
Getting Taken with Dance Overcount

When a dancer is doing a good job (assuming I didn't give her a mercy dance), I tend to start buying dances. Two ways the dance overcount occurs. First, the nasty DJ is running songs together or starting and stopping them randomly. I strongly prefer a regular jutebox. I certainly don't go to clubs for "music." Anyway the game is that the dancer can arbitrarily start counting dances whenever. One dancer wanted to count a 15 second song. She backed down real quick when I said that is fine, but I've had enough dances. The other situation occurs when she adds a couple after you've both been counting. 99.9% of the time I will pay for the overage if I bought a lot dances and then I will cut her off my list for future dances. It makes no difference how hot she is or how good she dances.

I don't really mind the loss of money nearly as much as the company of the now unwanted dancer. Every time a dancer throws in a free song or just gives a little extra I feel like rushing back and spending even more money on her. And, that pretty much goes for any business relationship. When I see someone giving a little extra I wanted to do more business with that person.

Yes, I could run a tighter ship. But, that really takes a lot of the fun out of it when I feel that I have to be a cop. On the positive side, it is better to weed out dancers who will take advantage like that.

I should also mention a good number of dancers who if you're treating them right more than return the favor. Not just a free song at the end, but free songs in the form of considering certain songs one because the songs are a little short or not counting the song if it is the dancer's favorite or whatever. Sometimes I'll get an apology an the dancer will ask if she can take the song off to do whatever. Sometimes whatever is positive sometimes she is taking a real break just so she can move with the music. Whatever, I consider it nice even if it happens to interrupt my fun. I appreciate the show of consideration.


  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Some of my favorites give free dances or reduce their prices to keep dancing and/or start dancing on a song and don't count that. That's why they are my favorites and I keep spending money on them when I see them. I call a dancer trying to count extra dances a Rip off Bitch or ROB. Report her on here and to the manager if she's a real bitch. She's probably temporary anyway though. At least the dancers I've encountered like that have been temporary.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I'll walk out before I'll pay for a dance which I feel wasn't ordered (or enjoyed) by me.

  • ozymandias
    17 years ago
    I always prepay for a few dances at a time.

    "Here's $60, so just dance the next 6 songs you like"

    Been doing that for years.

  • evilcyn
    17 years ago
    I will give a free dance here and there.. When I take someone to the corner what ever is left of the song thats playing I always let them know that song doesn't count and I ususally just start dancing...
    I hate waiting for the "next song" to start before I start dancing, what is 2 mins of my life to give a little extra for someone..
    As for ROB's, I don't get it, you guys work for you money, and you bring it in to spend, and give us a job, why they try and lie cheat and steal I can't figure out..They take away from what you walk in there for..
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Prepay usually hasn't worked for me. Rarely the dancer will just relax and actually do a better job; MUCH better. A real treat. Other times it is taken that you don't have much interest and considering the typical customer who throws money away e.g. the rain man, I can see where a dancer could get the wrong impression. More frustrating is the dancer who knows you have high interest and will give poor dances if you pay upfront.

    I don't consider theft of a couple $5 dances to be a ROB. Sometimes it is just a test to see if you have any balls. You don't stand up for yourself and she will lose whatever respect she had for you. You do take charge and you will be amply rewarded. I'm not really into the game like that. Some customers love that shit. I'm more interested in avoiding trouble to a considerable extent.

    One time I brought a true ROB to the manager's attention and he was more than willing to get my money back or get the promised service. I didn't want the money back or even the offered service. I wanted him to be on alert and or have a talk with her. She didn't even last the week. The manager said even after he had spoken to her she pulled the same shit so he decided that he didn't need a dancer like that because it hurts the club and other dancers.

  • Crosscut
    17 years ago
    A lot of good stuff here. I've come to relate to your idea that "creative counting" can be a test as much as a straight money grab.

    At the end of a well performed session, I had a dancer add $40 to a total that we had established just a few minutes---maybe one song---before. This lady was no novice, but she was somewhat under the influence. And the matter had to be addressed.

    Immediately realizing she had f-ed up, she apologized and said, "Hey, welcome to stripper world." Before I could react to that, she asked if I would accept four free dances in recompense. Big hearted guy that I am, I said, "OK."

    Four inspired dances later as we left the dance area, I was trying to decide what sort of tip might be in order, and she was still apologizing. I said, "Tell you what. Buy me a drink, and we'll forget all about it."

    She says fine. We sit down. At which point, I pushed my luck too far.

    " Order me a drink, and I'll be right back." (I wasn't being a hardass, I just had to go.)

    When I came back, she was hustling guys at another table.

    I was just a little bit of bladder capacity away from a classic play.

    But my point is, some of them will respect you more if you call them on it.
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Hi Crosscut,

    Yes, I had one dancer really push it. And, it was all a test to see if I was a man or not in her mind. She was very impressed that I was willing to stand up to her bouncer buddy. He was saying it is only $5. I told him, that considering the number of dances I had bought from her she should be thrilled to give me a discount of only $5. He continued to press and I said fine, I will pay and just hang out at some of the other $5 clubs for a while. With that my dancer tells her buddy to forget about it since it is only $5 and she thinks she might have made a mistake. She definitely had no problem dancing for me in the future and her dances were even better. I really dislike that type of confrontation, but I really liked the dancer and wanted to "pass" the test. I passed with flying colors. :) Presented with the same situation now, no matter how much I liked the dancer, I probably decide to "fail" the test.

    An old girlfriend trained me for this nonsense in that her idea of a relationship was one stupid test after another to see how much of a man I was. For example, one small test involved this ugly doodad that she claimed to love and wanted me to pay for and also to admire as well! NO WAY SAM!!! I told her it looked like garbage at any price. She says but, I really love it doesn't that mean anything? I said YES, it means if we ever share living space I'm in charge of decorating. Your taste is worse than horrible. Amazing how such a hot woman can have NO taste at all. Dang, I feel like buying that garbage just so I can put it in its proper place--THE GARBAGE!!! Months later she laughed about it and said she wanted to know how far I would go to please her. She claimed most guys would be eager to bend over because she was way above average in the looks department. I can understand that and might have fallen into the same trap. After all what is a few bucks spent on an ugly doodad to make a super hot woman happy and so what if I needed to bend the truth . . .

    the premium pussy is worth your integrity, right???

  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    The cheap dances are minimum 15 dollars where I visit. Some dancers charge as much as 50 per dance even though I would never pay that. If a dancer like that overcharges for 2 dances, you would be arguing about a lot more money than 10 bucks in pocket change. Of course the few dancers who do try to rip me off only mean I'm that much more reluctant to get dances from any new dancers. I have to get the vibe from a new dancer that she's not going to try to be a thief or get away as fast as possible. If a dancer comes up and says "wanna dance?" it's an automatic no thanks or maybe later. no dance
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Hi casualguy,

    I actually appreciate the wanna dance girls. Different culture. Different prices. Different rules. I feel guilty taking a dancer's time when I know immediately that even if she is attractive, sweet, high mileage, etc. that she lacks my key i.e. a certain look that is more important than all the other stuff. So I end up giving mercy dances. No fun.

  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    There's only one club that I frequent and don't keep count of lap dances in their Champaigne Room and that's Bugsy's Speakeasy in Elyria, evilcyn's club.

    The reason being is because the dancers I have taken to the Room know that I am NOT going to STIFF (pun?) them on the money. In most cases, I just pull out some twenty-dollar bills, spread them out, and say take what I owe you. Believe it or not, the dancers DO NOT get greedy when I use this method. Why you might ask? Because they know that if I ever felt CHEATED, they're going to lose a good semi-regular customer! Simple as that.

    Any other club, I DO keep count, no matter how good the mileage is!
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