
Top clubs on your wish list?

Here's one to see what we think of this board's utility. Which clubs in the US have you never visited, but would like to visit? Is this based on the reviews or word of mouth from friends? How far would you go to make the visit happen? Would you only go if you were already in the area, or say schedule a stopover on a trip, or maybe even make a special trip?

Here are my top 3.

1) The Sundowner. Not quite fair since I am often in the greater Niagra region, but I'd make a special side trip into Canada just to go, and I may some day. While on the trip I'd probably make a point to hit some other Falls clubs, so I'll leave them out.

2) Mons Venus/2001 They may not be what they used to be from the reviews, but I'd just like to see. I was planning a vacation a few winters ago and considered making it in Tampa just to see these clubs (so I guess that almost counts as a trip for them). In the end I went to Miami since I had friends in the area.

3) Market Street Cinema/Mitchell Bros. Also slightly unfair since I go to SF on a semi-regular basis, but I've never been in a whore house. I am curious. Call this one a side trip.


    19 years ago
    Chandler, Partners Tavern is actually a pretty annoying place because of the setup. But the girls, the rules (or more accurately the lack thereof) and the privacy are something special.

    I'd like to visit some Canadian clubs again. It's been a long time.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    FONDL, I mentioned Partner's Tavern, although there's no reason I can imagine that I would ever find myself within a 90 minute drive of Erie. That's exactly the type of colorful little joint that I take note of when I scan the reviews. I could care less about all the precious metal clubs, shadowcat's excepted.
    19 years ago
    Shadowcat, I'm not sure if it was intentional or not, but your use of "bare" as opposed to "bear" was very humorous. A Freudian slip maybe?
    19 years ago
    I'd like to visit Tootsie's and about a dozen other places in FL because I think FL has the world's best clubs. I'd also like to visit Shadowcat's PP out of curiousity but I doubt if I would like it very much (I really hate super-loud music.) But the place I'd most like to visit (again) is Brad's in Indy, which I think is the best club I've ever been to (that's still in business - a couple places in Key West had it beat.)

    Incidently, several of you mentioned Partner's Tavern in Erie. Be forwarned - it's very popular and most of the really hot girls there spend most of their time with their regulars, so it can be difficult. Also they have this annoying thing where you have to buy your private dances in advance from the DJ and you have no idea how long it will take for the girl to get around to you. But if you have the patience it can be well worth the trouble.

    I'm also glad that no one listed the #1 rated NJ club whose name I can never remember - it's way overrated unless you really have a thing for high contact from average looking older women, many of whom are South American, at $30 per song.

    AN, I like McDoogals and would be a regular if they were open during the day. It's a very friendly laid back place and moderately priced for Baltimore. Much better than any of the DC clubs. I've never been to Wagon Wheel - it sounds expensive. I don't much like Showcase Theater.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Actually using the Pink Board isn't a bad strategy ChiTown. Looks like Houston and south Florida are the places to go right now. Maybe someone should pose as a dancer and start a post over there asking where the worst places to work are.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    TeenyWeeny: About six

    You are right nothing has changed since the law passed. The changes in Rick's starting happening in Feb 2005 in anticipation of legal problems.

    Go run now if this is as much debate as you can handle.

    shadowcat: Can't beleive you took that so seriously. I remember the exact context of the thread. It was obviously a joke. Your reaction to it and that you are still hung up on it this much later really makes me worry about you. Get a grip, man.
  • TeenyWeeny
    19 years ago
    so davids... how many times have you been there since the law was passed? i've been there twice. nothing has changed.

    Y'all can believe whatever you want. I'm done with posting as long as idiots like davids are around
  • davids
    19 years ago
    The law is not in effect yet, but Rick's did try to take some pre-emptive action to try and head it off or at least give them stronger ground to fight it on. Yes, Rick's has changed.

    AN: I don't think I have any real "enemies" here. I was just joking. I know I am one of the more loved posters since I tell it like it is: good and bad. One day you guys will understand. I have hope.
  • TeenyWeeny
    19 years ago
    Ricks in Seattle is not related with the club of the same name in Houston. The one in Seattle is owned by an 88yr old guy who has been in and out of prison for racketeering and tax evasion. "Seattle's version of the Mafia" is what he was known by in the 60's.

    BTW - nothing has changed at Ricks, contrary to what davids is saying. Though the law has passed, it isn't scheduled to go into effect for a few months. Also, guess my tastes are quite different from davids. I do not find the dancers at DejaVu attractive (as a whole) at all.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    davids, "enemies?" You have "enemies" on this board? Am I your arch nemesis? I'm not sure why, I just find that concept kind of amusing.

    More on topic, isn't Rick's a public corporation? I believe they are the same chain that operates in Houston, etc.
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    I see that one of the more vocal Pinkies recently took a stab at dancing at a few if the well-known clubs in Houston, and is now pronouncing it the most disgusting strip club city in the universe, and saying that she will never dance there again.

    That's good enough for me. Next stop is Southwestairlines. com, to book my flight into Hobby.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Word on the street is that Rick's is no longer the highest mileage club in the Seattle area (big legal trouble lately: see the club chat). The club with the best mileage is now rumored to be Honeys and Foxs.

    Nor does it have the best looking girls (on average): that title goes to the DV just a couple of miles up the street from Rick's.

    What Rick's does have however is the most "interesting" culture. Very aggressive hustling here if that is your cup of tea. I think some of the women are going for the real big scores here: Suckers who they can play OTC for the real big bucks.

    If any of you guys are ever in Seattle (yes this even includes my enemies) look me up and we can go on a tour.

    I want to try Treasures in Vegas. I also hope Scores in Vegas hasn't changed much since my last visit: I think that would be the ideal club for me these days.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    Sorry, I misplaced my decoder ring & thought that was "Col" for Colorado.
  • TeenyWeeny
    19 years ago
    Au contraire my good man... City of Industry could possibly be at the top of the list.

    MBOT was kinda sleazy IMO and didn't really feel like a strip club.

    Hoping to make it to Houston some time next year.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    TW: None of those places you've been are known for good mileage, except for San Francisco.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    See, Shadow, if only you were the type of man who's looking for extras, you would appreciate Rick's better.
  • TeenyWeeny
    19 years ago
    Depends on what you are looking for. If it is "extras", then Rick's very well deserves to be in the top 40 (I've been to clubs in Van, Port, LV, Reno, CoI, LA, SF, Chi, Milw). You would not have to ask about extras, they expect it.. which appears to be unlike most of the country based on the thread about "extras" FWIW
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    By the way, if we ever have a thread for 'Best Club Names', Mons Venus absolutely OWNS that title.
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    Officer- They haven't raided the Mons or 2001 in years. Instead, they started raiding Pink Pony and Gold Rush, places where you could pay a stripper for sex in the VIP rooms. Both these places got shut down and have recently reopened under new, stricter management (now Crazy Horse and Gold Club, respectively).
  • Officer
    19 years ago
    I'm still kicking myself for not going to Rick's in Seattle (I didn't know about this site then) and Mons Venus and 2001 Odyssey in Tampa in 1999 when they were rated among the top clubs in the U.S. (this was before all the raids started and the clubs got worse because a lot of pretty dancers left). But I guess I can still check out some of the other clubs on the top 40.
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    I'm debating whether to take a year-end strip mining trip to Houston. I would like to hit, in a long afternoon/evening/night session, Colorado Bar and Grill (for old times sake), Cover Girls (same; I used to visit it when it was Paradise. The first time I went to club, when I stopped my car, I noticed that the guy in the car on my driver's side was getting a blow job. I then looked over to my passenger's side, and saw a guy in his car getting a blowjob, but two girls were involved.), St. James, and Treasures. However, I hear the Pinkies are taking over St. James, so maybe Centerfolds would be a better choice for number 4.
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    I have been to the Platinum Plus in Columbia. It was one of the clubs I visited while in South Carolina. This was a decade ago so I am sure the place has changed a bit since those days.
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    My to-go list here: Vegas, LA, SF, and Houston. I would have found out about Vegas and LA on my own, but I don't think I would have found out about SF and Houston without TUSCL.

    I've been to Seattle, South Florida, Tampa, Detroit, and South Carolina. All were as advertised here on TUSCL except South Carolina, but my time in South Carolina was long ago. Things must have changed between now and then.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    What I meant to get around to saying is you guys should include some Detroit clubs on your lists. Especially the Flight Club, Playhouse, maybe the Landing Strip and Trumpps. I've just returned to them recently after a long time away, mostly due to the $25 dances, and I had almost forgotten how special Detroit lapdances are. The girls in these top clubs have really turned the dry hump into an art form unlike anything practiced in all the other towns I've been to.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Other area clubs I'd like to visit (area being about a 2 hr drive radius) are Manhattan Players Club (rated #12 presently) and McDougal's in Baltimore, Show 'n Tel and Cheerleaders in Philly, and Playhouse Lounge (presently rated #1) in Burlington, NJ. I just don't usually bother to go that far for a club.
  • metaldude
    19 years ago
    AN: No problem. My first response was also an attempt at humor, "cost per hole" (although I don't usaully see 18 in a SC). My second was TMI, I'll try to keep it lighter.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    Back in the mid-90s, almost immediately after my first experiences at lap dance clubs, which were in Detroit, I began making trips to strip club hotspots. Over the next 2-3 hears, I hit Tampa, San Francisco, Memphis, and everything within a six hour drive from home: Toronto, Niagara Falls, St. Louis, Indianapolis. Many of the clubs I visited had incredible mileage, even for a newcomer. At Mons Venus or Sundowner, anybody can walk in and, within five minutes, be into a lapdance with a knockout chick with great two-way contact.

    In the end, however, I learned that there's no place like home. Assuming you live reasonably close to decent club, you can learn to get anything there you could get on the road. Not so much by becoming known as a regular, as by learning the ropes. And it means more that way. Your home club is a continuing narrative. Any dope can buy a plane ticket to Tampa and grope tits all he wants. It's more fun when the other guys getting dances are sitting on their hands. And, as much as I enjoy seeing new clubs full of strippers I've never laid eyes (nor hands) on, over time, you should see enough turnover in the cast at your home club to keep things interesting. Nowadays, my main interest in out-of-town clubs isn't in finding new frontiers in mileage so much as "local color", the types of eccentricities that came up in the 'Odd Local Customs' thread.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    chandler, Partners Tavern is another I might be able to do on a side trip to the region. I'll let you know if I do. There is another Erie club that was actually involved in a supreme court case. Maybe I should visit that one too.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    metaldude, I don't doubt that you can do both. I was just making a joke, then my second post was to explain my assumption. The overall point is that as often as we may feel guilty for our hobbies, I guarantee there is someone out there with a different (or even the same) hobby that is just as bad, if not worse. I think my friend is pretty far gone on golf, and that is one reason I refuse to take it up. Now, fishing... there's an expensive hobby. You got your graphite rod, the boat...
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    PP Columbia is high on my list, and I plan to be in the area sometime in the next few weeks. About 90 minutes away, actually, but I'm gonna do my best to make it there.

    I'd love to try quite a few funky little joints that sound like fun from the reviews on TUSCL, but I'll probably never get to them. A couple that come to mind: The Outhouse in Lawrence, Kansas and Partners Tavern in Erie, PA (mentioned by FONDL and others).

    Also, the recent 'Top Clubs for Lookers' thread made me realize how few of those places I've seen with my high-mileage focus. Whatever the South Florida clubs were, they would be on my list, as long as decent lapdances were available nearby once I got bored with looking.

    I've been to most of the other clubs mentioned, except whatever is in Texas, which I don't think I'd care for.
  • metaldude
    19 years ago
    AN: You're right I wasn't considering all my expenses. But I don't belong to a private club. My local public is only $18 for residents and I walk so no cart fee. I do buy toys. And I do travel for golf (at least that's I what I tell my wife). 2 weekends this year and a couple of day trips and those courses are usually $100+. All in I'm probably about equal on both hobbies. But I do think I can just about feed both habits (at their current burn rate) with your friends $5,000/yr total. Now, if you add in the gambling that's a whole other story.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    I have a friend who works in the hospitality industry. He recently took a slight paycut to work for a company with several golf courses. He figured the $5,000 ish paycut would be more than offset by what he'd save by having no greens fees at several local courses. I KNOW I don't spend $5,000/year on clubbing, so I based my assessment on that. He may be a bit more addicted than some others. Bought any titanium drivers lately? Lessons?
  • metaldude
    19 years ago
    Absolutely as addictive, no way as expensive. At least when you calculate it as per hour costs! Or per hole for that matter.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Sounds like metaldude has a hobby more addictive than stripclubs, and more expensive too.
  • metaldude
    19 years ago
    South Carolina's far enough south for golf, count me in!
  • travelingthrough
    19 years ago
    Bad morning... Can't even spell Shekitout's name correctly. See what late nights and strippers does to my brain? (It's like the old anti-drug commercial: "This is your brain. This is your brain on strippers. Any questions?")
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Yes, PP in Columbia is at number 4 or 5. I guess the fact that the Niagra Falls and SF clubs are close to where I travel frequently makes them a little easier to consider. The SF clubs are more about a morbid curiosity than any wish to pay $200 for a handjob. They are rather infamous, as are Mons and 2001.

    We need to schedule a TUSCL-DB convention at PP so we can all experience the stripclub heaven that Shadow and Sheik always write about.
  • travelingthrough
    19 years ago
    I really need to make a trip down to PP in Columbia, SC to see what Shadowcat and Sheikout are always writing about. Does that count?
  • metaldude
    19 years ago
    About 7 years ago, I started taking annual trips for business/golf/SC's to Hilton Head. 3 years ago the business reason went away but I wanted to continue the golf/SC portion. Since the SC scene in Hilton Head sucks I started looking for other places that were more conducive. So far I've concentrated on Fla, Tampa (twice) and West Palm, because they seem to have the best combinations. Good weather, even in Feb, and good SC's. Doing this I've already crossed Mons/Ybor off my list.

    As far as other places I've read about here. Houston, SF, and Hammond Ind. come to mind. I would love to try Treasures, St James and Rick's in Houston but that's a little too far to go for golf.

    In SF of course I'd like to see what Mitchell's is all about. I don't think this is going to happen though as there's no way I'd get to the SF area without my wife, she loves it there.

    I'll be going to Chicago in Nov foir business and I will make sure to take a long cab ride to Hammond for the IS.

    Other than that I guess for now I'll stick with FL. I'd like to try the Miami area next. Although I haven't started to do any homework on the SC's there yet.
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    Shekitout - Possible. The one I'm talking about was behind a Comfort Inn just off the interstate (I-26?) and near the airport. It had a back room for VIP dances, a bathroom with a piss trough (never seen that in a strip club anywhere else), and the interior of the place looked like a bar or restaurant in a former incarnation.
  • Shekitout
    19 years ago
    JC-Don't think the Platinum Plus in Columbia has been in existence for 10 years. There might have been another club somewhere else in South Carolina using that name 10 years ago. PP in Columbia was another strip club before it became PP. 2 different night clubs were in the building in the past before it became a strip club for the first time & then became PP.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    I'm planning on visiting shadowcat's favorite club when I get more free time (don't know when that will be). It's only a 90 minute drive for me (one way). My lack of visiting probably has more to do with not enjoying standing room only crowds on the weekend and that is usually when I have free time. If all I did was get lap dances, it probably would be a cost savings to go to Columbia but I usually only get a few dances at prices slightly higher than what shadowcat gets without dealing with the hassle of not being able to find a seat and much too loud music noise. On the other hand though, it can be nice to watch dancers struggling through a mass of people just to get to me. I might enjoy going to some clubs with a lot of top notch eye candy but not bother with getting any lap dances. Seems amusing to me that some dancers accuse you of teasing if you don't get dances from them.
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