
Comments by zipman68 (page 128)

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    12 years ago
    RoadHouse Revue 333 Georgesville Rd, Columbus, Ohio 43228
    A nude club in Columbus. Who'd 'ave thunk that? Seemed like the nude clubs were on the way out when I was an Ohioan. Toy box (? - can't remember) on the NE side of town closed while I lived there. Candy Store seemed sucky. Private Dancer went downhill fast right before I left. Not that C-town nude clubs were ever tops... Hope you guys actually get a good nude club so I can visit when in OH
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    12 years ago
    2012 US Election
    Hear hear Doc_H on Johnson. Probably the one honest politician out there. I didn't vote for him when I was a New Mexican, but grew to admire him. He makes sense much of the time and says what he thinks. Of course, that is why he has no chance... I'd vote for him if he did. That said, the anti-liberal stance here has always puzzled me. Everybody here is fairly liberal socially -we all want the gov't out of our bedrooms. What party wants in? Does anybody really think federal spending would really drop significantly under Romney?If you do I've got a bridge in NYC I'd like to sell you. I predict that Romney will keep spending,lower taxes, and might but into our lives more on social issues. He ain't gonna be no libertarian. The 47% number is BS. It is income tax. But there are other taxes. The CBO says the lower 20% in the income distribution has a negative income tax rate (consistent with 47% not paying) but a positive overall tax rate. The actual number of "no federal tax payers" is more like 10%. Are there mooches in the US? Of course. But this 47% line of Romney's is just BS. He has to be smart enough to know federal income tax Is not the only federal tax. So he is just lying (more accurately, telling a half truth to intentionally mislead). I'll hold my nose and vote for Obama - he sucks but Romney is going to be much worse.
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    12 years ago
    Prostitute wins discrimination case against hotels Australia
    Why shouldn't she get some legal protection, assuming she was conducting her business in a way that was neither destructive nor disruptive? Run a different scenario: an executive at a meat distributor rents a room at a hotel run by a vegan. It is a small town so there is only a single hotel. He wants to expand distribution to a new city and holds a small meeting at the hotel. The vegan owner feels that the executive's business, although legal, is immoral and refuses to ever rent to him. None of the activities he engaged in disrupted to other guests or the hotel. Did the vegan have the right to do what they did? Another scenario: hotel owner refuses service solely on the basis of race. The guest did nothing other than be the "wrong" color. Would that be ok? My understanding is that prostitution is legal in Australia, so the motel owner was kicking out a client who broke no law. If she conducted her business only behind closed doors and didn't disrupt anybody else in the hotel, she should be left alone. If she was disrupting the owner's business (not just doing stuff he considered immoral) then I completely agree that the owner has a right to kick her the hell out of his establishment.
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    12 years ago
    Fantasy Reviews
    Dude, WTF. I was just about to post that exact review. Happened just like that to me last week...yeah, that's the ticket... That was funny as hell
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    12 years ago
    Jacksonville recommendations needed
    Dollhouse is currently the only other nude bar in JAX. I like it a lot more than Sins, but I have to admit I haven't been to Sins in almost a year. The city is closing down DH using eminent domain (expanding I95). See it while you still can. It is a pretty good club
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    12 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    When in Rome (or Columbia)????
    Sorry about the double post. New tablet
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    12 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    When in Rome (or Columbia)????
    It is sad that we are in a world where you hear people blaming Obama for this though (like crazy Sarah Palin). Obama has not been a great president by a long shot, but I'm sure there were the occasional secret service guys who indulged in local hookers under previous administrations. Wouldn't have been Bush's (or Clinton's etc) fault either. On another note I try to keep within the laws when I travel abroad. Not worth the hassle to break them. Guys who travel abroad (or anywhere) to have sex with kids should be prosecuted, either by the country they visit or by the US, so I'm cool with that.
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    12 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    When in Rome (or Columbia)????
    It is sad that we are in a world where you hear people blaming Obama for this though (like crazy Sarah Palin). Obama has not been a great president by a long shot, but I'm sure there were the occasional secret service guys who indulged in local hookers under previous administrations. Wouldn't have been Bush's (or Clinton's etc) fault either. On another note I try to keep within the laws when I travel abroad. Not worth the hassle to break them. Guys who travel abroad (or anywhere) to have sex with kids should be prosecuted, either by the country they visit or by the US, so I'm cool with that.
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    13 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Extra Indicators
    As said above there is no perfect indicator, but big collections of napkins can be one for BBBJ. Especially if you can catch a glimpse of her tossing after the dance. Doesn't help you find the no spit girls, and can also mean HJ only, but can be useful. I stear clear of BBFS. But if a girl will do BBFS she will usually do BBBJ as well. Have also had spit on floor... Hate to think about what a Uv light would show in some VIP rooms
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Interesting read. Even if you don't smoke pot.
    Seems like standard sobriety tests (touch fingers to nose, walk straight line, etc.) would work if filmed. The courts should probably come up with a standard rubric to keep cops from using the test like a bs "disturbing the peace", but I am all for not having folks who are too stoned driving. That said, my experience with stoned drivers is that they drive slow and take fewer chances. As long as they stay off the freeway and hit the back roads where they can putter along at 20 mph things are probably fine...
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    13 years ago
    Playboy Playmate Arrested With Loaded Gun at Orlando Airport
    @vincemichaels - you said it man. If I were a TSA agent I'd really want to make sure she wasn't hiding anything in her bra. With tits like her's, you might be able to hide something in there. @deogol - I don't really buy the liberal/conservative thing here. I'm cool with gun rights, but I'm not cool with the right to do stupid shit with guns. This would seem to fall more into the "doing stupid shit with guns" category. If she had packed the gun in luggage and everything was legal (and she does have a concealed carry permit) and folks were saying she shouldn't own a gun I'd be with you. But no guns on aircraft is a pretty simple rule that most folks with common sense should know. To be fair to Ms. McLaughlin and her rockin' tits, sometimes folks miscommunicate and this was probably an honest fuck up. But I tend to pack my own luggage and (because I like to only do carry on) don't take a gun on trips. Maybe she'll do the same (or pack the gun in checked luggage) in the future.
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    13 years ago
    For me it is ideally ears only. But navels are fine and and some genital piercings are ok. I'm ok with labial and hood piercings, but an honest to god clit piercing doesn't seem sensible. I wouldn't want a piece of metal through the most sensitive part of my dick. Some labial piercing stimulate the clit, so I get that, though I'm not sure I'd want metal next to a place like that... Nipples, lip, eyebrow, etc. not so cool. Really don't get the idea of piercing the taint -- though I haven't seen a girl with that piercing. Not a real fan of tats. I don't get the point of getting tats is now. So many girls have them that they really don't provide any sense of individuality. Most are ugly. It is hard to improve on a pretty girl with no clothes!
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    13 years ago
    Off Topic
    I'm skeptical of anything James O'Keefe says or does. Everything I've read about the guy makes him seem like lying scum. I have no doubt that it is possible to find morons working at state and federal agencies who will say stupid shit. But I think O'Keefe goes looking for exceptions and makes them out to be the majority. I also think he will cut videos to make things look worse than they actually are. Don't know what is the case here. The woman should probably be fired. But I also suspect she is not a licensed social worker (contrary to the title of the article) and that most people in those office -- even the lowest wage folks -- aren't *as* stupid. I'm with you that our country has major problems that need to be solved. And I'll grant you that government should be more efficient and get off our asses about a lot of things (like not wasting money busting strip clubs when there is actual crime that hurts people). But assholes like O'Keefe don't help things.
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    13 years ago
    New Jersey
    How to act when you're the only one in a club
    Had it happen a few times. Very uncomfortable unless you are a regular. When it has happened I've been generous with the tips and tried to prevent girls who aren't my type from glomming onto me. If worst comes to worst I've been honest if a girl I don't find attractive tries to monopolize my time, give her an extra big tip for just talking (say $5 to $10 -- this is for just talking after all...) and ask her if she would get a girl I like. Really sucks if I haven't seen any girls I like -- there is always a hope that there are better girls backstage. But if things look dire I just leave.
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    13 years ago
    "To Catch a Predator" host caught cheating on his wife by hidden cameras
    Have to agree with Book Guy and rickdugan. Hansen fucked an adult and that really is no business of anybody except Hansen, the hot reporter, and Hansen's wife. If Hansen was "outing" men who had affairs with other adults he would be a hypocrite. But it seems to me that he is just a horny dude. And who among us hasn't been there?
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    13 years ago
    Found On The Net
    All I can say is where do I find a friend who has a hooker girlfriend that I can have anal with? If only the shit you found on the net were true.
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    13 years ago
    WTF Is This???
    To be fair, maybe he doesn't mind the herpes. In that light, a perfect 10 might be justified. Perhaps the 10 should be down-weighted for those of us who don't like herpes.
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    14 years ago
    Tampa next week
    Mons girls are beautiful, but I haven't been in a while because of the expense. My last visit to 2001 was disappointing. Went to the spaceship with a redhead, lots of tease for lots of cash. Scarlett's probably best (unless you want to do the Lipstixx experience...)
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    14 years ago
    State To Demolish Doll House Strip Club
    Depressing as fuck. Doll House is the premier nude club in North Florida. I hope they can move it somewhere. I like the bullshit like "We have some people that come from the Doll House all during the night to the end of our street, and you can only imagine what all goes on." As long as folks don't get hurt, who cares. If the cops want to bust people for being obnoxious on the street (which I've never seen around DH) do it. But come on -- if you don't like looking a tits, ass, and pussy stay out and let those who like it enjoy.
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    14 years ago
    Islamist dirty bomber son of imam lived in NYC, Florida -- thanks to libs!
    Hmm, I suppose a dirty bomb would be a problem for a strip club if it was near the detonation. The interesting thing is that a quick check of wikipedia revealed the following: In October, FBI consultant Paul Williams wrote a book Dunces of Doomsday in which he claimed that Amer el-Maati, Jaber A. Elbaneh and Anas al-Liby had all been seen around Hamilton, Ontario the previous year, and that Shukrijumah had been seen at McMaster University where he "wasted no time in gaining access to the nuclear reactor and stealing more than 180 pounds of nuclear material for the reation of radiological bombs". He was subsequently sued by the University for libel, as there had been no evidence to suggest any part of his story was true. The publisher later apologise for allowing Williams to print statements which "were without basis in fact" Obviously, the quality of wikipedia is variable. However, there is a citation for this material. All I can say is that if I saw an allegation that large amounts of radiological material was stolen from a university or hospital without being mentioned in multiple mainstream newspapers I would tend to be skeptical. Moreover, I don't see how this is a lib vs conservative issue. When did Adnan el Shukrijumah move to the states? Hmm, the '80s (he was young at the time of course)... When did he leave the states? Hmm, before 2009. Both times when the president was a well-know liberal. Wait no, the truth was the opposite of that. Seriously though, this isn't a "lib" issue or a "conservative" issue? Bush sucked royally, but I don't blame him for this dude. Obama sucks pretty royally too, and I think he is doing a crappy job, but I don't blame him for this dude. There are clearly things we could be doing better to track folks like this, but they weren't things the last conservative administration was doing right that the current administration has changed.
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    14 years ago
    Strippers Protest At Church..
    @Dudester - I loved my time in Columbus (almost a decade ago now). It is a great city. Not the best strip club scene, but not the worst by a long shot. There are a lot of great folks in Ohio. There are also a lot of churches and folks who want to push their religion on you. If they could learn to stop pushing their religion Ohio would be even better. But I suppose we can say the same about every place in the country! Oh, and I've driven through Zanesville a few times on the way to Pittsburgh. I think I would have been a bit scared of the quality of any strip club there. And I'd be doubly scared of a club in small town Ohio off the beaten path from Zanesville...
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    14 years ago
    Wife finds husband in strip club, pours drinks on him
    Love the new profile pic samsung! And damn funny of story.
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    14 years ago
    Guess the stripper game
    @troop Really hot picture! @samsung1 I hope you knew the bouncer well -- you could have been in danger of getting something scary in your lap! Seriously though, sounds like a fun way to waste an evening! Sometimes a little randomness spices things up.
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    14 years ago
    City cites downtown club over lap dance
    I remember the end of the combat zone days - I think I was at the Glass Slipper in '95 or '96. Still pretty sleazy area, could get reasonable contact with dancer (but not a lap dance per se). Went back last time I was in Boston (few years ago) and it really sucked.
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    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    My daughter just got a tatoo...
    @jackanonymous - hear, hear. I'm probably an old fogey too, but I keep hoping the tatoos will taper off.