Share and Share Alike

This topic was formed based on two former topics.
As a clubber.... would you be willing to share your ATF or FAVs with friends or fellow TUSCLers? If not, why not?
Is there a 'protective' issue in NOT wanting to share? Is it a 'territorial' issue?
last commentNow bones, I know you liked to be shared, and spread around ..
HELL NO to Shadowcat! I can just see those girls demanding more $$$ from me after spending time with him. ;)
My main concern would be that friend or TUSCL member not be such a jerk that the dancer would rather not know him. This one jerk I did introduce to well known dancers was positive because he spent so much money. These fellow oldsters from Key West wanted to be introduced to some young black women and I didn't feel comfortable at all because it was a thru a friend who was a little crazy. I told the friend let 'em try on their own it shouldn't be too difficult and money shouldn't be a problem for them. That was that--no trouble. :)
I've introduced clubbers I knew to favorite dancers several times. I might hesitate to do so with somebody I only knew as a TUSCL handle. I wouldn't call it sharing my favorite, since dancers aren't mine to share - ther're free to dance for whomever they choose. Sharing of knowledge, perhaps.
Above all, I think it's important to let your guest clubber choose for himself whether or not he's interested in your fave and not to act disappointed if your matchmaking doesn't work out. I've been on the guest side of things, too, and as often as not, I'll zero in on different girls than the one my host had set me up with. It can be very awkward if the host isn't so gracious about the situation.
(sorry, in replying to the question, I got a bit carried away... what follows is a rambling tale about the beginning of my ATF "relationship"... just skip this post if you wish not to be bored)
I haven't been too secretive about my thoughts on this issue. "Share" my ATF? No frickin' way. Early on, I learned that a fellow TUSCLer "knew" Miss ATF from before she'd quit, and didn't know that she'd returned. This became apparent after the first night that I'd met Miss ATF (a Sunday night). After giving him the scoop, he and I arranged to meetup on Wed night, partly so that he could reacquaint himself with her, partly to get to know a fellow TUSCLer. On Tues night, I spent a marathon session with Miss ATF in the club, and it was about that time that I started looking at her in a different light.
Her and I talked about when I'd next visit her in the club, and I mentioned that I'd be back the next night (wed night) along with a few friends, one of which wanted to spend time with her. I told her that I'd have a hard time watching her dance for others, and she claimed that she'd feel funny doing it, so she told me that she wouldn't come in Wed night afterall. However, that presented a problem because Thurs night was my last night in town and I'd already had an OTC arranged with my prev-ATF (current, at that time). Let me say that it was a "sure thing" with my prev-ATF.
I told Miss ATF that I already had plans for Thurs night, that I couldn't get out of. She asked me what those plans were and I said "dinner with a friend", which was true (I have NEVER lied to her, to this day). Anyhow, as the night (Tues) progressed and Miss ATF and I got closer and closer, and the DFKing started... well, I knew even though prev-ATF meant a fairly wild night of drinking, her posing for pics and FS (among other things), I decided that rather spend the time with my new ATF, so I told her that I would change my plans for her and come in Thurs night to see her.
Wed night came, and my TUSCL friend showed up. The club actually turned out to be a disappointment that night... I really wasn't interested in ANY of the dancers - they all paled in comparison to Miss ATF. That was okay because it gave me time to get to know my TUSCL bro. I'd broken the news to him that Miss ATF wasn't going to be in attendance, which I'm sure wasn't the best of news, considering the slim pickings that night. We talked for several hours... shared some conversation with a few annoying dancers. About that time, I received a call from prev-ATF, asking if I could come see her at the club where she was working.
I excused myself from my new TUSCL friend, then headed over to her club. I found that she did NOTHING for me anymore. It was like why chew on ice cubes when you can have French silk ice cream? I told her that I couldn't keep our "date" for the following night, apologized then said goodbye.
Thurs night was perfect - as far as ITC visits go, and Miss ATF and I talked about the prev night. She confided that she had considered coming in just to see me, even though she knew what was going on. She said she even started driving in until she pictured me getting dances from other dancers... she turned around and went back home. I informed her that I didn't get ANY dances, and truthfully explained to her that they didn't measure up to her - not even close. I conveniently omitted the visit to the other club and why I went there.
It should be noted that I ultimately told Miss ATF that I'd broken a date with another girl for that Thurs night, but before I could say any more about that, the topic shifted. At some point, there WILL be full disclosure about that other girl, and my OTCs with others...
sorry for the ramble above.
To answer the question NOW... no, I wouldn't share my ATF. Not only do I not want to see her with someone else, I do not want to miss any second that I could be spending with her.
I guess, come to think of it, I would share favs, though. In fact, I've encouraged one TUSCLer that knew prev-ATF to look her up at her current club and extended the information to him. That was easy, though, because I don't have any interest in her any more.
I gave another TUSCLer info on a recent discovery, and I didn't have any second thoughts about doing so. In fact, I was looking forward to his impression of her and to enjoy his experience vicariously.
However, and I'm not sure why, I've failed to disclose the name of yet another recent discovery. She is hard to get out of my mind, though I know I have no feelings for her, other than a pretty deep sexual desire for her. I HAVE discussed her with others on here who know her (or at least about her), and all accounts seem to support she is quite a good choice for "play time".
Before I ramble more, I'll end this by saying that it just depends on how I feel about her. If I have "feelings" for a dancer, there's no way that I will knowingly share her or encourage others to sample her charms. I take that back, there ARE a few here that I would encourage... Lopaw comes to mind... just because I think that would be HOT!
Go right ahead, Bones! The more business I bring to her, the more of the discount I get, haha!!!!!! She can handle all types since she had been dancing for 14 years now.
jablake: Wrong. Anyone that I introduce to to my favorites gets the same price as I do. This does not mean that they get the same mileage. I am special.
I will share names and vital information with any of my personal TUSCL buddies. But not with guys that email me wanting specifics about my girls, that I don't know. My prices stay low and my mileage stays up because they trust me not to spread their names around.
Bones: You know that whatever is mine is yours. As long as there is no LOVE involved. I will not do a menage a trois with you and a dancer. Remember the time that 3 of us got back to back to back BBJ's from the same dancer? BTW, my ex wife is available again. Her second husband died. May have killed himself. Any way if you want an intro, I will get her phone number for you. lol...
OK you two (shadow & Bones)I expect you both to give up your favorites on Friday the 26th. Trust me shadow I will work out the mileage on my own. Of course I would share my favorites with someone I trust. Having hung out with shadowcat on the rare occasion he visits an Atlanta club he is a gentleman and somehow always seems to end up having the most fun and mileage even in lousy Atlanta air dance clubs. I would always steer him in the right direction. See you Friday and yes Bones bring the blue lightning I am going to need at least two.
I would happily share any of my faves with most of you guys, as long as you promise to return them to me in basically the same condition that they came to you in!
DougS - I can get carried away very easily frolicking with a hot dancer - are you sure you would be ready for that? ;)
LOL@evilcyn - I love being shared, especially with 'three' of your dancers! But, when it's time for you and I, I prefer not to be shared!
trojangreg - Since I'll be doing some 'reconnaissance of the club prior to Friday, I will of course be passing on valuable info about who I have been with and their mileage..... and will share! LOL
shadowcat - I doubt your x-wife is bi-sexual, so forget about her phone number! That's why I didn't kiss our little tart, since I was getting the second blowjob good buddy!
Professor906090 - That's what I'm talking about, but didn't disguss it yet. When I shared my FAVs in the past, I usually got a couple free dances from them for the referenced friends!
I like how Doug S claimes he never lies to his ATF and then in the same post brags about omitting the details of his other strip club visit. No lying there,
And I only share my Favorites with close male friends and women. Lopaw you can go rip up the clubs with me anytime!
Hi shadowcat,
No, I was writing about sharing my faves with you. :) Very quickly I can see them getting spoiled money wise.
Rest assured. I will stay out of south Florida.
You guys wouldn't want to share my ATF, she isn't high mileage. But she would make you laugh.
Hmmm . . . I would have thought you be tempted by the infamous Tootsies. :) But, it sounds like you have a much better deal where you are anyway.
It kinda turns me on to "share" a girl -- meaning, I like her, I have enjoyed her services, so I want her to go service someone else. I want him to come back from the private room with a sneaky smile on his face, then he comes up to me at the table, slaps my back, and says, "Yup! You were right! I DEFINITELY owe you a beer." :)
I would have loved to share an ATF and then talk about if she was doing the same things during the lap dance as she was for me. Maybe even pick out a spot on the other side of the lap dance room so I didn't have to wonder if she was watching me like I found out she did once or twice. If I ever get a new ATF, I'll remember to pay attention to where she's at in case she wants to spy on me. I mean I'm a nice guy, I don't know why someone would think I'm up to no good. An ATF is just that, a big time favorite, it's not like we're married or anything.