
Comments by casualguy (page 151)

  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Hobby or vice?
    I looked up in google definitions of hobby and vice and believe going to clubs for me is a part time hobby or recreational pursuit done in some spare time. I put this in the same category as playing golf, going to the movies, or a number of other recreational activities done for fun or enjoyment. I see the definition of vice seems to be a bit evil or against the moral standards of the community and do not see strip clubs that way. I suppose for some a hobby can become a vice if they are spending more money than they can afford to and it results in other problems. Not being able to say no can be a serious problem. At different times I've had a dancer approach me out of the blue and ask me to her a drink. I just told her no and she seemed slightly surprised. I believe going to strip clubs has actually gotten me in the habit of saying no. I'm usually more agreeable though if someone has been sitting and talking to me for a while.
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    19 years ago
    Hobby or vice?
    meant to say buy her a drink but this discussion board has no edit feature.
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    19 years ago
    Too many favorites in one place, what to do?
    davids I forgot exactly why you go to strip clubs and post on strip club sites. Is it because you love conflict? I've met and seen some people who enjoy seeing how riled up they can get someone. I believe davids has kissed RL's ass much better than anyone here. I prefer sticking with females myself.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Things they think we like, but we don't...
    This is probably not common but I add another. If a dancer is on a cage like stage and she climbs up a couple of poles and puts her high heels on your shoulders to let you get a better view or do some slightly acrobatic move (not sure which it was), those heels do not feel good at all on my shoulder especially if they start digging in. A long time ago in a military town, some guys apparently got all the dancers into biting. If I've been drinking and I'm a bit numb,a little nibbling or gentle biting on my member doesn't hurt but I'm not into some dancer chomping down on me either until I say OW. Biting my face or squeezing my nipples has never done anything for me except possibly cause pain. I don't mind a dancer asking if I like something during a lap dance.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Should I go back or not?
    You actually believe you get less dancers coming over to you when you go alone? I find the opposite. Of course I go to a larger club where there are lots of dancers walking around. I suppose in that particular club I go to, a single guy would draw more dancers than a table full of female customers or a table with a couple or a bunch of college folks with a male and female mix. As to whether or not go back, all you have to do is weigh your alternatives of what you feel like doing, such as play golf, play computer games, chat online, etc. I would probably go back myself if the drive wasn't too much of a hassle just because my curiosity would make me go. There is also what I call the fun factor. Fun factor: What can I do to have the most fun with the least amount of hassle?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    $1dollar table dances
    I used to see that a lot. Some clubs used to do that all the time and it seems to work for the girls and some of the guys who were interested. I haven't seen this in the last couple of years. At the clubs I am going to, I'm glad they don't do that since I am more selective of who I tip now. It worked and probably still does at some clubs by the DJ announcing it and the bouncers or club people going around making sure anyone who needs some one dollar tips has them ahead of time. Then the DJ tells the guys to hold up a dollar if they want a quick dance. Then the song changes and the process repeats for a total of 5 to 10 minutes. I forgot how long they did that. It's nothing new to me but I haven't seen it in a while.
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    19 years ago
    Stripper's Outfits
    I believe I enjoy the cheerleader outfit. I was wondering why and wondered if may have had something to do with a high school cheerleader who sat right beside me in one high school class and she often wore her uniform showing off her nice sexy legs. Some of those high school girls were such good teases. Shorts above the knee were not allowed (strict dress code) but school uniforms such as a cheerleader outfit were ok. I knew some other cheerleaders but they didn't constantly sit right beside me in their uniform. I still find the outfit to be sexy if a dancer has nice legs.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Strange things men have done with or to a dancer during a lap dance.
    I remember years ago during one dance a dancer turned her back on me which turned me off especially since she stayed like that for awhile so I grabbed my beer, started drinking it and watching some of the other girls doing lap dances since the girl in front of me wasn't paying any attention. That is until she turned around after she saw other dancers smiling and looking towards me. The dancer in front of me suddenly was surprised to see I was ignoring her, drinking a beer, and watching the other girls. I think I made my point about what I thought about her dance. Other than this, I don't remember doing anything strange to a dancer during a lapdance.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Stripper's Outfits
    I remember one girl had a nice outfit on for the Christmas season. It was a Santa hat (red and white) and a short ms santa skirt (for a little while), then she opened up her legs and I saw a tiny little Santa jingling from her pierced clit. I never saw Santa dangling from the clit before, lol. I think it may have been a little plastic charm decoration that looked like Santa. Completely naked may be the best dancer outfit though.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Should I go back or not?
    I agree with SuperDude on that. If a club is boring, don't hang around unless you're very confident it will get better. I would seek out other clubs or other recreational activities to have fun. I believe I would rather watch a good movie than go to a boring strip club or do a number of other things. That's kind of why I wish they would have some entertaining video arcade machines in strip clubs so you can do other things at a strip club if you wish. I'm not talking about some video gambling machine either. I prefer working machines that play things like Daytona 500, some shoot em up arcade machines, and some other old style machines including some good pinball machines. I just don't see that in strip clubs anymore at least where I live. A strip club is supposed to be about having fun entertainment I thought.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Stripper names and what they mean...
    It might be helpful to try to remember a dancers name for a few minutes in case she tries to scam you. Then you can warn other people about her. I tend to not remember 99 percent of dancer names I hear. Since they aren't usually real, it is nice to not hear a bunch of criticism for not remembering names. If dancers started telling me their real names, I'd probably hear a bunch of griping about me not remembering them so I'm fine with all the fake names. I used to be surprised at how many dancers remember my name and me considering they may have only seen me once or twice months ago. I mentioned this to one dancer and she told me I was unique and down to earth without all the crap they hear from everyone else. Then she told me I was not an ordinary strip club customer. I guess that was a compliment. I also started wondering what kind of crap all you guys are telling the dancers, lol.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    You know you've been spending too much time in nudie bars when...
    Here's another one which I saw recently. You know you've been going too much when you feel it's ok to pick an out of the way chair. Sit back, relax, put your cap over your face and fall asleep. That was funny because some guy from the crowd was putting tips on the stage in front of this big sleeping guy (when the stage dancer wasn't looking) and one dancer tried shaking him quite a bit to wake him up but no luck, lol. A bouncer eventually came over and had him wake up and leave.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    You know you've been spending too much time in nudie bars when...
    The girl working the cash register wants to see your id but the doorman who normally checks id's just waves you through.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    You know you've been spending too much time in nudie bars when...
    You know you may have been going too much if you feel slightly disturbed when a dancer you've never seen before comes up to you and asks you "have you ever been here before?" I say yes a few times. Then she says, "well, I've been dancing here over 2 years and I've never seen you before."
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    South Carolina
    Prostitute vs dancer
    If you look at things from the perspective that anyone who sleeps with someone of the opposite sex for 1 million dollars is a prostitute, I believe 85 to 95 percent of the entire population consists of prostitutes. I believe most guys would be willing to have sex with a number of females if they were paid much less than a million.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Strange things men have done with or to a dancer during a lap dance.
    Now if this topic was strange things dancers have done to guys, I might add more.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Other activities
    Strip clubs are obviously too expensive in other parts of the country. I could spend hours in multiple strip clubs and not spend $200. If I was having a really good time buying several dances from lots of different dancers I could spend that much. Deciding where to go or what to do is not really a money issue with me. There are times when I have other favorite activities such as spending time with family or friends or doing other things. Therefore going to strip clubs has become a bit more of a time issue rather than money issue. Sometimes I get tired of the family and friends and in laws and can't wait to do something different.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Other activities
    I just thought of what my biggest activity after work seems to be. If it's not already apparent, it must be getting online. I seem to be online almost every single day doing one thing or another. It seems addictive even though I get online at work for work and at home for information, news, discussions, theories, etc. but it uses up a lot of time.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    North Iowa
    Strip club burnout
    It's a blast when strip clubs are fun. I seem to spend more money when I'm having fun. A number of hot young sexy and friendly dancers keep things interesting for me.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Is Dancing at a SC a way for girls to have control over men?
    It's been my experience that a lot of people seem to be attracted to people they can't have or who are not interested in them. I remember years ago a new but very hot looking girl where I work at started working but I found out she was already married so that kind of shot me down fast. Then I keep encountering at least a few women I am not interested in occasionally making me offers to do this or that with them. They are just not my type but some people keep trying if they keep seeing you in their presence.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    You ever made a deal with one of your favorites?
    I usually have a rule to never loan any money or possessions you want to a stripper. However I once had an ATF and she made me an offer if I loaned her $100 or rather gave it to her. She said she would dance for me for half price in the club as long as I saw her. It worked good for me for two years and then she said I saved enough and needed to charge me regular club prices. I probably wouldn't have agreed in the first place but I knew where she lived and had her name and phone number.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    You ever made a deal with one of your favorites?
    hmmm, now that I posted that above, I wonder if she did that on purpose so she could do more dances for me. That doesn't sound like a typical dancer tactic but I didn't know any better at that time. I don't recall any other dancer who seemed to be so fanatic over me as she was. Of course maybe she seemed fanatic because she would mysteriously appear and chase away other dancers if they seemed to be talking to me for a while longer than normal. That was the only ATF that I started learning her schedule so I could try to occasionally visit her club when she was not working. It might be nice to have a hot sexy young dancer all over you some of the time but not the same one all the time at a strip club.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    You ever made a deal with one of your favorites?
    I was a bit more of a risk taker at that time and I had been over to her house a few times so we were friendly but not that friendly at that time. This was over 10 years ago so money was worth a bit more back then. However, I believe she made up the money for that in just 2 or 3 visits to the strip club. If I got 4 lap dances from her each time at $10 per dance instead of the normal club price of $20 then I believe I recouped that risk in just 2.5 visits. I guess in hind site, I was experiencing my own version of current dance prices at shadowcat's favorite club. Of course I haven't been there in over a year so I don't know if they are getting $25 for a two for one now or not. FONDL, I think I would need a big salary increase if I moved to your area.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    Will gas prices raise the price of dances?
    The price of gas has dropped over 10 cents recently where I live. It was as high as 2.49 at one station and a little bit higher still at some others but now that price at the same station is 2.39. While driving around last night in another city I saw prices as low as 2.29 but that was not a major national brand. I'm not quite as concerned about gas prices as I was a couple of weeks ago.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How Much Are LDs in Your Region?
    I believe I am getting dances as good as shadowcat's and I don't pay any more than $10 up to $15 per dance but I always get at least two sometimes even 4 or 6 if I like the dances. If I get multiple dances, I can usually get another for $10. However I complained to one dancer on my last visit I thought the DJ was cutting the songs short. If that keeps up, I will either wait late into the night before I get any dances (when the DJ stops messing with the music player) or refuse to get any dances above $10 average price. With gas shortages in my area and breaking $3 gallon, I think I will just stay home for awhile and skip the strip clubs. I live in the southeast.