
Making Demands to Dancers

Wednesday, October 3, 2007 6:38 AM
I know that making demands to dancers was one of MIDancer's pet peeves, but I think it depends on how it is done. I don't make a habit of it, but if there are a few moves that a dancer has in her repertoire that really get me going, during a dancing session with her I may request those moves. Spread out over a 30 min session, I might do this two - at most three times, and not always verbally... I might verbalize my request, then maybe gently move her into position so that she takes the hint, etc. Is that being too demanding? I don't think so. I wouldn't press my luck any further than that, and maybe the next session with her I won't request ANY moves. Over time, she will learn what I like, and usually will comply. I think the dancer appreciates this approach - if she doesn't she SHOULD. After all, her earnings are going to be based on my satisfaction and desire to get more dances. My suggestions will help assure that she is successfully entertaining me, which in turn means I will be more likely to continue dances with her. Maybe it's my imagination, but it has seemed like most of the girls kind'a like a guy controlling the action to an extent. It might take some pressure off her, too, as she isn't wondering if I like what she is doing, plus she doesn't have to wonder "what should I do next...."


  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I've met a few dancers who will ask me what position I prefer her to be in or what I like. If I tell a dancer this information without asking I don't consider that to be demanding. I don't have too many favorite positions and if it's a new dancer, I'll just let her move around on her own. I usually just prefer to enjoy the view without being a back seat driver. A few dancers have found my favorite position though without me telling them. I guess some dancers like requests and others don't. They just want to do their own dance.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I don't believe I've been trying to physically move a dancer into any position except if she asks or I get tired of her staying in the same spot. I did hear one dancer talk about another guy putting his hand on the dancers head during a lap dance. She said if some guy tried that with her, he would quickly know that she didn't take too kindly to that.
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    "Maybe it's my imagination, but it has seemed like most of the girls kind'a like a guy controlling the action to an extent." Its not your imagination at all, and most dancers subconsciously draw a very thin line between (all other things equal between for example 2 different customers) a gentlemen and a wimp In high contact states (with for example a nude dance) with a dancer you've danced with at least 4 or 5 times before, or done several extended CR sessions, if you're not at least "accidentally" brushing against her crown jewels now and then - the standard dancer "always on turn-off mode while dancing" will even drop several notches lower. So she gets even more bored and the dance itself suffers even more.
  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    I remember once telling a dancer to take it easy. Her idea of a lap dance was trying to grind me onto the seat! It HURT!!!
  • evilcyn
    17 years ago
    I like when someone lets me know a little of what they want... The pace of the grind, how hard or soft they like it.. I give a very soft dance to start, and work my way up to a full grind.. I don't like it though if someone likes a hard hard grind, and they try and forcefully have me grind hard, thats just not how I do it, and damn it hurts my twat bone when they do that...
  • arbeeguy
    17 years ago
    Odd choice of word -- DEMAND. Other words include -- Ask. Indicate. Request. Suggest. Hint. Imply... Am I being too picky? (I have been called a grammar Nazi) Certainly if a girl is GRINDING TOO HARD you are doing her a favor by letting her know how you feel, if possible, in a polite and lighthearted way. Demanding more sexuality than she really wants to give, however, is at the opposite end of the scale and could cause trouble for you in more ways than one. That would never be a good idea.
  • trailer12b1
    17 years ago
    there is nothing wrong with demands. i will ask them to masterbate in front of me if we are private in the vip area. well worth it
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    I don't believe I ever made "DEMANDS" on a dancer, verbally or otherwise. Like evilcyn stated, I like my dancer to start off with a 'soft grind' and work her way upward. Let me put it this way. I'm usually 'NOT ERECT' at the beginning of a lapdance (except when I'm with evilcyn). Therefore, a soft grind gets Mr Happy started. When the dancer identifies Mr Happy is awake and fully functional, then the hard grind begins! What I D-O-N-T like is a dancer acting like she is "fucking" me through my trousers by bouncing up and down!! That HURTS! My cock, when erect, is positioned upward laying along my abdomen, therefore, I prefer my dancer grinding to the point that her 'clit' is receiving "action" also. If I can get my dancer "off" while lapping me, it makes the dance much more pleasurable for me. DON'T hurt the TWAT BONES please!!! Licks
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    ArbeeGuy: My choice of words was the result of reading something in another post that was talking about "demands" on dancers or something like that, which was the inspiration for my post, and planted the seed for the choice of words. I would never DEMAND that a dancer do anything. I will ask / suggest in a nice way, like "can you do that thing where you....?"
    17 years ago
    Only one time stands out. I tried out a new dancer in a club I had frequented numerous times where I always got good dances, but this new girl started giving me an air dance. I tried gently moving her closer and she didn't like it. I don't think she lasted very long. Other than that I've told a couple of dancers that I preferred them to face me, which they then generally did, but that's about it.
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