
Comments by zipman68 (page 129)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    I like the other end of the age spectrum -- more clubs should be putting up those "now hiring class of 2010" signs. As long as the girls are hot and 18 or above and 30 or below, things are great!
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    14 years ago
    Dancer going to Guam
    I've known one dancer that visited Hawaii and danced at a few clubs and one that danced at a club in San Diego. Seems a sensible thing to do in winter or just to have some fun.
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    14 years ago
    stripper gonna make me rich....
    Man, DJ is SO lucky. I only got 200% on my last stripper investment. She told me I'd be able to retire using my profits, but I ended up blowing it all on a hand job. Oh wait, that was an acid flashback.
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    14 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Topless Barber Shops
    There was a place that advertised topless haircuts when I was in New Mexico (more than a decade ago). Never actually saw the hairdresser when I was there
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    14 years ago
    Anyone ever considered inviting a dancer over to your house?
    C'mon SuperDude, surely there is an amount of alcohol that would make you repeat! Great story. Joking aside, it would depend on the stripper. 99% of the time, the sane answer is NO.
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    14 years ago
    An easy argument for prostitution
    and bigdude012 - "PLEASE READ DISCLAIMER: Before I am put in the same category as mictiv let me make it clear that this post is not intended to take any side in the abortion debate or has anything to do with the politics surrounding said debate. END OF ATTEMPT TO AVOID FLAMING." I can't picture anybody flaming you for this - this is really "on topic" politics. I can only speak for myself, but even occasional politics off of the strip club topic seems reasonable. We all have interests other than strippers and strip clubs...I hope. I know that that I'm also interested in slutty women who aren't strippers. Joking aside, I hope that others don't mind a variety of topics - including politics - whether or not you agree with the point of view expressed. I know I just wanted to share my point of view in reply...
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    14 years ago
    An easy argument for prostitution
    SuperDude - "If we legalize prostitution, pot and nude FS lap dancing, what kind of world would we have?" UTOPIA
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    14 years ago
    What is your favorite strip club and why?
    Doll House in Jax Florida right now. Previously it was the Private Dancer in Columbus, but I think Private Dancer has changed since my days as a Buckeye
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    14 years ago
    The real reason liberals accuse Tea Partiers of racism
    mitciv dude, I'll echo rickdugan, stripclubspy, et al. - can't you find a better place to post this. I've been trying to ignore this stuff, but it seems like half the posts here are about politics rather than strippers and strip clubs. It isn't even politics relevant to strip clubs. Hell, it isn't even rational political discourse. You want to know "the real reason" why the tea party folks are called racist. SIMPLE -- some of them are racist, and the organizers haven't made any concerted efforts to squelch the obvious racism. Want evidence, look at the stupid signs that constantly make the news. I'm sure that there are some tea partiers that aren't racist. This shouldn't be a liberal or conservative thing. I'll spell it out -- if some idiot is holding up a sign that says Obama wants "white slavery" they are racist and stupid. If some idiot is holding up a sign that says Obama wants "slavery" they are just stupid. If somebody is holding up a sign saying that Obama wants policies that will cost too much...that may or may not be a defensible position, depending upon the policy they are complaining about. But it is at least a rational argument. I could go on, but I'll just say this. Are either the Dems or Repubs a great party? No way. I've voted Dem as the lesser of two evils for some time. Would I like a better option? Of course, but we don't have one. Are a bunch of morons claiming that Obama is going to institute SOCIALISM going to give us a better option? I don't think so. I know mitciv has some negative pictures of W, so maybe he has half a clue and realizes that W was actually worse than Obama. Now get a whole clue and post some stuff about strippers. I wonder if he even digs strippers. And, by the way, happy MAY DAY! Does that make me socialist? I'm going to celebrate by spending some of my hard earned money on strippers. "May day" ends in "y", and I like to spend money on strippers on all days that end in "y"...
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    14 years ago
    To all the dancers: What's going on here? Really need your imput.
    I hate to say this, but Lopaw's/mmdv26's problem is much more common. I've probably had girls I dropped money on not talk when I next visited, but I can't remember any because it is almost always the opposite. Unfortunately, the opposite problem of being immediately approached sometimes involves a girl I gave a whirl despite not being that attracted (hoping the private would be better than I expected) or a girl that ended up not being that good in private. Could be the town or the club. Or a vibe -- maybe not negative, but they might be interpreting your vibe in a way you don't intend.
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    14 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    The dark lives of strippers
    Over the years, there have only been a few strippers that I got to know that I really liked. The unifying feature for them is that they largely seemed in it for the money. These were girls who seemed no "darker" than people you would find in other walks of life, but they realized they could make money by showing off to horny guys. I'm sure they had issues, like all of us, but I can think of about five or six girls that pretty clearly weren't that bad. I have no doubt that there are a lot of really dark stories out there. But I try to avoid the real human wreckage out there - too depressing. In fact, there were a few other girls that I initially thought were ok but started getting negative vibes from. I just decided to avoid conversation that would reveal too much information. In one case I started avoiding a girl who I initially thought was ok who started showing signs of being a bit nuts. I'm curious, how depressing does a girl's story have to be before it becomes a turn off?
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    14 years ago
    Expensive/7up/high mileage vs. cheap/low mileage
    Great one, but this one is easy for me -- high mileage with 7up for $35/song. Hell, for high mileage and 7up I'd drive longer distances than for a place with low mileage/normal looking girls. What do folks think about 7ups/low mileage vs normal looking/high mileage? I would probably go higher mileage, since there are often above average babes at most pages. But I might have to go with eye candy if there were no hotties at all.
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    15 years ago
    Prostitution sting nabs johns in Chicago Heights
    Anything to keep hookers off the streets is good. I'm cool with letting them work in brothels or as call girls. But streetwalkers are bad news for everybody.
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    15 years ago
    Tax question
    zeke's strategy is the most sensible, but getting a big check back results in a bolus of money that can be blown on strippers. So both options have benefits! Seriously though, I have a hard time getting that worked up about some of the benefits of my taxes going to others. All of us have tax money that goes to something we don't like, but there are also things most of us want that are supported by taxes. Also, the reality is that virtually everybody is on tap for *some* taxes (obviously not federal income taxes in all cases) like value added taxes, property taxes, etc. It may not always be federal, but it still comes out of our pockets. I may get flamed for this, but I think that all of us in the half of the population that are paying federal income taxes are in the *right* half -- the half that is actually making money and contributing to society. (Plus we have money for strippers).
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    15 years ago
    Female cover charges?
    When I lived in Columbus the Private Dancer wouldn't even let women in unless they came in with a guy. Made the mistake of being a "date" for a really obnoxious chick who asked me to accompany her when I ran into her in the parking lot. Never figured out why Private Dancer did that.
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    15 years ago
    Russian Strippers
    Katya at the Dollhouse in Jax, FL is incredible - hot as hell and she seems like a nice person. Almost always there.
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    15 years ago
    Clubs having "tip" Buckets at the Door
    It is obnoxious when clubs do this, but I've generally thrown a dollar in. I figure the cost is low and it makes me look generous. There is less of a bad taste when the door is manned (or "womaned" I guess) by a hot babe.
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    15 years ago
    Former Spearmint Rhino dancer to defend title in national pole dancing contest
    I wonder if her father is Larry Cretul - Speaker of the House in Florida and a state representative from Ocala. Unfortunately, I doubt it. Putting a pole in your barn for your daughter could be fucked up, or it could be cool. Politician Cretul is definitely fucked up -- see below: Speaker Cretul ignores e-mail from husband of botched 911 call murder victim by Dara Kam | March 10th, 2010 Denise Amber Lee’s six-minute 911 call that helped convict her killer is among the most notorious examples of 911 calls gone wrong, the calls that are now in House Speaker Larry Cretul’s crosshairs as he tries to create a public records exemptions for them. Her husband Nathan Lee sent an e-mail to the sponsor of Cretul’s bill, House Government Accountability Policy Council Chairman Rob Schenk, pleading with the committee to shoot down the measure that would make 911 call recordings secret except for transcripts that could be available after 60 days. Lee also asked that his message be read at Schenk’s committee hearing the bill (PCB GAP 10-03) before it was voted on this morning. Schenk made no reference to Lee’s message and did not read it before the measure passed by an 8-5 vote. And Cretul, who used a procedural maneuver to ensure the bill passed, never read it at all. He said he received it last night. Public records show that Cretul, his spokeswoman Jill Chamberlin and Schenk received it around 3:30 p.m. yesterday. “I haven’t read the e-mail. I’m sure that he makes some excellent points,” Cretul, R-Ocala, said shortly before the House began session at 1 p.m. Nathan Lee and his parents are pushing a separate 911 bill that would require uniform training standards for 911 dispatchers throughout the state. His wife was killed despite five 911 calls made in two counties, including one from a witness whose call was ignored. Lee’s e-mail uses the botched handling of the eyewitness’ emergency call made on the day his wife was killed in 2008 to demonstrate why the calls should be available to the public. “She provided the exact location of this event and even though there were, by all accounts, 4 police cars within a mile of this call, it was never dispatched. This call was, obviously, grossly mishandled and would have resulted in the saving of Denise’s life. Two days after this call, she was found in a grave, naked and with a single gunshot wound to the head. This call was hidden from the public and myself. And even hidden from the police department who was actively investigating the case and searching for my wife for two days. The subsequent internal affairs investigation shows the communication center and agency who took this crucial call were immediately aware that the call was about Denise. The call was suppressed. Had the eyewitness not contacted the North Port Police Department we may never have known about her call. And the prosecution would have lost the last eyewitness to see my wife alive,” Lee wrote. Cretul said he supports the training and certification bill. “But my whole interest in this issue has been watching what it also does to families and what it does to people that call in. They become suddenly out there for all the world to see,” Cretul said in an interview. “This is a very tough, very difficult issue. Very sensitive in all respects.” Read the entire text of Nathan Lee’s message after the jump. “Dear Representative Schenck, I am writing to you about PCB GAP 10-03 that has been suggested by your committee. Unfortunately, I am unable to attend your meeting this morning. But I would appreciate you reading this email to the committee. Thank you. As you may or may not know, our foundation was formed out of the tragic abduction, rape, and murder of my wife, Denise Lee. Five 9-1-1 calls were made the day she was taken kidnapped from our home by a complete stranger. One call was made by Denise herself when she dialed 9-1-1 with her killer’s cell phone without his knowledge. During the recent murder trial, we had to listen to over 6 minutes of this painful call where she begged for her life desperately pleading to come home to me and our 2 boys. I understand the pain and suffering of having to listen to tragic 9-1-1 calls. Another 9 minute 9-1-1 call was made that day from a bystander witnessing the abduction. She provided the exact location of this event and even though there were, by all accounts, 4 police cars within a mile of this call, it was never dispatched. This call was, obviously, grossly mishandled and would have resulted in the saving of Denise’s life. Two days after this call, she was found in a grave, naked and with a single gunshot wound to the head. This call was hidden from the public and myself. And even hidden from the police department who was actively investigating the case and searching for my wife for two days. The subsequent internal affairs investigation shows the communication center and agency who took this crucial call were immediately aware that the call was about Denise. The call was suppressed. Had the eyewitness not contacted the North Port Police Department we may never have known about her call. And the prosecution would have lost the last eyewitness to see my wife alive. We believe 9-1-1 issues need more transparency and not less if we are ever to learn from past mistakes. In the aftermath of our tragedy, we have been invited around the country to speak at state and national 9-1-1 conferences on the need for a mandatory, uniform training standard that all 9-1-1 telecommunicators should be required to take. There is no reason for the general public to support or demand additional fees be approved for 9-1-1 if these types of calls are suppressed from the public discussion. The public needs to know the challenges of the system in order to vote for additional funding to improve it. This bill would be totally counter-productive to that end. It only serves to shelter the agencies from scrutiny. We are victims that this bill purports to represent but we feel saving another family from the pain and suffering that we have endured is far more important than saving us from hearing Denise’s last words. Forward thinking legislators with integrity and vision would see these calls are valuable training moments and powerful emotional tools to change public policy to improve the system. Please do not pass this bill. Thank you for your time and thank you for reading this for me. Nathan Lee Chairman/Co-Founder Denise Amber Lee Foundation www.deniseamberlee.org”
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    finger in the kitty
    At the club I've been going to the most over the past year, most girls seem cool with the finger in the kitty. Those that aren't cool have actually said something at the beginning of the dance. But it definitely varies with the club. I figure nothing is over the line if you get the signal that the girl is ok with it! Go for it dude (but please follow the hand washing advice).
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    15 years ago
    How long should a 'song' be?
    I think every song played at a strip club should be either "Freebird" or "Tied to the Whipping Post". Different live versions -- the ones where there are at least two drum solos of at least 20 minutes each. Bonus points if a 10 minute bass solo too. Seriously, I think the trick shadowcat mentioned is the best. Find a girl that is willing to grope and whatever for 2 minutes or so until the song actually starts.
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    15 years ago
    Coming to an infomercial near you..........
    For some strippers I don't know if the "secrets strippers don't tell you" is that much worse than any for people doing any job. Do you think your waiter/waitress is perfectly honest about all aspects of the restaurants you eat at? Do you think your co-workers are perfectly honest? Even when people are honest, they often filter what they say to avoid certain topics. With strippers, I suspect there are three categories: 1. Strippers that are basically pretty honest about things that aren't dangerous to them. A lot of us have probably had strippers tell us their real name. I had an ATF when I lived in Columbus that told me her name, email address, and even major at OSU. I think she trusted me enough to know I wasn't going to stalk her (I easily could have tracked her down with that info). My current ATF also seems pretty honest. She is the only stripper who has ever told me a tip was too big -- I think she feels that I come (figuratively...ok, ok, literally as well) reasonably often and that I tip pretty well and there is no need to be greedy. Might girls in this category lie? Probably, but only if they felt a customer was trying to extract info that might be used to tract them down when they don't want it. But I suspect strippers in this category are about as honest as a girl working at a place like Starbucks -- happy to talk and basically, but cautious with customers they don't know that well. 2. Dishonest strippers that have no interest in anything but separating men from their cash. The amount of lying in this category is by definition high. But often the lies are pretty transparent. 3. Crazy strippers who lie because they are just plain fucked in the head. I suspect some of the lies may actually be things they may believe when they tell them. There are crazy people in all jobs, although there are probably more working in strip clubs. I suspect the proportion of girls in each category depends upon the club. Some clubs are just filled with human wreckage, and I don't find those fun. Others have a lot of ROBs that hoover the money out of your wallet. But there are many clubs that have pretty girls that are just doing their job. As long as they do that job naked I am happy!
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    15 years ago
    Will a topless bar strip homes of their value?
    Hm...I'd think there might be guys who would pay extra for a place that was walking distance from a strip club. Just add "hot naked girls nextdoor" when you advertise.
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    15 years ago
    Iceland outlaws striptease
    I was in Reykjavik in 2004. The strip clubs were full of eastern Europeans. Hot, but very expensive (of course, everything in Iceland was expensive when I was there). I couldn't get anything out of the girl I did a private dance with despite spending a fortune. I was a bad idea to get drunk enough to get confused about the exchange rate and then get a hot polish chick who I thought I could talk into giving me *ahem* something involving her mouth. Regardless, it sucks that anybody would want to stop hot girls from taking their cloths off. Who the fuck votes for moron that don't dig naked women. Sad -- Iceland is a beautiful country. I guess we shouldn't expect both geysers and hot naked chicks -- just geysers.
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    15 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Ever ask a stripper (or other customers) to recommend other strippers in the sam
    Usually, I avoid asking for recommendations. But I've gotten great recommendations from my current atf in the Dollhouse in Jax Florida. She has never been too specific, and I honestly don't think she knows details of what all of the other girls do. But I will say that one of the reasons she is my atf (aside from the obvious "she is hot and gives a good lapdance") is that she is not territorial. I also got a comment from a dancer at another club that she "didn't do that sort of thing" but would "point out the good c--ksuckers" for a fee. I actually didn't ask her for anything at that point, and I certainly didn't ask for the identity of other girls who would do bj. I decided not to get another dance from her.
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    15 years ago
    About Albuquerque Clubs......???
    I lived in Abq in the '90, and there was a period when the Icehouse was pretty damn good. But when I returned to visit early in the '00s (I think my last Abq trip was 2003) the Icehouse was not a friendly place. Other clubs sucked. Doubt that much has improved. Never had any problems with lesbians though. And I even went to an Indigo Girls concert...