Strippers who are looking for FINANCIAL STABILITY as a substitute for LOVE
There are strippers out there who are looking for a BOYFRIEND who will "take care of them" - in other words some man (who may be DESPERATE for AFFECTION from a woman) who will PAY all of the stripper's expenses. These strippers often choose either to work at a strip club (with or without SELLING SEXUAL FAVORS) or not work at all and let their "BOYFRIEND" pay for everything. Some of these strippers may "threaten" their BOYFRIEND that if he fails to PAY for everything, they will go work at a strip club (and may SELL SEXUAL FAVORS and/or find a new "BOYFRIEND" who will take care of them). These "BOYFRIENDS" who may or may not be JEALOUS and POSSESSIVE (often they are) sometimes give in to their stripper girlfriend's demands and continue to PAY for everything.
The man should be paying for everything. Because the man is supposed to provide for the woman amongst other duties.
I feel dirty having a woman pay for anything. I'd much rather take her to the beach or bike riding or shoot some hoops or just watch TV. And, I think a woman should be very wary if a guy expects her to pay . . . Yes, I'm sure there are other exceptions. Boyfriend becomes severly disabled. Girlfriend demands expensive outings. Boyfriend has been supporting girlfriend for many years and he loses his job thru no fault of his own.