
davids vs. RomanticLover

Wednesday, July 27, 2005 7:59 PM
Who takes the crown for making the most annoying and/or pointless posts?


  • RomanticLover
    18 years ago
    What happened with this?
  • PBTC
    18 years ago
    You should ask who needs the most attention in their pathetic lives. I guess the ignore doesn't work for a subject, unfortunately.
  • JC2003
    18 years ago
    Thread necromancy for the win. Nice one, RL.
  • RomanticLover
    18 years ago
    Who does make sense?
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    Suicide is a viable alternative.
  • davids
    18 years ago
    I noticed that chandler "bumping" rampage started just a few minutes after RL was done posting today. This is conclusive evidence that chandler and RL are the same person.
  • JC2003
    18 years ago
    I feel sorry for both guys. I wish they could get over whatever it is that has them so messed up and move on with their lives before it's too late.
  • RomanticLover
    18 years ago
    Ahh the FANTASY of getting ROMANTIC INVOLVEMENT from strippers
  • RomanticLover
    18 years ago
    Who posts about here
  • mtang
    19 years ago
    Not sure what you mean by that, either one of us have time to respond we don't have a timer here. Anyway I stayed in the argument actually to see maybe if I wasn't getting something, since I've found sometimes if I take the high road too early I'm actually the one missing the point. But you're right the whole discussion board carries a fantastic element we don't use our real names (though we try to make real arguments).
  • Clubber
    19 years ago
    No use having a battle of wits with someone half prepared. Enjoy your fantasy world!
  • mtang
    19 years ago
    Yo: You implied "someone" (other than RL and davids) became the most annoying and pointless poster, thereby posting "about them." Which makes you the next annoying and pointless poster.
  • Clubber
    19 years ago
    mtang, I spoke of those who post about them, not them. Therefore your statement is inaccurate. Apology accepted!
  • mtang
    19 years ago
    Clubber: By your line of reasoning you became the most annoying and/or pointless poster by posting that message... except by posting this I just took the crown back... hmm...
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    Here's a quote from those two which sums up almost all of their threads "(Please keep in mind in reading this post that what I am posting here could well be a work of fiction.)" Either it's fiction or they are trying to run the davids and RomanticLover stripper dating service for unsuspecting men out there. RomanticLover needs to get a new keyboard as well. His caps lock key keeps getting stuck.
  • Clubber
    19 years ago
    The amazing thing is... That some will post ANYTHING about those two. Now who might be the most annoying and pointless?
    19 years ago
    RL and davids are both annoying assholes who have nothing interesting to say, so I don't bother reading their BS anymore, they're just trying to start trouble. If nobody ever responded to them they'd eventually go away. Strippers don't make $5,000 a night, these days most of them would be ecstatic making $500 a night. Some girls will tell you they make a lot more than they actually do to make you feel obligated to tip them more, it's a common stripper tactic. Ignore it.
  • mtang
    19 years ago
    I think I'll keep bumping this topic back up just to show RomanticLover how annoying this practice is. As an aside I was at a SC last night and a stripper told me she can make up to $5,000 a night, I say that's a bunch of BS, what do you guys think?
  • jctone
    19 years ago
    RL just likes to bump his topics back up on the board to keep RL up there on top.
  • komey1970
    19 years ago
    If RL didn't make 3 topics for practically the same thing, I could see the usefulness of them for newbies to the scene. Also, it was mentioned he really isn't interested in discussing or following up on them.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    I find DavidS far less annoying.
  • Mouse
    19 years ago
    Davids, do you really think you're going to out stripper the strippers? They make a living at their game - providing the so-called "fasntasy" - and they do it almost daily. These ladies are experts at the con game and getting customer money. Good luck. If you figure a way to consistently get free dances or extras, please post it. I won't hold my breath, and I think you understand.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    As I've said before I beleive that RL is the most underrated poster on this board. Sure he recycles his material too much, abuses CAPITALIZATION, and doesn't engage in any real discussion after he posts (or bumps up) his threads. But he does tell things like they are, often proposes thought provoking question, and occasionally has some real flash of insight about the SC culture. Plus he's just plain funny. Also keep in mind that his post seems to be more aimed toward sparring newbies some grief than for helping out veterans. I give RL an A- for his work here. As for me, I intend to change my emphasis in future posts from pointing out what strippers weaknesses are and how one must be weary of their lack of ethics to how to turn the tables on them: The SC culture won't be undergoing any big changes barring unforseen economic booms or busts or unexpected legal changes. Thus, in the future, I will try and focus my posts more on knowing the strategies and mindset of strippers, and using this knowledge to turn the tables on them to get the most out of one's SC dollar. So for example in the past where I may have observed "Strippers lie alot and say they are their friends when they are not" and then debating the ethics of this, in the future I will just make the observation and then try and think of ways to turn this behaviour back on them so as to make ones visit all the more enjoyable. Wish me luck, Your friend, David S.
  • jctone
    19 years ago
    I agree with Yoda. RL is pointless.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    RL's are pointless since he has no interet in debating the topics he raises. I don't agree with davids most of the time but at least he presents an argument and sticks to it.
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