
What kind of music would you like to hear in your ideal club?

For me I'd first like to limit the hip hop and rap. Probably I'd mostly play 70's to current rock. Also I wouldn't play it so loud that it is impossible to have a conversation in the farthest reaches of the club.


  • parodyman-->
    19 years ago
    Eugene: Loud metal is OK with me. (In the car not the club) I Don't like anything so loud I can't carry a conversation or have a ringing in my ears.

    FONDL: Perhaps I was hasty. The country women are definately tasty. Just actual country music has become so weak and lame I just can't get into it. I'm not pissing on other's tastes, just speaking for myself.
  • Eugene
    19 years ago
    Classic rock, 70s - 90s. Reggae, R&B. new music, some techno. I hate rap and loud metal, yet so many clubs where I live (New Mexico) seem to play nothing but that. The most important factor is variety.

    Seems like most people here agree with me that the music should not be too loud. I also hate that - and obnoxious DJs. . It's nice to chat with the girls in between dancers. Yet too many club owners nowadays seem to think their customer base is bad-ass wannabee kids that want to go deaf.
    19 years ago
    Funny thing about country, I like the female singers and most of their songs but not the males. But I don't think I've ever heard much country in a stip club, guess it's hard to dance to, at least stripper-type dance.
  • DandyDan
    19 years ago
    I would play anything that rocks and avoid rap (or at least anything from within the last 10 years). I'm not fond of country, but if the girl dresses the part, it's OK.
    19 years ago
    I was in a club (I don't remember where) where the private dances were in separate rooms and you couldn't hear the club music. Each room had it's own portable music box and the girls each had their own tapes that they played for their dances. They could also control the volume. I thought it worked pretty well. I especcially liked the fact that the songs were generally longer than the music played in most clubs, so the dances were a good deal.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    Many years ago my very first ATF worked in a club where the dancers provided their own mix tapes for their sets(yes, cassettes, I said it was years ago!). My ATF had a variety of tapes and, before each of her sets, she would survey the crowd and decide on a mix tape based on the audience. It was amazing as I would watch her make her rounds and get endless coments from guys about how great her music was! Too bad no one seems to think this way anymore.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    I like some classic rock. I also like Metallica, Megadeth, Godsmack, ACDC, and a number of other upbeat groups. I think country is like scratching a chalk board. Rap is just a step up but I really prefer rock with a beat or popular heavy metal music. If a club only played country, I believe I would avoid it like the plague.

    In college I once played my music deafening loud and it was vibrating the floors and walls. After 30 to 60 minutes of playing different songs and groups I heard someone knocking on my door. I was thinking oh darn it, someone's complaining. Instead of complaining, they said they loved every song I played and to keep it up. In spite of the fact I once played music so loud that suitemates claimed they could hear it half a mile away, it didn't hurt my ears like it did at shadowcat's favorite club.
  • gatorjoe2
    19 years ago
    Honestly as I stated in the perfect club post all music is good for me (less rap is fine, but some is ok) I agree the music level is important. I shouldn't hear the conversation at the table next to me (like I can anyway with how many people there). But low enough that I can have a conversation depending on the placement of speakers/ceilings the actual level change flucuate.

    As for DJ versus Jukebox, I prefer the non-talking DJ. The first stripclub I ever went to had a jukebox. The girls wouldn't put money in or guys would put money and throw the girls off rotation there would be no music playing and someone would have to yell put some money in. I prefer the DJ, who tells us who is coming up and on stage, and gives some witty banter for b-day/bachleor party dances as well as drawing attention if there is something unusual going on on-stage (girl on girl show usually).

    But in general I would rather not remember the DJ at the end of the night. Also really slow music doesn't go well either when the girls are on stage.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Ship of Fools
    Money for Nothing
    Self Esteem
    Why Don't You Get A Job?

    19 years ago
    Old time rock with some R&B thrown in, from a good juke box not a DJ, and not so loud that you can't hold a normal conversation. No hip-hop, techno or rap please. The music should be suited to the age of the customers who are paying the bill, not the age of the dancers. One exception - I like the Beastie Boys because that's what my ATF always danced to. But I'm not sure what you call that, to me it sounds like a parody of rap, so maybe it's its own category.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Volume is my biggest complaint too. Rap is a close second. Other than that, I'm not too bothered by most music, but a too chatty DJ is always annoying.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    Being in my late 40's I have no use for rap or hip hop but, I agree with Parodyman. The volume of the music is what I notice more than the type. If I can't carry on a conversation with a dancer I'm not going to be buying any dances.
  • driver01no2
    19 years ago
    I would just like to hear very gentle new age or maybe some Mark Twain audio books being played. That way we can gain an education and an erection at the same time.
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