
The real reason liberals accuse Tea Partiers of racism

Friday, April 30, 2010 9:28 PM
I have said something like this before, but at the risk of being a bore, and because of the times in which we live, I will repeat myself: The real reason liberals accuse Tea Partiers of racism is that contemporary American-style liberalism is in rigor mortis. Liberals have nothing else to say or do. Accusations of racism are their last resort. The European debt crisis — first Greece, then Portugal and now Spain (and Belgium, Ireland and Italy, evidently) — has shown the welfare state to be an unsustainable economic system. The US, UK and Japan, according to the same Financial Times report, are also on similar paths of impoverishment through entitlements. Many of us have known this for a long time, just from simple math. Entitlements are in essence a Ponzi scheme. Now we have to face that and do something serious about it or our economy (the world economy) will fall apart. Liberals, leftists or progressives — whatever they choose to call themselves — have a great deal of trouble accepting this. To do so they would have to question a host of positions they have not examined for years, if ever, not to mention have to engage in discussions that could threaten their livelihood and jeopardize their personal and family associations. Thus the traditional wish to kill the messenger who brings the bad news: the Tea Partiers. And the easiest way to kill them — the most obvious and hoariest of methods – is to accuse them of racism. Never mind that there is no evidence — or what little evidence proffered has been shown to be manufactured prevarication — liberals must continue the racism meme at all costs. There is no other. To engage the Tea Party Movement in a battle of ideas would be suicidal for them, because the basic economic tenet of American liberalism — an increase in government spending and consequent increased national debt is good for society — seems nonsensical to the vast majority of our citizens at this point in history. And for good reason. This situation could be looked at as an awakening or reawakening for our country, but it is far from completely good news. You don't have to be Nostradamus to see that relations, in the immediate future at least, between ideological adversaries are going to be increasingly hostile. In the battle to maintain power — and equally as importantly to maintain self-image — many strains of the left will redouble their efforts to define the Tea Party movement as racist, further splitting our society and racializing it. They will seize on any isolated incident of the slightest prejudice as a pretext. And it is not unlikely that they will find what they need somewhere, because any movement of millions contains someone who exhibits some form of racism some time. Again, it's simple math. Unfortunately, not much can be done about this other than what already has. We have to be constantly vigilant, especially with the mainstream media so deeply in the liberal camp, often to an extent those media themselves don't realize. It's imbued in their DNA and their unconscious. An interesting small case in point is the new Christian Science Monitor report “Why ‘tea party' defenders won't let N-word claims rest,” superficially a much more sympathetic (to the tea partiers) article than most. It's an attempt to be even-handed and yet reporter Patrik Jonsson writes of the now famous accusation of multiple N-word use by Tea Partiers from members of the Congressional Black Caucus: Without hard evidence for either side, the conventional wisdom might be for tea partyers to let the incident slide and to blame the movement's more radical elements. Say what? Without hard evidence from either side? In the US of A, where I live, we are supposedly innocent until proven guilty. There was no proof at all offered for this accusation of racism. Indeed, some of the accusers have even walked away from it; the originator has gone silent. In a court of law, there would be no need whatsoever for the Tea Partiers to offer evidence of innocence of any kind in their defense. This accusation would be thrown out in a trice. But of course, the Tea Partiers did offer a defense, because the mainstream media has unconscionably stacked the moral deck against the Tea Party movement. And the world knows it. And so does Mr. Jonsson, who, most probably without thinking, employed the rhetoric of “moral equivalency” for his article where there is not even remote moral equivalency. There is only an accusation without proof. I could just as easily accuse Mr. Jonsson of racism — and I don't know him. He, at least, had the courage to report on this matter with some honesty. Andrew Breitbart has done a brilliant job of pointing out this profound bias by offering his one hundred thousand dollar reward for provable instances of Tea Party racism, which, thus far and not surprisingly, has not been claimed. I wouldn't have Andrew's guts, because I know people make mistakes. But he has certainly made his point — and then some. So I will return to mine. These are not great times. We may be headed for that double-dip recession or even worse. The administration is going to be proposing legislation like Cap and Trade II that not only hurts the economy but enriches their cronies in the name of bogus science. A VAT — that most regressive of taxes — will ironically be proposed by a purportedly “progressive” administration. (When will that word be returned to where it really belongs — poker?) They will do this in support of expanded government programs that cost billions, probably trillions, more than they will ever admit to themselves or to us. Yes, as the Chinese curse goes, we do live in interesting times. If they get any more interesting, they will kill us. As they say in that great Dos XX's ad, “Stay thirsty, my friends.” -Roger L. Simon


  • EarlTee
    14 years ago
    But did you get extras?
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    This may be reduntant, but aren't there better places to post this stuff?
  • compshop
    14 years ago
    Isn't this a board for trading strip club information? If you want to talk politics, go to a political board. I note mitciv has 0 reviews. I, for one, don't need any more political diatribes on this board. I don't preach my politics to you, and have no interest in you preaching to me.
  • inno123
    14 years ago
    He may be onto a tactic though, Go to a strip club, get a girl to sit down with you, go into a diatribe like this, and then maybe she'll offer you a free dance just to get you to shut up.
  • spudd
    14 years ago
    Years ago, I got sick of USENET (or Google Groups) because of these posters. They would post their diatribe in every group that I visited. I thought they were following me. It wasn't until I realized that the reason they posted in all the groups was because they were popular. It's the same here. This guy is just starving attention. He figured the best place to get it is in a popular forums.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
  • sanitago
    14 years ago
    maybe you could just take the club to him, clubber! damn, what a boring ass!
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    Well, I believe in the 1ST!
  • gk
    14 years ago
    Some will disagree, but that's OK---but I tend to agree with a some of what was said, not always everything, but some. Having said that, let me repeat that we can agree or disagree; that's fine. BUT WHAT WE HAVE IN COMMON IS SOMETHING ELSE. So isn't it better to disagree or agree on these things someplace else, perhaps another forum? Instead, let's focus on what we have in common. This hobby let's us get away from the flame and intensity of life. Why tinker that that successful formula? It's fun to talk about what we have in common. No offense to anybody, but let's try to have more fun here.
  • mitciv
    14 years ago
    inno123 good sense of humor rickdugan very redundanr
  • stripclubspy
    14 years ago
    dude, nobody cares.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    stripclubspy, And that IS a major part of the problem, apathy!
  • zipman68
    14 years ago
    mitciv dude, I'll echo rickdugan, stripclubspy, et al. - can't you find a better place to post this. I've been trying to ignore this stuff, but it seems like half the posts here are about politics rather than strippers and strip clubs. It isn't even politics relevant to strip clubs. Hell, it isn't even rational political discourse. You want to know "the real reason" why the tea party folks are called racist. SIMPLE -- some of them are racist, and the organizers haven't made any concerted efforts to squelch the obvious racism. Want evidence, look at the stupid signs that constantly make the news. I'm sure that there are some tea partiers that aren't racist. This shouldn't be a liberal or conservative thing. I'll spell it out -- if some idiot is holding up a sign that says Obama wants "white slavery" they are racist and stupid. If some idiot is holding up a sign that says Obama wants "slavery" they are just stupid. If somebody is holding up a sign saying that Obama wants policies that will cost too much...that may or may not be a defensible position, depending upon the policy they are complaining about. But it is at least a rational argument. I could go on, but I'll just say this. Are either the Dems or Repubs a great party? No way. I've voted Dem as the lesser of two evils for some time. Would I like a better option? Of course, but we don't have one. Are a bunch of morons claiming that Obama is going to institute SOCIALISM going to give us a better option? I don't think so. I know mitciv has some negative pictures of W, so maybe he has half a clue and realizes that W was actually worse than Obama. Now get a whole clue and post some stuff about strippers. I wonder if he even digs strippers. And, by the way, happy MAY DAY! Does that make me socialist? I'm going to celebrate by spending some of my hard earned money on strippers. "May day" ends in "y", and I like to spend money on strippers on all days that end in "y"...
  • bigdude012
    14 years ago
    I like political discourse far more than the next guy but on this site I say screw politics, give me a drink, and let me see some hot naked dancers
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    IGNORE - to have no knowledge of, mistake, TAKE NO NOTICE OF. Is it that difficult a concept?
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    spudd, speaking of usenet or google groups here was an interesting post from founder of [view link] a while ago: [view link] Hey, how ya all doing? From the tone of these posts, it's sounds like SCL's webmaster is starting to feel the pressure of what it's like to run a strip club list. My advice to him - Dont let the bastards get you down. Run it however you like, you'll never please everyone. Aside from the fact that I believe he hacked into my site and stole all my info to get his list started (the exact same reviews with the same misspellings gave it away) I think it is good to have two large sites on the web. It forced me to clean up my site, remove some banners, etc. And FYI, tuscl will NEVER be a subscription service. There is no way that I could do that since all the info I have was posted by users (well, almost all. I do get out to a few clubs now and then). As for the plea to click on banners - Could I have made it any easier? They open in a separate window, you click on one, then you're done. If you use the list, help pay for it. From the silly little XXX counter I added last week, I see that there have been about 150,000 page views. That's about 3 pages a minute on average, but I can tell you that during the evening is when the server is working the hardest, churning out close to 5 pages per second. So if you've noticed it's slow as a tired dog during those times, now you know why. As for logging in to post comments - let me make this clear: YOU DO NOT HAVE TO LOG IN TO POST. if you choose to remain anonymous, then we will store the ip number of the machine you posted from. this should not even be a concern for most people that post normal shit. It has, however, cut down on the death threats to dancers, which pleases me and my lawyer. Additionally, if you do choose to register, we DO NOT store your IP address. the only link we have to you is your email address, which for God's sake I hope you got from hotmail, yahoo, [view link] or some other free service. Don't use your work or home email. Read on if you want a brief history of [view link] A long time ago in an internet far away, there was a magical little site called [view link] that let lunitics have web space for $50 a year. I, being a right fine lunitic, took paranoia founder KevinTX up on that deal, and decided I would learn how to make a website. What kind of website I should make came easy to me, as my favorite newsgroup was [view link].strip-clubs. So I simply started compiling a list of all the great reviews posted there (this was back in the days when Spam was still just a food [almost] product.) So I learned to write HTML from that, and when I started sucking up too much of [view link]'s bandwidth I set out on my own, learning a hell of a lot more than HTML. Now I was learning about T1's and ISP's and TCP/IP. Well, needless to say all that great education led to a great paying job as an internet consultant, so I sort of ignored tuscl for a while, and let it just run itself, occassionaly updating and adding a banner here or there <g>. There was a time when I almost sold tuscl, but the deal fell through. And like they say - you never forget your first love, so I started enhancing tuscl, making the pages dynamic, adding a chat area, adding a seach feature, adding still more banners (btw, there is a feature in your browser where you can TURN OFF IMAGES) And here I sit nearly 5 years after starting tuscl, still plugging away, learning new tricks, and fiddling with tuscl for probably what amounts to 2 bucks an hour. But hey, what can I say, it's a fun hobby. Hope this clears some issues up, and hope it doesn't raise more. Peace, Love, and Strip Clubs slip a dollar in her g-string for me F
  • RoyBatty
    14 years ago
    "He may be onto a tactic though, Go to a strip club, get a girl to sit down with you, go into a diatribe like this, and then maybe she'll offer you a free dance just to get you to shut up." Inno123, you are funny as hell
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