
Comments by evilcyn (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    How obsessed are you?
    I am on it at least once a day, if not twice.. As well as others..I agree with FONDL, I check it daily, to keep up, and if nothing exciting I am here for just a minute..
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Supposed Dancer from Bugsys..
    Bones, LOL, I just looked at that pic, and I am like 1/2 that girls size...I have slimmed down and toned things a little more then when I seen you last..
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Supposed Dancer from Bugsys..
    Bones, hey baby, glad you had a good time Tues, and sorry I missed you.. Harrydave, thanks, its nice to know someone noticed a writing difference.. I am unsure of who that girl is...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    High heeled shoes....
    LOL@harrydave I have epoxied my fair share of shoes.....
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Where / how do they learn their trade?!!!
    Sorry for jumping on the high horse. I misunderstood it at first, and went on a tirade, because it is a sore topic with me, so anyway, as for sexuallity, I think to some of us just have it.. I am known for my "cum fuck me eyes" that I can give anytime, some women just get it, and enjoy using it.. I have other dancers that come to tip at the stage, and ask me, "how do you look at me like that... " I have a few girls I can make squirm in their seat when I give them thee eyes..Making another stripper squirm like that is a nice feeling.. Like me I think for some its just part of who they are..Others learn it over time, from watching others, and the desire to make money..
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    High heeled shoes....
    I after 10 years of dancing, have just started to take my shoes off while giving a dance.. I was so use to how tall I was in my shoes, I kinda had to learn to adjust to being my short self.. I am one of those who is 5'2, and with my shoes almost 5'9.. The heels are an empowering feeling..
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Where / how do they learn their trade?!!!
    FONDL, I didn't say I would tell some of them what I think of them, I just won't lie or play games on what they can get... Will I "stroke" an ego, or feed into a fantasy for someone, sure, I play the game of fantasy, just not the head games of anything else... Your right, it is acting, and that part of it, is the job... I hate the, I need money game, feel sorry for me Cause this, and the sure I'll see you OTC to get money games....
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Where / how do they learn their trade?!!!
    Now I as a dancer, I choose not to play people, and have customers, for that reason.. I am so tired of watching girls lie, and or con/play, whatever you want to call it..I know I have somewhere in that past commented that this is one of the biggest pet peeve's I have about this job.. I love dancing, I love to be someone's fantasy, I love to turn someone on, or if they just want company, to put a smile on their face..I do not want to lead them on to think that anything but me doing my job is going on.. I don't ask to be tipped for any and every little thing, if we dance please just paid what is owed, and please don't bitch that I don't drink alcohol, so if you by me a drink it will be bottled water or coffee.. So where other girls have learned the trade of playing people, I have gone to thee other end completely and pride myself very much in being an honest stripper.. David9999, I have to say music is so powerful, I would never think to use a song in that way, but certain customers, get certain songs played for them when I am on stage because that is what they want to enjoy.. I dance to Blues, and metal, so its one extreme or thee other..
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How often do you think dancers confuse you with someone else?
    Bones, you are an easy one to remember...Now if you could just do something about that stink..LOL... I don't confuse people very often.. I am good with faces, and names as well...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Moaners and Heavy Breathers - Fake or Real?
    Bones, can you fake a hard on??? No you really can't fake that... If they have they much going on down there with out being excited, they may want to get that checked...LOL.....
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    husbands/boy friends in the club...
    Any club this is standard, some guys can't handle thier girl flirting and being sexual with other men.. Or girls tell them they are just a bartender, and then all hell breaks loose when they find out different..
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do some strippers want to do more than the club/law allows?
    Oh yes girls go beyond what laws and rules are out there.. Harrydave, I like the starting off slow, and yea someone you feel comfortable with is more likely to get more then strangers.. Then every club has a few quick money girls will do whatever whenever..Someone has to support the crackwhores...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dumb ass things
    FONDL, a big pet peeve of mine when girls do not go on stage.. I work alot of day shifts, they are slower so we have girls that think it is not worth thier time to spend what like 8 minutes on stage.. They will play their music when its thier turn in rotation and then just sit down at the bar.. Me on thee other hand, always go on stage when its my turn, sometimes I am the only girl who does, my reasoning behind this has always been " You never know who is going to walk in the door" Why would anyone want to spend money that they worked for on someone who isn't willing to do thier job themsevles...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Strippers whose FRIENDSHIP is not real
    This bis is about selling yourself, so spending some time talking is part of it.. I always say bieng on stage is like your own commercial, so yes talking for a while is part of it... Some guys though, don't want dances, so they compensate for time for just company
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    17 years ago
    Strippers whose FRIENDSHIP is not real
    As a stripper, have I made some friends along the way, sure, I am at work looking to make friends, no...Its great when it just ends up that way, but all in all first contact with anyone is about money, its a job...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Drunk Dancers
    This is why I am not a drinker at work.. I am so glad I can do my job sober.. I never ever wanted to be that "drunk stripper" To me a sloppy unbalanced, drunk girl is so unattractive to me... Just ask Bones, I don't have to be drunk for him to take advantage of me LOL, right bones.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    If a dancer once picked your pocket and you got her fired, would you tell her?
    I don't know if I could feel bad for someone who has stolen from me or not... I have worked with many girls in the past that stealing is like part of the job if they can, so no I wouldn't feel bad... No I wouldn't tell her, just let it go.. You have let it go, and able to get a dance from her even, not even worth the trouble..
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Shift Changes suck
    We have a mid shift at ou club so a few are there and yes I hate when night girls are late.. I work doubles, I ususally dance day shift, and bartend night shift, and we do lose customers because we don't have enough girls right after shift change..Then by 10 though we have dancer overload
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Let's See How "Empathy" Plays Out . . .
    jablake, I have never known it could be done, so I don't know if I could.. Something new to shot for....LOL FONDL, at our club its the dancers choice what they allow...That way everyone seems to be able to find what they are looking for...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Let's See How "Empathy" Plays Out . . .
    jablake, eyecontact, I can't see how I could even try and give a dance without eyecontact, I will actually try and make and keep eyecontact.. To me its such a part of how I dance, on stage and giving a lapdance..
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    SC Matchmaking
    I had a customer bring in his friend to meet me yesterday as a matter of fact.. He brought him in to get a dance because I am his favorite dancer there, and it worked out wonderfully.. I ended up being the one he liked best anyway, and we all had a great time..
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Let's See How "Empathy" Plays Out . . .
    Our club is a 2 way contact club, its split about 50 50 on those of us who have limits, so I am kinda use to our customers who know to ask.. For you finding no value in a dance with no tittie fondling, there are those who like girls with limits, and the ones who like the challenge to see if they can get us to break them.. So its all in what someone wants..
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Let's See How "Empathy" Plays Out . . .
    I would fall into the 1% at your club, no I don't want my tits fondled. Nor do I want empathy from any customer. I am one of those dancers who does walk away if I am not what you are looking for... How is it though that it should just be expected that you can do what you want?? You don't think finding out someones limits first is just a good idea for all involved?? It has nothing to do with being offended. I did 2 dances for a guy thee other night, then another girl and I did a few double dances, then he got 4 from her, sucking on her tits the whole time.. Was I offended she made more money, no its a matter of choice and I am good with mine...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancers Insert Finger or Fingers in Her Ass . . .
    I can say that the thought of sticking my finger in my ass has never entered my mind while giving a dance......YUK, now just think after that finger is used, and then she is flirting her way around the club touching everyone, and everything.......... Yikes
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Guy Allows Wife / GF / SO to Strip.... WTF?!
    When I started dancing I had been married already for 9 years, so we stable and secure in our life... To my husband he takes having a wife who dances as a compliment. He knows I am coming home to him, knows that I carry myself with respect... It all depends on your realtionship, for us it works..