Your Nipples - - - - Not the dancer's nipples

OK, I'm going to be the first male TUSCLer to declare that I like having my nipples played with during lap dances!
In fact, my long distance ATF (licks hon) just played with them last week in the champaigne room of her club! She knows exactly how much pressure to put on them with her teeth! I suppose my 'YELPS' helped give her an indication. :-)
Does anyone else care for nipple attention during their laps?
last commentI like it but some times those love bites hurt. Same thing goes when they get frisky with Mr. Happy...
I've told a few dancers playing with my nipples doesn't do anything for me. I don't like it. In fact I really hate it when a dancer wants to squeeze or pinch them. If a dancer wants to play or squeeze something, I do have something a bit lower down I don't mind if she plays with. I had a dancer lift up my shirt and start licking my nipples. I didn't care for that at all and decided to tell her so she would stop. I thought maybe she would stop if she noticed I wasn't smiling anymore. No luck there. I believe I'm starting to think an interview before the lap dance might be handy. questions like:
Do you like your nipples played with? For both guy and girl
Are you an ass man or tit man?
etc. etc.
However I don't usually like to ask too many questions to start with.
I've had a few dancers ask me the question:
Do you like boobs or ass?
Actually I don't mind a little bit of biting. Not on my nipples though and nothing so hard it breaks the skin or leaves marks.
It is nice.
I read in one book that the only reason the males have nipples is for them to be played with as a part of a foreplay. Make sense since we do not breastfeed, thank God! (LOL)Some dancers have bitten mine but did it so it felt good and slightly painful at the same time. Overall, what a wonderful mixed feeling that was! Should ask for more.
Lotsoffun, if you read this, are nipples "hardwired" with the "guy downsouth"? Seems that way, haha.
licks and bites to you bones !!! They are only fun to play with for me if someone likes it... As a dancer, if grazing by them with the fingers gets no reaction, then you don't go back...
I don't know why you wouldn't. Any type of touching is good.
This is my weakness, and there does seem to be a connection to the equipment downstairs.
Professor906090 - You must have read the same book I did. I was called, "Why Do Men Have Nipples" and it was written by two physicians.
The entire book was hilarious and not centered on mens nipples.
Also, I think my nipples are 'hardwired' to Mr Happy, because he tends to get extremely hard when having my nipples played with. And if the woman I am with starts biting my nips hard 'right as I begin to shoot' you would not believe the force it comes out with!
Bones: actually the book I read that metioned nipples was some pocket size funny sex book written by a woman, but it does not matter since the explanation is funny and may not be scientifically 100% correct.
Professor906090 - That book I read on nipples, neither physicians could explain why men had nipples other than design by the Great One!
Here is my theory on it: As God created Adam first, He realized He forgot to place milk glands (boobies) on Adam. Therefore, He corrected His mistake by giving Eve those nice boobies, otherwise, we would have had them first!!!!
Second mistake: God thought He was doing us men a great honor by giving us a penis to place with. Knowing He couldn't give women penises also, He gave them "multiple orgasms"! Who lost out on the deal???
I don't think I've ever had a LD where nipple play (mine & heres) wasn't a central focal point. I guess it goes with the territory!
LOL Bones!
Well it looks like I'm the oddball in the group posting here.
I may have seen too much fetal development pics. We all start with the same template as a fetus. I believe the genes help control the release of hormones to make us either develop into male or female starting with the same template. I think the male type of brain develops based on these hormones and the genitals typically develop corresponding to the same type of brain. In women, the clit is the same basic structure that developed into the head of the penis in men. I'm guessing most posters here already know this information but if anyone that can't find the US on a map reads this, I doubt they know.
Lopaw: I think the expression is "it COMES with the territory" (and with a slight spelling correction, is very appropriate!