i just got word from an industry insider that consumer advocate/protector Kevin Trudeaus next revealing book/expose will be titled, "Secrets Strippers Dont want you to know about." Kevin claiims that he went into the SC industry and he will look you in the eye during the infomercial, holding his book up, all the while saying that "They lied to you, the strippers lied to you." This is gonna blow the lid off the industry.
For some strippers I don't know if the "secrets strippers don't tell you" is that much worse than any for people doing any job. Do you think your waiter/waitress is perfectly honest about all aspects of the restaurants you eat at? Do you think your co-workers are perfectly honest? Even when people are honest, they often filter what they say to avoid certain topics. With strippers, I suspect there are three categories:
1. Strippers that are basically pretty honest about things that aren't dangerous to them. A lot of us have probably had strippers tell us their real name. I had an ATF when I lived in Columbus that told me her name, email address, and even major at OSU. I think she trusted me enough to know I wasn't going to stalk her (I easily could have tracked her down with that info). My current ATF also seems pretty honest. She is the only stripper who has ever told me a tip was too big -- I think she feels that I come (figuratively...ok, ok, literally as well) reasonably often and that I tip pretty well and there is no need to be greedy. Might girls in this category lie? Probably, but only if they felt a customer was trying to extract info that might be used to tract them down when they don't want it. But I suspect strippers in this category are about as honest as a girl working at a place like Starbucks -- happy to talk and basically, but cautious with customers they don't know that well.
2. Dishonest strippers that have no interest in anything but separating men from their cash. The amount of lying in this category is by definition high. But often the lies are pretty transparent.
3. Crazy strippers who lie because they are just plain fucked in the head. I suspect some of the lies may actually be things they may believe when they tell them. There are crazy people in all jobs, although there are probably more working in strip clubs.
I suspect the proportion of girls in each category depends upon the club. Some clubs are just filled with human wreckage, and I don't find those fun. Others have a lot of ROBs that hoover the money out of your wallet. But there are many clubs that have pretty girls that are just doing their job. As long as they do that job naked I am happy!
zipman you know enough to write the book for Kevin Trudeaus and have him market the book for you. Also there are the drug addict strippers who fall under the crazy strippers.
I remember one dancer kept asking me to call her. I told her I did and that her cell phone didn't seem to be working right. She gave me a new cell phone number that she said she gave only to personal friends. I could tell because the voice message listed her real name instead of her nickname she had told me earlier. I believe some dancers have boyfriends and SO's but they like to keep a second string of potential boyfriends in the wing so to speak that they can hook up with later if their main relationship breaks off. I know that because one dancer wanted to make me her new boyfriend when her main boyfriend left. I wasn't interested at that point.
There was one dancer I couldn't tell if she had any significant other. Either that or she didn't want me to know and was just a sex addict. I was wondering what I did that made her want me so bad. She was just about begging to have sex. I thought maybe it had something to do with her stalker like personality as if she hunted me down and knew things about me that I did not even remember. If I had been a dancer and she was a customer, some people probably would have called her a creepy stalker. Of course how many times have you heard of a dancer stalking a guy? Now that I think about it, she did one night in the club. Of course I wasn't afraid of a girl following me around or calling me up out of the blue for no reason. It was weird how she knew things about me from several years ago. She even told me my picture was under the bar in one club and that she remembered the very first time she ever saw me. I never did remember her from all those years ago.
The girl above wasn't begging to have sex. I believe it was more of a natural reaction to someone saying no. I said no several times which led her to just keep asking like some dancers do when asking for dances. That was a far cry from other tactics some females have done. I remember trying to visit a strip club in one town and two Korean girls grabbed my arms and made me visit their club. I said a firm no, and no thanks. I didn't want to buy any of their expensive drinks. After one girl reached into my pants I kept saying no. After several minutes, I started to feel more agreeable. I thought afterwards, that's a dirty tactic. That's just about as bad as giving me a BJ because I might break things off with someone. I believe only a tiny percentage of females are aware or would try dirty tactics. Either that or they feel it's too far underneath their values even if they are a stripper.
last comment1. Strippers that are basically pretty honest about things that aren't dangerous to them. A lot of us have probably had strippers tell us their real name. I had an ATF when I lived in Columbus that told me her name, email address, and even major at OSU. I think she trusted me enough to know I wasn't going to stalk her (I easily could have tracked her down with that info). My current ATF also seems pretty honest. She is the only stripper who has ever told me a tip was too big -- I think she feels that I come (figuratively...ok, ok, literally as well) reasonably often and that I tip pretty well and there is no need to be greedy. Might girls in this category lie? Probably, but only if they felt a customer was trying to extract info that might be used to tract them down when they don't want it. But I suspect strippers in this category are about as honest as a girl working at a place like Starbucks -- happy to talk and basically, but cautious with customers they don't know that well.
2. Dishonest strippers that have no interest in anything but separating men from their cash. The amount of lying in this category is by definition high. But often the lies are pretty transparent.
3. Crazy strippers who lie because they are just plain fucked in the head. I suspect some of the lies may actually be things they may believe when they tell them. There are crazy people in all jobs, although there are probably more working in strip clubs.
I suspect the proportion of girls in each category depends upon the club. Some clubs are just filled with human wreckage, and I don't find those fun. Others have a lot of ROBs that hoover the money out of your wallet. But there are many clubs that have pretty girls that are just doing their job. As long as they do that job naked I am happy!
yeah, right, LOL!!!
There was one dancer I couldn't tell if she had any significant other. Either that or she didn't want me to know and was just a sex addict. I was wondering what I did that made her want me so bad. She was just about begging to have sex. I thought maybe it had something to do with her stalker like personality as if she hunted me down and knew things about me that I did not even remember. If I had been a dancer and she was a customer, some people probably would have called her a creepy stalker. Of course how many times have you heard of a dancer stalking a guy? Now that I think about it, she did one night in the club. Of course I wasn't afraid of a girl following me around or calling me up out of the blue for no reason. It was weird how she knew things about me from several years ago. She even told me my picture was under the bar in one club and that she remembered the very first time she ever saw me. I never did remember her from all those years ago.