I changed my response to maybe later. I just wanted to get rid of her but she seemed to be enjoying arguing with me. I don't understand why that one dancer was so persistently on my case after I must have told her no over a hundred times by now.
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    19 years ago
    davids vs. RomanticLover
    Here's a quote from those two which sums up almost all of their threads "(Please keep in mind in reading this post that what I am posting here could well be a work of fiction.)" Either it's fiction or they are trying to run the davids and RomanticLover stripper dating service for unsuspecting men out there. RomanticLover needs to get a new keyboard as well. His caps lock key keeps getting stuck.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Personal Hygiene
    I prefer to be clean instead of hot and sweaty. However after a number of dancers have rubbed up against me I start smelling like a few of them. The smoke smell in clubs is the worst smell of all though. My sense of smell is pretty good if the smoke hasn't killed it. I can't stand to be near people who have too strong of an odor even if it just perfume. If the dancer smells like food though, I can usually handle that.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    I believe I read on here one time that all it takes is 3 drinks and almost any girl can become bi and be attracted to other girls. Some girls also seem to say they are lesbians but they seem to reserve the right to ask out any guy who they like. I sometimes think the lesbian mind is like a guy's mind but in a female body.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    A simple reminder.
    Shadowcat: prices are going up here in South Carolina so you may have to spend a little bit more. I just saw where a gallon of gas went from 2.05 to 2.07 in just a few days. :) We need to try to hold the line on price increases everywhere. It may now cost me an extra whopping twenty cents to get to a club now. :( sarcasm off :) I believe prices are lower here in general for most things which is good for me. I'll have to find out which hotel is charging only $50 a night, I think I've been getting ripped off when I travel.
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    19 years ago
    Stripclub Heaven/Stripclub Hell
    FONDL, you have timers in your VIP room? Your VIP room must be more similiar to what clubs around here call Champagne rooms which I have never been in. I always get lap dances in a regular vip room which doesn't cost anything extra to go into and there is no timer although privacy is not that great. In fact some dancers just sit and chat for awhile no charge before I get a dance from them at a two for one reduced price.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Favorite quotes
    Dancer "wanna dance?" Guy "I was just going to the rest room." Dancer joking "well, can I tag along and hold it for you?" Two dancers sitting at your table talking about something, you zone out from their conversation until you suddenly hear one dancer say "I better knock on wood." She didn't knock on the table.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Reviews -- Shorter the Better?
    If I read a review that states the guy couldn't wait to get the hell out of the club and that the dancers looked like they were competing with the hog farm to be the biggest hog, I think that says enough. I don't need to know more.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Getting back to Strip Clubs...
    I'm still perfecting the perfect lap dance. When I decide what it is I'll report back. It might take a lot of practice though. It's a tough job but somebody has to do it.
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    19 years ago
    Reviews -- Shorter the Better?
    Short reviews for really bad clubs, more details though for better clubs. I want to know details if I ever do visit.
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    19 years ago
    Personal Hygiene
    Sometimes you might wonder about some dancer's complements. Such as a dancer who not only says you smell good but then she licks you on your arm and says "oh, you taste good too." She did hang around my table for awhile.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Reviews -- Shorter the Better?
    FONDL, feel free to go check out the clubs consistently rated 1 or 2 on this site and please tell us how much of a good time you had. I doubt it's going to be very much. I try to avoid clubs rated that bad unless it's just one disgruntled reviewer.
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    19 years ago
    Getting back to Strip Clubs...
    $10 to $15 per song on average. I usually get at least two though.
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    19 years ago
    Top clubs on your wish list?
    I'm planning on visiting shadowcat's favorite club when I get more free time (don't know when that will be). It's only a 90 minute drive for me (one way). My lack of visiting probably has more to do with not enjoying standing room only crowds on the weekend and that is usually when I have free time. If all I did was get lap dances, it probably would be a cost savings to go to Columbia but I usually only get a few dances at prices slightly higher than what shadowcat gets without dealing with the hassle of not being able to find a seat and much too loud music noise. On the other hand though, it can be nice to watch dancers struggling through a mass of people just to get to me. I might enjoy going to some clubs with a lot of top notch eye candy but not bother with getting any lap dances. Seems amusing to me that some dancers accuse you of teasing if you don't get dances from them.
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    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Finger Sucking Strippers
    I've seen it but it didn't really do anything for me. I got more interested when a dancer undid my belt and started sucking on my belt taking it into her mouth. That seemed more suggestive to me. Of course if a dancer wanted to do this during a dance, I would prefer a normal dance and let them play around when they are just chatting.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Ever Offended a Stripper By Asking for Extras/Private Shows/Dates?
    I overheard a dancer be offended and it was at shadowcat's favorite club. The impression that strippers in general always do extras is a fantasy in my opinion and customers can offend. However, I guess if a stripper encounters enough guys like on here, they'll get used to it and won't be as offended by the question.
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    19 years ago
    Ever Offended a Stripper By Asking for Extras/Private Shows/Dates?
    Shadowcat: sounds like a good way to be labeled the club jerk asking how much for an extra? It might be a nice fantasy some guys have to just go to any strip club and expect extras. I believe dancers will be offended at many if not most strip clubs unless they have customers like the above being jerks all the time.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    "Feature" Dancers
    I've enjoyed a few feature entertainers and a long time ago I believe I actually got some lap dances from one or two of them at a reasonable price. There was one that I enjoyed quite a bit and another that got me a bit upset at her. The one that got me upset started ripping my shirt open and ruined my shirt. I can handle lipstick all over my shorts since that washes off (different feature) but ripping off my clothes costs me money and I don't enjoy that. If the features are hot and are nice to me, I do like them.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Things they think we like, but we don't...
    A few dancers will squeeze your nipples. I certainly don't enjoy that. I remember at one time in a military town the dancers suddenly seemed to be into biting the genitals but they were biting too hard I thought. I think they got the hint after I said OW. They must have been dancing for some numb drunk guys before me. I also do not enjoy a tongue in my ear. Maybe some guys do. Another one would be rubbing the bikini area in my face when she has lots of razor stubble. It's not pleasant to get rubbed like that.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Reviews -- Shorter the Better?
    I read your review FONDL. Is this normal in the northeast that if a dancer sits with you, you are expected to pay her something? I'll have to remember to just say no if I ever travel to the northeast and someone I'm not that interested in asks to sit with me. Here where I live, a dancer occasionally asks to sit with me and I don't usually pay her anything unless I get a dance.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Lap Dances that HURT.
    I once got injured during a table dance. The dancer was very wild doing acrobatics on my lap going up and down too fast etc. and then something on her leg cut my leg. I noticed and felt the pain afterwards as blood oozed down my leg. I heard other guys in the restroom stating the club needs a safety permit for that dancer. Fortunately I only remember getting injured on that one dance. Some other dances in other clubs may have temporarily hurt but they didn't draw blood. If a dance hurts, it usually the dancers knees pressing into you too hard or the stupid nipple squeeze some dancers seem to want to do. That hurts and I try to avoid those dancers.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Front or back?
    I like the position with the girl facing me sitting on my lap. If I see a dancer staring off into space or looking for her next dance for much longer than a couple of seconds instead of doing the lap dance, she won't be getting any more from me. As far as RL goes he is a troll, who's been posting the same old tired messages for years nonstop I've heard. He doesn't respond to posts but will revive old dead threads anyway. davids seems to be RL's online friend which seems to say enough by itself.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Too many favorites in one place, what to do?
    If any stripper shows some intelligence, davids will say they are an exception and make up his own statistic to make it sound official. It's nice to see a female posting on here again and not getting ticked off by davids and RL's hateful messages. Welcome to the discussion board TropicalH2O.