
Comments by evilcyn (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer incomes getting hit
    The construction theory is right on.. In my area it is almost all blue collar.. We have a few car plants near us as well, when those do well, we do better. When the plants have there 2 week shut downs, we get alot of them in who end up spending a whole shift or day in there.. summer when the construction guys get done with a long hot day, they want beer and naked women, and will spend away on payday...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How Do You Politely Tell A Dancer To Go Away?
    David9999, I think that is such a great idea !! I would laugh my ass off to see that...It would work for some girls, others it would provoke more anger then a simple "would you fuck off now please"
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How Do You Politely Tell A Dancer To Go Away?
    Move too Fuck Off, I am sorry but when someone doesn't take no for an answer, you have to be rude..Its not your fault...My kids get punished when they don't except no, so as an adult not taking no, she gets punished with Fuck OFF !!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer incomes getting hit
    Yes we have taken a hit, but like you are all saying everyone is.. I have mentioned my "short bus" customers before, they work in jobs that pay little, but always save a little of that to come spend on me...jablake your right A $10 dance to them is a lot, in turn that $10 adds up at the end of a shift.. I don't see people spending as much as they did a few years ago, and thats affects how much I think they enjoy going out to a SC..The more they have to budget the less they can relax.. Part of why I am a low pressure dancer, your money should go where you want it to without dealing with attitides and whining... I bartend at my club as well, I have been there 5 years, and since I have seen what I ring in the register drop about $500.00 to $700.00 a night.. I would run my ass off non stop all night, now I struggle to keep myself busy..I have just gone back to a regular bar I have worked at to bartend 2 shifts a week to make up for what is not coming in at the club anymore.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    The Pink Site: 10 Dancer Truths
    I have to ask, why do you go to the pink site, Im a chic, and a dancer, and they annoy me with there bitching and whining.. If they think it sucks so bad, don't be a dancer.. Yes the job is about money, just like any job is, would any of us really put in a bunch of hours, be away from our kids, and not enjoy hobbies as much as we would like if we didn't have to work.. To me, you take the good and bad days, you deal with stupid drunken assholes some days, and others you come across a good guy would just wants some dances and entertainment and pays you well for it.. I've made some great regulars along the way, ran into some guys who love me to death and they just annoy the hell out of me all the while I am smiling for them.. They just need to suck it up shut up, and just do the job or don't over there on the pink site and get over themsevles...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Question for the strippers here: Do you ever find some customers very attractive
    With the nature of the human race, you can encounter people you are attracted too anywhere.. So yes there are times its someone by just looks alone, they just grab your eye.. Then sometimes you start to dance for someone and things just click, so then you just have an attraction of this is someone that fucks like I do... Being Married, I don't I'm not looking OTC, doesn't mean though that the mind can't enjoy thoughts that just come up....
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Turn-on or turn-off?
    I only discuss money if a customer brings it up... Its not your job to make sure my bills are paid, its my job to entertain you to pay my bills... I hate the sob stories I have bitched about this before on other threads, girls who do this irritate me to no end.. Just do the job, and you take the good and bad days with it..
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What annoys ME the most!!!
    I am one of those dancers, that will either remember just about everything, from name and what we talked about, or I won't remember any of it at all for the first few minutes, and then all the sudden the light bulb goes off, and it all comes back in a flash... I have trained myself in remembering names, and can remember conversations pretty well too, I really hate when I have those old pothead moments and it takes a few minutes for the light bulb.. It does surprise me sometimes how much some customers remember about me, or our conversations, and sometimes even after a good while.... Bones, let me know, and we'll get it taken care of.. See when I know someone doesn't care for me or my dances, I remember that, and leave them alone, its your money and it shouldn't be made painful to spend your money where you want...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Define ATF
    As a dancer, ATF, covers so many things.. I have some that I will call " short bus guys" I want you yo know, they are to me, sweet and loyal, and like a puppy dog... Some girls are so mean to these guys because they arn't as quick as the rest.. I, on the other hand become their ATF,s.. Do they have a lot of money, no way, but all money adds up at the end of the shift, and they brighten up my day so much, because I know I have done the same for them.. So spending alot to me doesn't define ATF, its more the feeling or connection you have with someone.. My ATF customer, ( I have talked about him in the past) I have known 10 years, and I will always be his ATF, he helped me become the dancer I am today with out trying, just by knowing him he has helped me learn to do my job so much better... Then ones like Bones, are just so much fun, it makes me job so easy, I laugh and have so much fun it keeps a smile on my face all day...The mental connection, along with just knowing how someone likes you to dance is a great combo huh Bones ?? LOL
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    This one for Dancers only
    I would say on average, now ( our club was thee only one in our county for a long time, now we have 3 others) about 12 or so.. I as well usually sell at least one Cham. room a shift.. Like MIDancer, some nights its not the dances you sell.. Our club is centered around the fact we have a big easy stage to sit and tip, so I can come off a stage set with more then if I was selling a dance..
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Skipping the dance - sending money directly to the dancer?
    As a dancer I don't even go to that site anymore.. They are a bunch of self centered ego maniacs who think they are worth more then the sum of their parts.... This job is what is.. Last night I had a customer who had been in earlier in the night..Left met up with some friends, one who is fond of me, so later he brought the friend back.. Needless to say the friend was to drunk for me to want to deal with so what did I do, said sorry to the one who brought him back that he was just to drunk and walked away... Everyone deserves to be treated with respect, i don't like their out look and opinons of men, and why they think that way, this job hasn't jaded me in this way nor will it ever, you horny guys are what gives me a great job..
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Share and Share Alike
    Now bones, I know you liked to be shared, and spread around <evil grin>..
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How Many of You think strip clubbing is an Addiction?
    Just to let you know, bones, we are still running things the same for now. Thank god LOL
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Oh, no! Not my wife!
    As a married dancer, I love the fact that I am married, and stable and get to do this job.. I get asked everyday " He lets you do this" Just once I am gonna answer someone " no he beats me everynight when I get home for it" then see is I make more money..LOL My husband takes is as a compliment to be married to someone, 1. has the body to do this 2. comfortable with sexuallity.. It all translates into me being a sexual person, I am good at it, why not use it while I can.. He knows I am coming home to him, and not looking for anything or anyone else... I have many customers who like that this makes me a no drama stripper, I am just here to do my job, really my job, get on stage, dance my ass off, give the best damn lap dance I can, and keep someone happy and smiling till they leave... So how many of you could deal with your S/O being a dancer?? The mileage of the club does play a big part into it.. Our club has had lots of extras that go on, but it is the dancers choice on how they do their job..
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Which Dancer is More Valuable?
    LOL@Bones, you know how to work that one baby !! You got all the girls here scraping for you !!! LOL
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Your Nipples - - - - Not the dancer's nipples
    licks and bites to you bones !!! They are only fun to play with for me if someone likes it<Evil grin>... As a dancer, if grazing by them with the fingers gets no reaction, then you don't go back...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Getting Taken with Dance Overcount
    I will give a free dance here and there.. When I take someone to the corner what ever is left of the song thats playing I always let them know that song doesn't count and I ususally just start dancing... I hate waiting for the "next song" to start before I start dancing, what is 2 mins of my life to give a little extra for someone.. As for ROB's, I don't get it, you guys work for you money, and you bring it in to spend, and give us a job, why they try and lie cheat and steal I can't figure out..They take away from what you walk in there for..
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancers in HEAT
    This is so true, I will always make more acutually, my first 1 to 2 days of my cycle, and about 2 weeks after... I can't see how any dancer that has been doing this for any amount of time would not notice.. You have a stronger desire to turn someone on, wanting to make them want you from across the room, it just shows... It is a common sense issue, its the make up of the human female body.. when I am getting laid enough at home it translates into more money at work too... I am happier, smile more, and just feel more energized, the more sex I have the more I want so in turn thats when I am really horny.. Why can't some dancers admit that it is a turn on to do this job, its not a bad thing if it does turn you on, I've never understood that way of thinking..
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Bikini Clubs
    We are a bikini bar, when on stage we have to keep our thongs and a top of some sort on.. We flash all the time though...You can see any and everything, we just can't take it fully off.. Why we are like this I am unsure but its been that way for 20 years... I would opt any day to be able to flash and keep a top on then have to deal with pasties...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Swing Club?
    Swinger clubs depending on what you find can be on premise ( everything goes on site sex, usually bring your alcohol, must be a member and single males have to have a recommendation from a known couple who is a member) Off premise clubs are local bars sometimes, we use to have one in cleveland. Or parties that are held somewhere but they are strict about it being off premise and single males still need a recommendation from a couple. It is a great way to meet open minded people. some aren't there just for sex that night maybe just to meet future hook ups..Or not really looking for sex so much as just be around laid back half naked people.. Then others are all about getting some ass right then with out even knowing someones name... I am sure there are some around every big city, you do an internet search, you'd be amazed at how many are out there...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you enjoy giving a dancer a back rub?
    I have some regulars who seem to enjoy giving me a back massage while I give them a dance.. I never ask, but if they do it right, I'll never complain or stop them... We have alot of girls that start off sitting with a guy in this way... Their way of spending a little time selling themselves, it seems to work for them...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Just for you new guys....
    I really like 31 through 37, I would have more complaints along that line then about guys...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Making Demands to Dancers
    I like when someone lets me know a little of what they want... The pace of the grind, how hard or soft they like it.. I give a very soft dance to start, and work my way up to a full grind.. I don't like it though if someone likes a hard hard grind, and they try and forcefully have me grind hard, thats just not how I do it, and damn it hurts my twat bone when they do that...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Supposed Dancer from Bugsys..
    Bones, not lost any weight, just slimmed and toned a few spots I have been working on.. Increased my flexibility some more too !!! Don't worry, we'll make UP for the time missed !!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Thoughts on Dancer contact
    Bones, your gonna make me blush !!! <evil grin> There is something to be enjoyed about taking your time to work things UP!!!!!!