
Comments by casualguy (page 146)

  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Strippers who are looking for FINANCIAL STABILITY as a substitute for LOVE
    RL are you still wasting your money paying strippers for conversation? Just give it up and move on if they don't want anything to do with you.
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    19 years ago
    Covered somewhat before, but...
    You could also take advantage of the situation and the girl will leave more than not. Keep getting up to tip other girls at the stage. Or go to the restroom and see if she is still there when you come back. Of course if she thinks she is getting a dance from you, she might actually wait for you to get back.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    has this ever happened to you
    The hottest looking girl in a club would turn me off real fast to her if she tried to rip me off. I believe I would think of her as a scam artist instead of a hot looking girl after that. I wouldn't get any more dances from her either so those kind of girls probably do not stay long working the same club. I always ask for a dancers prices ahead of time and ask reminders after what I think was the formal agreed upon dance time. I will ask was that the end of the two for one? Maybe this is the reason I tend to get dances from the same dancers and just say no to almost any unfamiliar dancer. I know what to expect without getting scammed.
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    19 years ago
    Customers looking to BUY AFFECTION in strip clubs, not just SEX
    Maybe you should go to a shrink and confess RL. That might be one way you might get some counseling for your problem. Of course I've had no training in psychology so I might be just adding to your insanity. You SHOULD seek help. I will agree with that.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Sneaky lap dances
    Since most of us posting here are guys, we don't know. Although it seems entertaining to think about it. I suppose if you are looking for some girl on girl fun, you might find it. I'm not familiar with the Chicago area though. Is your husband ok with all of this? He might know about the clubs.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    The FRAUDULENT reviews by "Club Reviewer 2"
    While Kyle apparently loves this club, I found it amusing to read some other reviews other than Kyle’s. I reposted here for your enjoyment. Reposted a part from killer69's review here: "This place is a dump. It should be burned down and built over again. Fat not hot women are all you will find in this place. They have no business being dancers and should choose another profession. AVOID THIS CLUB!" and another review from rioboy here: “Absolute filthy cesspool. Stench of urine permeates the club. Massive hogs roam the dance stage. No cost savings can justify time wasted in this club.”
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What type of relationship - II
    shadowcat: Are you implying by law and order type that a lot of off duty law enforcement is going to your favorite club? Nothing wrong with that I guess but I was just curious.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    If a stripper gives you her e-mail address but refuses to give you her phone num
    I think strippers must change their phone numbers every few months if not sooner. In my case a stripper was right when she told me, "you're not going to remember my new number." I wonder if RL brings a pencil and notepad to the stripclubs in the hopes of getting a number and then worrying about not having any way to write it down to remember.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Ever had a stripper ASK you to PAY her for CONVERSATION? Did you PAY?
    I don't agree that strippers should be paid just for talking. Now if the talking leads to a lap dance, the dancer will get compensated for the lap dance but nothing more. If a customer is generous, he is free to tip more but I certainly don't think it's necessary. Unless of course you are acting like RL and demanding names, phone numbers, etc. I do sometimes buy drinks though. I usually prefer not to though. I once had a dancer ask me how long I was staying in a club one night and then she talked for a total of 3 hours. I bought one $10 dance each hour. She told me the manager would be on her case if she didn't get a dance every hour. So I guess that was some compensation as well. RL might even consider $10 an hour with a good table dance thrown in as a reasonable rate per hour,lol.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    do strippers like to be treated well?
    I think going to strip clubs can increase your confidence. Especially when you have dancers constantly coming by your table almost as if they are competing for your attention. In a regular bar, the guys usually have to go to the girls I believe. Of course this stuff is not usually what I'm thinking about when I'm in a club. I just want to relax and have fun.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Pictures . . .
    Taking pictures of dancers you meet outside the club would be a great way to help you to remember them. I just remembered I saw a guy with a cell phone taking pictures inside the club of the girls on stage. Most of the pics were too dark to see except when a club strobe light flashed. I didn't say anything because I didn't think the club management would give a darn about that at the club. However I could be wrong. I don't really care for strangers taking my pic inside of a club. Of course most clubs have so many cameras in a club you are constantly watched anyway.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    I'm a girl, what type of lap dance would I get if I went w/o panties just wearin
    I ended up in a threesome dance last weekend. I don't remember how I got into that situation. I guess one stripper was a friend of the stripper I was already getting a dance from and they didn't want to leave the lap dance room. The one dancer must have been bi because she was kissing the dancer in front of me then she kissed me in a three way. I had a few beers so I just went along for the ride.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    do strippers like to be treated well?
    I never really thought about being an alpha male but then I never really cared what everybody else thought about me either. I do remember several times I have been the first person to tip a dancer on stage and then a lot of other guys follow. I don't really know what all of the other guys seem to be waiting for. Lol, maybe they see how good a dance I got for $1 and then they want one. I like to make the dancers work for their dollar. :)
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Pictures . . .
    Hi Kyle, this sounds like this club could be RL's dream come true. I bet some of those 300 to 400 lb girls would be all over RL. Lol, seems amusing to me just thinking about it although slightly disgusting to me. Maybe RL will get lucky and even get a real name and phone number. Then he can post here about his new 400 lb dream girl stripper. It's just an idea. RL might want to try it out.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    No One Cares
    Determining what your mileage will be with a Stripper
    Shadowcat, I was sorta thinking along a similiar line last night watching some girls compete in a national bikini contest. One 18 year old casually brushed against my arm as she walked by. I was thinking yummy too. I found it curious that the same girl brushed against my arm again as she left the stage. Almost seems like flirting when a girl keeps brushing up against you. One girl was wearing something I never saw before in a contest. A dark brown ordinary beach bikini. I was thinking brown?? almost any other color would look sexier to me. However I chalked it up to inexperience since I lucked out to have her friend sit down beside me before the contest started. They were both college students and the one girl just decided a few days ago to compete in the contest. I could have helped her pick out a much sexier bikini easily. I think that would be fun too if I got to see the different looks. Lol, I just thought of a new volunteer service. Free sexy bikini looks advice, lol. Hmm, I might want to think about that one, I could have girls come over to my house and give free advice in the privacy of my house. how to advertise though... On second thought, I think I might get all kinds of girls I don't want coming over in addition to ones I do like. Oh well.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    No One Cares
    Determining what your mileage will be with a Stripper
    I guess I forgot to mention I wasn't in a strip club. They were playing strip club music though and had nice looking girls in bikinis. Who knows, some of those girls might be strippers. I knew the one in the ordinary brown bikini definitely was not. I thought one girl in the crowd was going to be in the contest but was not. She was wearing a short skirt and looked better than any stripper I've seen in a long time.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    going o a stripo club w/my husband
    Hope you had fun.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    FYI in case you don't know, just to keep this thread alive, someone will need to keep posting to it every 6 or 7 days.
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    19 years ago
    Alcohol and Other Stuff
    Beer and all drinks in general are very overpriced in strip clubs. I did visit one club in Columbia owned by the same people who own Shadowcat's favorite club that were charging only $1 for a bottle of beer and no limit that I knew of. The second time I went there I think the price increased to 1.50 or 2.00, not bad but not as inexpensive. A lot of clubs charge anywhere from 2.75 to 4.50 in a number of clubs. I don't mind as much paying a high price for a bottle of beer but paying a high price for a little cup of soda with ice or $4.00 for a tiny little bottle of water because you are real thirsty seems like highway robbery. It doesn't seem like it, it is highway robbery. I would actually like it if all strip clubs allowed byob (bring your own beer) but only nude clubs do that where I live at. Even with that, the clubs started to charge $3 per person extra admission but they do provide an inhouse cooler and ice.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    No One Cares
    Can you Reverse an Air Dance?
    It sucks when that happens especially when you weren't expecting it. It would be helpful if those dancers just wore big t-shirts stating "I only do air dances!!" The extremely bad dancers not do only air dances, they don't even look at the guy they are dancing for and instead look at something else or out into the crowd. I remember seeing that a long time ago. Those dances aren't even worth the one dollar tip I give to girls at the stage.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Do you agree with this or not?
    The female vice cop in the example above sounds like one of those strippers scamming people out of money by not performing or stealing or cheating the customer by starting near the end of one song. However in this case she cost him a lot more than $20 or $30 dollars. Sounds like very crooked vice girls roaming the streets only concerned about getting a guy, any guy who talks to her. She's even more despicable than a stripper who routinely scams customers in a strip club in my opinion.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    what really goes on in vip?
    I'm not completely sure what you are referring to as a vip room. I know some clubs call the vip room as a room with sofas that a lot of dancers take customers back to and perform lap dances in front of for $10 to $40 dollars in some clubs. These clubs often have a champagne room or other more private room where the costs skyrocket to hundreds of dollars just to get in (often includes a bottle of champagne I believe) and then you have to pay the dancer and tip on top of that. What goes on anywhere will of course depend on the individual dancer, her relationship with you or attitude, and how strict the management is and whether or not they closely watch (many hidden cameras in clubs now). I never desired to pay a club hundreds for a private room. I'm one of the guys only paying $10 to $15 per song for regular lap dances but I usually get at least two dances. I believe dance prices are a lot higher elsewhere in the country.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    what really goes on in vip?
    Extra note: The regular vip rooms where lap dances are performed that I know of are not that private. Lots of other customers and dancers are often within sight with bouncers keeping an eye on things hopefully off to the side and not right in front of you. The dancers at different clubs have told me about hidden cameras and visible cameras which also keep an eye on things. I prefer to know a bouncer is watching than some mysterious hidden camera even though the camera is better sometimes since it's not in your face. Then there are a few guys attempting to take pics within strip clubs using cameras or cell phones if the management didn't screen for it. I don't believe people are supposed to be doing that though.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    No One Cares
    Afternoon Strip Club Visits
    Heather, some clubs have fixed dance prices I believe and at some other clubs, the dancers are allowed to set their own price. Of course with the right dancer, flexibility might be a bit more common. Females may get a break on a dance price with the right dancer but I am just guessing. I used to go to clubs where the dancers always charged a fixed price and didn't change. I like the negotiated price much better.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Dating Strippers
    I didn't consider meeting strippers outside of clubs as dating strippers. For a while many years ago, I did visit one or two at their home or went out to eat with them etc. I remember one stripper seemed ok for a bit until one night she threw this brick load of stripper shit in my face telling me she needed to borrow some money or one of her friends was going to take a hit from a drug dealer she doublecrossed. I didn't buy it and that was the end of seeing that stripper. One of the first strippers I met outside the clubs didn't do any drugs and actually seemed to have her act together. I didn't have much interaction with her since her house was a good 2 hour drive from where I lived. I thought she had her act together until her real boyfriend who she thought loved her and was going to eventually marry her got her pregnant and then left her. I remember hearing her say that he didn't even want to support his own kid. I discovered though it not just strippers who seem to have so many problems, a lot of normal people seem to also.