Alcohol and Other Stuff

avatar for gatorjoe2
Just curious, but why is alcohol so overpriced at strip clubs. When I go to night clubs or bars usually about a a dollar to 2 dollars for a domestic long neck(Budweiser). Going to the Strip Club the price sky rockets to 5 dollars before tip. I mean I know they have to pay for the alcohol license. But this is after 10 dollar cover charge and 2-3 dollars to park. I don't mind tipping the bartenders, waitresses, the parking attendent, hell even the creepy bath room guy, but 5 dollars for a glass of Soda, with no re-fills. I know the clubs need to keep the bodies moving and as long as the people are willing to buy it they will keep it up. Just curious what other prices are. Typical Place is Cheetah is WPB, but most of the places I have visted are like that.

On another note, I went out the other night and was sitting at a table. Two guys had one of the dancers sitting with them and the waitress came over to get them a drink. Perfectly fine as the guys offered, and the waitress didn't force it. They came back with clear shots all with limes (2 for the guys, one for the waitress, and one for the dancer). The dancer though didn't have a lime. This made me curious if the waitress put water in shot glass and made sure she knew which one was for the dancer. This keeps the dancer sober, the waitress/bar pcket money and the guys get drunker.
I am imagining this, does this happen? I know it's not out of the realm of possibility, but has anyone seen it or heard it happen before?


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avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
I think it depends on the type club you're in. In most of the neighborhood titty bars I know, the drink prices aren't much different than at any other bar. But the GC's really inflate their drink prices, just like they inflate the prices of everything else. The result is that guys like me stretch their drinks. I've been known to make one beer last for a couple of hours. I've also been known to fill the bottle back up with water when I'm done. I think a lot of the GC's make more money on VIP room fees, entrance fees, and cuts from laps than they do from drinks. I also think a lot of them would make even more if they cut their prices, especially during the day.
avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
20 years ago
Maybe it's just me and where I live, but beer doesn't seem especially overpriced to me in stripclubs. In the Omaha and Council Bluffs bikini clubs I've been to, they are. On the other hand, the cities with stripclubs that serve alcohol are also places where I have avoided the regular bars, so I also have no real point of comparison except for the local regular bars.

For whoever said they all should be BYOB, that would just be an excuse to charge an exorbitant cover to get in, at least all the BYOB places I have been to are.
avatar for Yoda
20 years ago
Clubs make the vast majority of their revenue on booze. If you want cheap liquor you can buy a six pack and spank your monkey to internet porn all night. They know this. If you want to see live tits, you have to spend some money. Yes, many girls will NOT drink alchohol (or at least not much) while working and the "no lime" trick is a common one (no straw, 2 straws is also common).
gatorjoe2, your gripe is very founded. But from my understanding that's the basis by which the club makes its money. I know only a few clubs that take a percentage of the Dancer's "lap dance" money. An this isn't excluding the house fee either.

As always, ...Supply and Demand is the rule. If another club supplied the same level of entertainment in the same location but supplied cheaper drinks then of course the other club would have to follow. But, as you have noted...there does not seem to be any incentive to do so.

As long as guys are willing to pay $40 a song per Lap Dance....What chance do you see the price of drinks declining?

Our little heads - didn't take basic economics and it's killing our wallets.

Shadowcat> $1 Mondays....Is that all year round or just this summer?
avatar for casualguy
20 years ago
Beer and all drinks in general are very overpriced in strip clubs. I did visit one club in Columbia owned by the same people who own Shadowcat's favorite club that were charging only $1 for a bottle of beer and no limit that I knew of. The second time I went there I think the price increased to 1.50 or 2.00, not bad but not as inexpensive. A lot of clubs charge anywhere from 2.75 to 4.50 in a number of clubs. I don't mind as much paying a high price for a bottle of beer but paying a high price for a little cup of soda with ice or $4.00 for a tiny little bottle of water because you are real thirsty seems like highway robbery. It doesn't seem like it, it is highway robbery. I would actually like it if all strip clubs allowed byob (bring your own beer) but only nude clubs do that where I live at. Even with that, the clubs started to charge $3 per person extra admission but they do provide an inhouse cooler and ice.
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