
Comments by casualguy (page 147)

  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Dating Strippers
    To hang out with some strippers and friends after club hours, you might either be a bit crazy or fearless yourself traveling to places unknown around town with people you don't know. One stripper who I guess was a friend of the stripper I was with brought up the subject of a recent plane crash (this was years ago) that killed and burned a number of people on a nearby base. A male friend of another stripper suddenly started going off saying to the one girl "why did you have to bring up that shit" or something like that. He was supposed to be there but was elsewhere (maybe something to do with nights out with strippers??, you do tend to sleep in later than normal) Anyway he was declared officially dead by the military. He was thinking about not showing up for work on Monday as well. I don't think he was too happy about it all. I never heard anything in the news about this story either. I guess the military doesn't tell the newspapers stories like this.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Those who disaprove of adult entertainment:
    I believe if you believe you're going to have a bad time or not like it, your wish/vision has a much better chance of coming true. Therefore I don't recommend people try something they have a strong negative opinion of.
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    19 years ago
    Just curious, what the biggest load of bs you ever told a stripper?
    I usually tell things like they are as well but I've known times when I may have drunk more than normal and I started creating stories. They must have been good stories because I remember strippers talking about them on later visits and I didn't remember very much about what story I told. I've heard a lot of true stories that sound more interesting than fiction anyway.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Do you agree with this or not?
    I have been surrounded by female customers on occasion in two or three clubs here in South Carolina. Something about the atmosphere seemed to change though when there seems to be so many female customers in a gentlemen's club. I didn't mind though. It did seem strange to look around and see over a dozen girls and only two or 3 guys sitting near the tables next to me. I like it when some of the female customers go to tip the dancers on stage and go topless themselves. Some of them may have been going to support a friend who entered the amateur contest but maybe they just think it's a big party.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Strippers mingling with customers
    Mingling may be considered to be work and perhaps the strippers didn't feel like starting work when the club is slow. I've seen where on Monday morning, some people don't seem totally interested in getting to work immediately and like to chat with co-workers, read email and junk mail etc. before getting into the standard daily grind. Just my opinion.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Here is a quote apparently written by a stripper
    hmmm, I wonder who would have misquoted that...
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Those who disaprove of adult entertainment:
    FONDL, if everyone was like you and found sex with hot looking girls they just met was boring and sad, I bet there would be a very ordered society. If I meet a hot looking girl and things progress rapidly, I certainly wouldn't think it was boring or sad.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    OKAY,ENOUGH...Where DO you all get the MOST mileage?????
    I often get the most mileage on top of a bed. LOL
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Had no idea people here could be so IGNORANT
    Extra note: I also ask what is the dance price ahead of time. I made this a habit after getting ripped off a few times by some unscrupulous dancers.
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    19 years ago
    Had no idea people here could be so IGNORANT
    If you are new to a club you might want to observe a dancer perform on stage and tip her and ask if she would be interested in coming over to your table to dance for you and your husband. I believe some dancers may not want to and others may be a bit shy about approaching couples who they think are just there to watch only. I've noticed dancers like to go after a guy sitting by himself thinking he is easier pickings. If other dancers see you getting dances, you might get approached by others if the club really is couples friendly. Just my opinion though. I haven't been to any strip clubs in Illinois.
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    19 years ago
    Had no idea people here could be so IGNORANT
    This discussion board actually used to just a big pissing match between anonymous dancers and people like RL. Everyone was anonymous except for the name they keyed into the description for their post. It was extremely ignorant back then. RL though is still here though just posting one or two line statements/questions. I actually enjoy hearing other intelligent views and like hearing enthusiastic females post. For the first time in a club though, I would expect low mileage. Sorry I didn't mean to write a book here.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Biggest threat to strip clubs ever?
    Quote "By the way, this won't have any effect in states that have their own constitutional prohibition against the State taking any property for private use. I know of several in this category." Do you know of a link or list of those states? I was thinking of writing senators and congressmen to get new laws passed to protect private property but didn't want to if we already have some laws. Is South Carolina and North Carolina on the list? I do not believe it's fair to compensate someone at fair market value for their property they do not wish to sell. Perhaps twice market value would be fair. The increase would help pay for moving expenses and moving to a less desirable area and possibly much less desirable commutes, traffic, and all other kinds of hassles. I really do not like the thought that now people who run big business can decide oh, let's build a mall here, a strip outlet here, and a hotel here, and just forget about all the neighborhoods and long time citizens living in an area. I understand the community can decide a new highway or public buildings may be necessary at times, however I strongly disagree with this Supreme court decision. I think we need some new laws to protect private property. I don't think it's fair to pay someone existing fair market value for their property and kick them out for a privately owned development.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Biggest threat to strip clubs ever?
    I know of one strip club that was closed in NC so that the city could build a new police station. I don't think it was a coincidence that the location was where the strip club was at. This was years ago so some cities have already been doing this sort of thing. The strip club simply move to a new location. It seems like strip clubs may be of some public benefit as well so I wonder if anyone has considered that strip clubs may be generating significant tax revenue and churches don't. I doubt this would happen but couldn't a large privately owned adult entertainment complex be located where a church was at and the privately owned church would have to sell at fair market value? Again I doubt this would happen but it seems possible now. It all depends on who is on the city council or your state politicians.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    I'm a girl, what type of lap dance would I get if I went w/o panties just wearin
    Well better luck next time.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What would your perfect club be like?
    I would like it if strippers would give me money to tip the dancers on stage. Then some hot looking girl got a topless dance from another dancer when she was sitting in front of me. Then she takes off her top as well. Very nice tits. Then other female customers go up to tip dancers on stage and reveal some nice nipples and tits themselves. Then the dances I get are very good as well. I like it when the club is like a big party. Oh wait, that was my night. I guess the dancers could dance for me for free but I have to be somewhat realistic I believe.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Surprises in the Club
    A recent first that I recall. A girl (probably one of the dancers) tossed me a two dollar bill and said go tip her (the girl on stage). I don't recall dancers I've never met before giving me money to go tip and then walk off. That may be the first time a dancer gave me money to tip.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Surprises in the Club
    I had a dancer point to another dancer who looked not quite like the normal dancers. She told me don't get a dance from her. That's a guy with a dick. I was thinking that would explain the slight difference in looks. I didn't ask if he/she was a hermaphrodite or someone waiting or who had a sex change. Sounded like someone who wanted one but didn't have one yet. I definitely appreciated that warning. On subsequent visits to that club, I wondered how ticked off those guys getting dances from "her" would be if they knew.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What kind of music would you like to hear in your ideal club?
    I like some classic rock. I also like Metallica, Megadeth, Godsmack, ACDC, and a number of other upbeat groups. I think country is like scratching a chalk board. Rap is just a step up but I really prefer rock with a beat or popular heavy metal music. If a club only played country, I believe I would avoid it like the plague. In college I once played my music deafening loud and it was vibrating the floors and walls. After 30 to 60 minutes of playing different songs and groups I heard someone knocking on my door. I was thinking oh darn it, someone's complaining. Instead of complaining, they said they loved every song I played and to keep it up. In spite of the fact I once played music so loud that suitemates claimed they could hear it half a mile away, it didn't hurt my ears like it did at shadowcat's favorite club.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How many strip clubs are there anyway?
    That is sad. Paying a girl to talk is like paying a guy to watch a favorite football game or to go to a strip club.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Words to consider
    I've seen strip clubs opposed by some churchgoers here in South Carolina and some clubs were shut down. They operated a successful business for years and then had to shutdown because I heard they were within 1000 ft of a church. Considering some religious groups like to put a church on every corner here in the south, it's probably hard to find a location zoned properly and not within 1000 ft or whatever the distance is now of a school, church, or neighborhood. I may have stopped going to strip clubs around that time but I kept hearing about strip clubs under attack on tv. I thought I better go before they close them all. I don't like someone trying to impose their beliefs on me through the use of the legal system.
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    19 years ago
    Words to consider
    Fondl, I'm mainly referring to what I believe was imposing new laws based on some people's religious beliefs against strip clubs using distance away from other buildings as the enforcement criteria. I just consider that to be an attack on strip clubs just because someone doesn't like them. I don't believe 100 ft or 500 ft really means a hill of beans as far as morality goes but that was the law used to shut down some strip clubs. If I could change the laws in this nation, I would have a few things be more liberal. I don't see a need for a law requiring females to wear bikini tops at the beach. I would change that law right away. I would immediately raise the speed limit on long stretches of empty divided highway. I would do away with the blue laws restricting the sale of beer and wine on Sunday. Yes, there are many things I would change. Overall though I believe we are still more free here than in other foreign countries. However, I see concerns that we are becoming a police state where every activity is monitored and our rights are being eroded for our own safety. I believe one of our founding fathers stated a phrase that applies to the United States today. by Benjamin Franklin "those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." source of quote found at http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Benjamin_Franklin
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Gedankenexperiment For Understanding The Stripper's "Mind"
    I thought about something along those lines not too long ago. I was thinking, it looks like this dancer is enjoying this dance better than I am. I was thinking she should reduce the price she asks me if she enjoys dancing for me so much.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Has this ever happened to you?
    I've heard the DJ speak up when they have a bachelor on stage that "We do not want to see mr pee pee!" I think that applies to almost every gentlemen's club outside of san franscico. Your case is the first I heard of. I hope you learned not to do that again. I think someone caught doing this would be called a weirdo or wacko here on the east coast. Perhaps you watched Michael Jackson too much, I don't know.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Any Strippers Making Bank Without Doing Extras or Scamming Customers?
    davids do you have a rating scale? Such as you think 5% of strippers are outright evil, 23% bad to the bone, and the other 70% up to no good but they don't know any better? That leaves 2% as good. davids is such a nice person judging everyone. I bet you get all the girls going after you, lol.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Strippers who LIE about being WORRIED about their SAFETY OUTSIDE THE CLUB
    Perhaps davids is wrong. Perhaps a number of guys and couples and girls for that matter go to strip clubs just to have fun. Maybe (especially the girls) already have enough pussy to satisfy themselves and just think going to a strip club every once in a while is like a party. davids is good at putting everything into the same boat. davids why are you posting so much this weekend on a stripper site anyway? You have nothing better to do or did some stripper tick you off again?