
has this ever happened to you

heres the review i just wrote

"I'm going to ive this a 10 even though i had somewhat of a bad experience. (because I love the 'downer). I went one afternoon and once i got there i was joined by this girl that I had gotten a dance from a couple of weeks ago. This girl had a body like pornstar Anita Blonde and she was from Romania. She said she remembered me because I was nice. She said alot of black customers don't treat her well but i was nice to her and she appreciated that. I joined her for a couple of dances and they were nice. She was very nice. As I was getting out of the dance I saw another girl who I had gotten a dance from the last time I was there and she was this super hot compact brunette with long curly hair. I wanted to get a dance from her as well. She approached me and said that she was amazing and I should get a dance from her. I said sure. The funny thing about this girl is that The week before I had a very long conversation with her before I got a dance from her and this week she didn't remember me at all. At least she didn't come off that way. Well I got a bunch of dances from her. 5 to be exact. She gets up and says that I owe her $140. I counted 5. I told her I counted 6 and she said "well I'm not going to argue about it but you can just pay me for 6 and tip me". It was a great dance but she was SHADY. I mean I don't I've ever had a girl tell me how much I owe her. She lied and she's lost me as a customer. It's too bad because she was hot."

i don't think i'm ever getting more than 4 dances in a row now.


  • train
    19 years ago
    I couldn't agree with you more. I've gotten an incredible amount of mileage during the day--and I'm very picky.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    The hottest looking girl in a club would turn me off real fast to her if she tried to rip me off. I believe I would think of her as a scam artist instead of a hot looking girl after that. I wouldn't get any more dances from her either so those kind of girls probably do not stay long working the same club. I always ask for a dancers prices ahead of time and ask reminders after what I think was the formal agreed upon dance time. I will ask was that the end of the two for one? Maybe this is the reason I tend to get dances from the same dancers and just say no to almost any unfamiliar dancer. I know what to expect without getting scammed.
    19 years ago
    Two of the hottest girls I've ever seen in a strip club only work days. Both are single mothers and prefer to be home with their kids in the evening. It's a myth that the hottest girls only work nights. In a lot of clubs the girls have to work one or two day shifts in order to be allowed to work Friday or Saturday night. If you never go clubbing during the day you don't know what you're missing.
  • Kyle1111
    19 years ago
    Hi Yoda,

    Yes, what you say is true. But, I'm extremely finicky when it comes to acceptable looks. I just don't get nearly the same high with dancers who are just good looking. So, I'm willing to compromise on a lot things most customers won't in order to get the super model. Even when I visit Tootsie's which is a very good club with lots of dancers I can have trouble finding a dancer that really gets me excited by her looks. So basically when I find that special dancer it is a really big deal. And, then the hottest usually don't last.

  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    The girls with the biggest attitudes and least bang for the buck also work the busiest times. This is because they know that they can make money while offering the lowest level of customer service. I go to a lot of different clubs and there are only one or two that I will even set foot in on a busy weekend night. I much prefer going earlier in the week during the day and beleive me, I have no problem finding beautiful women who truly appreciate your business during those times.
  • Kyle1111
    19 years ago
    True, but in my experience the hottest girls work only the busiest hours.
    19 years ago
    The rip-offs - cutting dances short, miscounting, etc. - occur most frequently when the club is crowded and the girl wants to spend as little time with you as possible before moving on to her next victim. That's a good reason to avoid clubs during their busiest times. I only go to clubs during the day when they are dead, and this stuff almost never happens to me.
  • Kyle1111
    19 years ago
    I've had that happen. I will often pay the excess. Worse yet I may still buy dances from her in the future, but will be more aggressive about having her tell me the number of dances after each song.

    The reason I will continue to buy dances from a woman who engages in CRIMINAL behaviour like that is because looks are all important to me and very few women have the look that causes my heart to explode.

  • baddy
    19 years ago
    I echo all the points that shadowcat has made. This has happened to me before and there is little you can do but just not give them your money in the future. Most of the girls I get dances for will let me know when the next song begins (say something like "do you want to keep going or stop here?"), which is a good way to gauge how much I owe without her being too rude. Also, most dancers give a discount if you get more than one if you talk about it up front (i.e. $30 for one, $50 for two songs). From my experience, they are more than happy to knock a few bucks off if they know they are goingt to get a decent amount of money from you.

    I only tip when a stripper has been very nice or given me a good time in a private room. As a rule of thumb, if a stripper has to ask you for a tip then they probly did not earn one. It is totally optional and don't think you will look like a huge asshole if you don't give her one (especially if you think she is charnging you for an extra song).

    Some strippers will start a dance in the middle of a song, and when that song is over they will consider that private dance over. Others (the honest ones) will start a dance about a minute into a song, and then about a minute into the next song they will consider it another dance which I think is fair. The best way to deal with this is to ask a dancer not to begin the private until a new song is starting, this makes sure there is no confusion and they should be happy to comply because they know you are going to spend some good money with them.

    Dj's generally are out to screw you by cutting songs short/blending them together. It can get very confusing, don't be afraid to casually ask "how many songs has that been?" if you are in the middle of a private marathon. You are the one with the money and it is in my opinion that most dancers are smart enough not to try and rip you off. You do need to keep tabs on what is going on to make sure you don't get taken, though.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    If I like a dancer and her dances, I enjoy it when they offer to do a free one or do more at a reduced price. I always ask any dancer I'm not familiar with what the price is ahead of time because I think we have all been burned before. I typically only pay 10 to 15 per lap dance. I turn down all the other girls or don't get any dances if the price is higher than that. It works for me.
    19 years ago
    BTW, I once got 15 dances in a row from my ATF. And in fact it was probably more than that because neither one of us was counting, we were too busy laughing histerically. After a while it gets to be pretty funny.
    19 years ago
    In all fairness, it's often hard for both you and the dancer to tell when one song stops and another starts, the way DJ's often run them together. I know I often can't tell. That's why I always tell the girl in advnace how many songs I want and that's how many I pay for. Actually when I get multiple dances I usually tip the price of one dance so I'm paying for one more than I get. So if she tries to tell me I owe her for an extra one, I still pay her the same amount because there isn't going to be a tip. Plus there's probably another issue here - if you had a long conversation with her and she doesn't even remember, she's probably on drugs. Having said all that, I guess I'm lucky because I've never had that happen to me. But I'm almost always with a girl I know wel so that's probably why.
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