I think that most strippers who are top earners are either doing extras (ITC or OTC) or are scamming there customers in some way (consciously manipulating them into thinking there is the possibility of OTC sex and/or a relationship (friend or lover) when there is not).
On the other hand, I am willing to entertain the possibility that some girls are just so good looking that they are making alot of money from the non-regular customers who are hoping that the hot girl will also turn out to be naughty.
Any other ways that girls can make good coin that I am missing?
LapFan, that used to be a winning formula. But at many clubs today there are so many dancers that even that doesn't work well anymore. I was in a club yesterday afternoon that had about 30 girls working and about 4 customers, all of whom were sitting with dancers they knew. Many clubs today are hiring every girl who walks through the door and the club makes it's money from the girls, not the customers. I call that exploitation. In that situation the new girls pretty much have to do extras to make any money, and that puts pressure on the existing ones to do the same.
Nope. They are all criminals and scam artists. At least that is what self appointed expert davids tells us. We should believe him because by his own admission he hardly goes to strip clubs anymore.
Here's a concept They bust their ass. They are always working the floor. They have a little bit of salesman ship in them and they sell them selves (not like a prostitute but rather like you sell your self during an interview) They simply bust their ass and make good bank.
My ATF was easily the top earner in her club and never did extras. She has a great personality, a very friendly manner that makes everyone feel special, a lot of intelligence and wit, a smile that lights up a room, and is a hard and dependable worker. She's very cute but by no means a knockout. When she quit and became a waitress in another club she was still a top earner and made more than most of the dancers. She had her own group of regulars. Just because of her persosnality.
My current fav is one of the top earners in her club and she never does any extras. She's easily the best looking girl there (she won their $5,000 beauty contest last year), has a nice personality, is intelligent, works hard, and is a very good stage dancer.
That's just two examples. I've known a lot of dancers who made very good money without resorting to extras. All it takes is an attractive appearance (both the girls mentioned above work out regularly and watch their weight closely), intelligence, and a pleasing personality, and a willingness to work hard. In my experience the extras girls generally lack at least one of those attributes.
Davids: Again, why can't you state your opinions without resorting to personal insults? What makes your opinion a of dancers any better than mine? I know good strippers and bad strippers and I avoid the bad ones. It's as simple as that. You keep ranting about people with differeing opinions being attacked on this board but you are doing the exact same thing yourslef. What makes you better?
Great the self appointed "expert" on strippers and strip clubs hardly even goes to clubs anymore. Yet he blathers on endlessly about something he admits he knows little about. What a dildo.
I think Yoda has it right. He makes a decision to interact with dancers that appreciate him and not looking to take his money, just making a living. If you treat people including dancers with some form of respect, you sometimes get it back.
Some of us on this board seems to have been burned hard by some dancers and are taking it out on everyone else. Not all dancers are bad. Not all people are good. Nothing is absolute. So those of you who are so negative and angry, let it go. You will enjoy life more that way.
I don't go to strip clubs anymore (well ok, once every couple of month just to see how things are evolving).
I do, however, find this board interesting because of how deeply in denial some posters are about the true nature of strippers. The most amazing thing is that these strippers have some posters (Yoda, in particular) so whipped that they won't even post honest opinions in an anonymous forum.
Very strange as to what Yoda's true motivation could be: certainly his posts are so devoid of objective truth that there must be something strange going on.
Is he just a guy who can't accurately comprehend what he sees in reality and just misinterprets everything? Is he a guy with some financial interest in strip clubs? A guy in love with a stripper so he doesn't want to admit what strippers really are to himself or the world? Do strippers know his online identity so when he posts it's to impress them (and then he posts his true thoughts under the nick RL)? Maybe he just has no sense of right or wrong, so of course it's ok for strippers to lie, steal and scam. Why should that bother him?
I guess if we just apply Occam's razor the simplest explanation is just that the guy's an idiot.
It seems that this board reflects society, some of us will complain about anything good or bad. You can either focus on the positive side of life or the negative side. If you don't enjoy doing something, then change. If you keep picking the dancers that burn you, then look at changing your choices.
We all enjoy going to similar places and talking about it. Each of us will have a different point of view of the experience, some are good and some are not. Let's be a little more accepting of others' position on the same topic.
When it comes down to it, we all enjoy the experience.
Why are so hostile toward me, parodyman? Is it because I don't worship strippers, but have a realistic attitude about who they are? Did I say something to hurt you, a lover, wife, daughter, or a "friend" of yours? Are you a stripper yourself, perhaps?
davids: whare do you get these numbers from? 2%? Did you make that up or did you have some factual basis for your bullshit? Such a hostile little fuck you seem to be. Whats the matter? Did a stripper hurt you at some point in your formative years? Or could it be that you are RL's inbread cousin?
causalguy says: "when I see lots of negativity I tend to respond likewise". Me too.
I also respond with lots of negativity to the lying, stealing, and scamming that the stripping culture (and its ass-kissing apologists like Yoda) condone.
I'm not trying to judge anyone. However when I see lots of negativity I tend to respond likewise if I type before thinking about it. I haven't really studied strippers either so maybe I'm just lucky most of the time and usually only encounter the nice strippers. Of course it's possible most strippers are just nice to me and not everyone else.
I think it's more a thing of people adopting "group think": Young girls get into the stripping culture and for the most part they absorb the attitudes of those around them: e.g. lying, stealing, and samming are ok, here are xyz lame rationalizations which demonstrate it.
Some girls reject this right way and (I am told from inside sources) they typically hit the road within the first couple of weeks. Of course you don't hear from them to get their take on things because they aren't work there and probable are as far away from that culture as they can get.
I would say an exceptional 2% of strippers are immune to the group think and have minds of their own: they don't adopt the evil attitudes of their coworkers despite incentives like (maybe) making more money by doing so and gaining greater acceptance from their peers. Those are the 2% I consider good.
As I say, if you factored in the girls who start stripping but then bail in the first two weeks the number would be higher than 2%.
(Needless to say people mindlessly adopting the evil attitudes of those around them is nothing new as any psychologist/sociologist/ or historian knows.)
davids do you have a rating scale? Such as you think 5% of strippers are outright evil, 23% bad to the bone, and the other 70% up to no good but they don't know any better? That leaves 2% as good. davids is such a nice person judging everyone. I bet you get all the girls going after you, lol.
davids: Why does that surprise you? You are pretty good at it yourself. I'm not denying that bad dancers exist but you seem reluctant to aknowledge that good ones exist as well. Maybe you're just hanging out with the wrong dancers.
Sure Yoda, just to see how whipped/deluded/ass-kissing the responses I would get would be. Kind of surprised how people can look at a situation and only see what they want to see and what makes them look good as opposed to what's really there. "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!"
Davids: What is there to explian? Some pretty girls do extras, some ugly girls don't. Just like some pretty girls will screw you for the price of dinner and some ugly girls won't.
Okay, I may be naive here, but where are these clubs with the extras? How did you find them. Ill be traveling the midwest this summer and would like to fine one or two with out spending my time and money in clubs that only have air dances.
I know that TUSCL is a good place to start, but a "good time" or YMMV, YMWV are very vague. Do you ask the stripper if she does extra? Or do you just tip and hope?
One did not have to "look" for extras at Rick's: Extras came looking for you. Everyone in Seattle who went there knew that, or if they did't they did after their first visit.
Well at least that was the old Rick's. Now it's tame since the cops have been cracking down. The new hot spot (so I have been told) is...
Davids: I read your post. "I think blah blah blah....". Well gee, that must be just as good as having a spread sheet of dancer earnings nation-wide with an itemized breakdown of services offered. You have no way of knowing who earns what. What you have is a set of pre-concieved notions as to what you think dancers do for money. I just don't buy it. I know girls who give head and girls who sip champagne with their gowns still on and they are both making about the same money on a regular basis. I also know dancers in no-contact Massachusetts clubs who do better than girls in high-contact Rhode Island clubs. No extras, No OTC.
Davids: The top bank girls in my favorite club don't do extras. They work a lot harder at entertaining us, than those that do extras in my limited experience. Every customer is looking for different things. I'll take contact, I'm not looking for sex in the club.
Davids: You seem to think that what you observe in strip clubs from some dancers is the only way that any dancer in any strip club anywhere in the world could possibly be behaving. That simply isn't the case. There is no ass-kissing involved here since almost no women read this board. My observations are very different than yours. Yes SOME women do extras, some beautiful women do them(you should see the honey that I got a BJ from last month at my favorite extras club). But, in my experience and in the clubs that I go to, extras girls are by-far in the minority. You have formed a prejudice against every dancer you've never met based on your experiences with a few.
Why then does business tank at strip clubs when the police start clamping down on strippers for doing extras if the customers are only there for personality and looks. Please, let's not be so naive or ass-kissing folks.
Every part of the business is important for the overall success of it. Looks and personality dancers are just one of the many components of a complete business. If there is a loss of one or more component, then it will impact the overall business.
Davids: You seem to think that what you observe in strip clubs from some dancers is the only way that any dancer in any strip club anywhere in the world could possibly be behaving. That simply isn't the case. There is no ass-kissing involved here since almost no women read this board. My observations are very different than yours. Yes SOME women do extras, some beautiful women do them(you should see the honey that I got a BJ from last month at my favorite extras club). But, in my experience and in the clubs that I go to, extras girls are by-far in the minority. You have formed a prejudice against every dancer you've never met based on your experiences with a few.
There will always be more lonely and horny guys than there are dancers. So they have a built in market to make good money. Looks and personality will separate the winners from the rest.
Doesn't make any logical sense Yoda: Why are good looking girls with good personalities doing extras at all then if it's not going to help them make money? Maybe they are secretly into fat 50 year old guys?
There are plenty of dancers who do very well without doing extras ITC or OTC. If you go to a club looking for extras, extras girls are the only ones that you are going to pay any attention to. Meanwhile there are tons of dancers making good money on their looks and, dare I say it, personality.
Forgive my shallowness but what does "good dancer" mean for a stripper in the absence of extras? Sort of a sensual tease which I have been told someone guys are into?
Or they could just be a good dancer with great personality.
Some regulars will continue to spend money and time with some dancers even after the dancer tell them they are in a relationship. This is just a hope that one day, they will break up with their boyfriend and spend time with the regular who is there for them.
There are people who are willing to spend money on a dancer to keep their place in the hypothetical line for a chance to date the dancer.
It is part of the fantasy. I will keep spending money and time on her, and she will one day go out with me. Some dancers will be very forthcoming to the customers and tell them that they are in a relationship.
last commentMy current fav is one of the top earners in her club and she never does any extras. She's easily the best looking girl there (she won their $5,000 beauty contest last year), has a nice personality, is intelligent, works hard, and is a very good stage dancer.
That's just two examples. I've known a lot of dancers who made very good money without resorting to extras. All it takes is an attractive appearance (both the girls mentioned above work out regularly and watch their weight closely), intelligence, and a pleasing personality, and a willingness to work hard. In my experience the extras girls generally lack at least one of those attributes.
Some of us on this board seems to have been burned hard by some dancers and are taking it out on everyone else. Not all dancers are bad. Not all people are good. Nothing is absolute. So those of you who are so negative and angry, let it go. You will enjoy life more that way.
I do, however, find this board interesting because of how deeply in denial some posters are about the true nature of strippers. The most amazing thing is that these strippers have some posters (Yoda, in particular) so whipped that they won't even post honest opinions in an anonymous forum.
Very strange as to what Yoda's true motivation could be: certainly his posts are so devoid of objective truth that there must be something strange going on.
Is he just a guy who can't accurately comprehend what he sees in reality and just misinterprets everything? Is he a guy with some financial interest in strip clubs? A guy in love with a stripper so he doesn't want to admit what strippers really are to himself or the world? Do strippers know his online identity so when he posts it's to impress them (and then he posts his true thoughts under the nick RL)? Maybe he just has no sense of right or wrong, so of course it's ok for strippers to lie, steal and scam. Why should that bother him?
I guess if we just apply Occam's razor the simplest explanation is just that the guy's an idiot.
When it comes down to it, we all enjoy the experience.
I also respond with lots of negativity to the lying, stealing, and scamming that the stripping culture (and its ass-kissing apologists like Yoda) condone.
Some girls reject this right way and (I am told from inside sources) they typically hit the road within the first couple of weeks. Of course you don't hear from them to get their take on things because they aren't work there and probable are as far away from that culture as they can get.
I would say an exceptional 2% of strippers are immune to the group think and have minds of their own: they don't adopt the evil attitudes of their coworkers despite incentives like (maybe) making more money by doing so and gaining greater acceptance from their peers. Those are the 2% I consider good.
As I say, if you factored in the girls who start stripping but then bail in the first two weeks the number would be higher than 2%.
(Needless to say people mindlessly adopting the evil attitudes of those around them is nothing new as any psychologist/sociologist/ or historian knows.)
I know that TUSCL is a good place to start, but a "good time" or YMMV, YMWV are very vague. Do you ask the stripper if she does extra? Or do you just tip and hope?
Well at least that was the old Rick's. Now it's tame since the cops have been cracking down. The new hot spot (so I have been told) is...
Yeah I have no experience with what strippers do for money and I've never talked to any about it.
My observations are very different than yours. Yes SOME women do extras, some beautiful women do them(you should see the honey that I got a BJ from last month at my favorite extras club). But, in my experience and in the clubs that I go to, extras girls are by-far in the minority. You have formed a prejudice against every dancer you've never met based on your experiences with a few.
My observations are very different than yours. Yes SOME women do extras, some beautiful women do them(you should see the honey that I got a BJ from last month at my favorite extras club). But, in my experience and in the clubs that I go to, extras girls are by-far in the minority. You have formed a prejudice against every dancer you've never met based on your experiences with a few.
Some regulars will continue to spend money and time with some dancers even after the dancer tell them they are in a relationship. This is just a hope that one day, they will break up with their boyfriend and spend time with the regular who is there for them.
There are people who are willing to spend money on a dancer to keep their place in the hypothetical line for a chance to date the dancer.
It is part of the fantasy. I will keep spending money and time on her, and she will one day go out with me. Some dancers will be very forthcoming to the customers and tell them that they are in a relationship.