An easy argument for prostitution

avatar for bigdude012
I have always understood that a woman's right to abortion stems from the right to control her reproductive health (aka "body")

PLEASE READ DISCLAIMER: Before I am put in the same category as mictiv let me make it clear that this post is not intended to take any side in the abortion debate or has anything to do with the politics surrounding said debate. END OF ATTEMPT TO AVOID FLAMING.

If the above point is true then how can a woman be disallowed from prostituting herself when that is ultimately a decision of how she uses her body


last comment
"I have always understood that a woman's right to abortion stems from the right to control her reproductive health (aka 'body')"

Not exactly. It stems from an inherent right to privacy in one's dealings with one's doctor...specifically on a Constitutional right to privacy emanating from the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment.

"If the above point is true then how can a woman be disallowed from prostituting herself when that is ultimately a decision of how she uses her body"

Well, originally prostitution was widely legal in the USA. It was only made illegal in almost all states between 1910-1915 largely due to the influence of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union - the same group that was influential in the banning of drug use & the prohibition of alcohol.

I would definitely be in favor of legalizing prostitution as long as there were regulations that took care of any sex trafficking or health issues that sometimes go with the trade.
avatar for Clubber
15 years ago
Funny thing is, women sell sex all the time without repercussions. That is because they "barter" in dinner and a movie.
avatar for Player11
15 years ago
Prostitution allows men access to women they would not normally be able to tap. It is like buying food at a diner vs having to hunt and cook it. The idea it demeans women is feminist propoganda. If women want to sell sex enjoyment IMO they should be able to do that in a supposedly free society. Prostitution is the worlds oldest profession and was a basic tenet of the Goddess Religion.
avatar for schwan
15 years ago
Because prostitution involves another person who could be married etc. It diminishes the value of women to dollar amounts.
avatar for RoyBatty
15 years ago
Wow MisterGuy didn't know that about the creation of the laws. Not that I am surprised.
If we legalize prostitution, pot and nude FS lap dancing, what kind of world would we have?
avatar for txtittyfan
15 years ago
A much more enjoyable one. I for one think that prostitution can empower women, not demean them.
avatar for Dudester
15 years ago
1,500 B.C. to 1945 A.D.-Europe only understood one war after another. Post WW2 they allowed nude beaches, public nudity, tolerated or legalized prostitution and they've been war free since.

Post WW2, the US passed one anti sex or nudity law after another and we've known nothing but war since WW2.

There is no such thing as coincidences.
avatar for SnakePlissken
15 years ago
Like I've said before, women want prostitution made illegal, and MisterGuy is right in pointing out that it was women who did that in the USA.

Prostitution undermines the whole system of pussy whipping they do to their husbands and boyfriends. If men could simply pay for sex, that would be a whole lot easier than dealing with a lot of relationship issues they are currently forced to endure in order to have regular sex. If wives and girlfriends have a monopoly on pussy, they can charge outrageous prices for it. Dates, movies, dinners, and finally marriage and children are a lot more expensive than even the highest class escort if all you really want to do is bang some hot chick.

It's the same reason women are the first to call other women sluts as a pejorative; they're underselling the product women hold a natural monopoly over.

South Park had a good take on it:…
avatar for Clubber
15 years ago

Exactly what I said above.
SuperDude - "If we legalize prostitution, pot and nude FS lap dancing, what kind of world would we have?"

and bigdude012 - "PLEASE READ DISCLAIMER: Before I am put in the same category as mictiv let me make it clear that this post is not intended to take any side in the abortion debate or has anything to do with the politics surrounding said debate. END OF ATTEMPT TO AVOID FLAMING."

I can't picture anybody flaming you for this - this is really "on topic" politics. I can only speak for myself, but even occasional politics off of the strip club topic seems reasonable. We all have interests other than strippers and strip clubs...I hope. I know that that I'm also interested in slutty women who aren't strippers.

Joking aside, I hope that others don't mind a variety of topics - including politics - whether or not you agree with the point of view expressed. I know I just wanted to share my point of view in reply...
MG: I think the majority of "other issues" about which you express concern are already addressed under existing law. Slavery, indentured servitude and explicitly selling of human beings for *any* purpose are illegal. Labor laws would seem to cover most of the issues with regrading to fairness, and health and sanitation in the workplace are already issues the government has taken pervue over, for both workers and customers.

As for other people involved that someone else mentioned, existing contract law should be sufficient for that, including provision for practitioners who deliberately encourage the breaking of those contracts.

Are there any issues you think are *not* covered adequately under existing law?
avatar for bigdude012
15 years ago
@zipman I felt the disclaimer was necessary because of how sensitive a topic abortion is.
Friend of mine always said that one of the basic inequities of the world is that 100% of the pussy was controlled by 50% of the population.
avatar for sanitago
15 years ago
I have to agree. as long as there are some teeth in place to take care of people who traffic in humans (women and children are still being forced into prostitution today), I'd think making prostitution legal would be a great idea. given the current economic climate, I think there are a lot of women who might consider it an option (after all, you sure as hell can't outsource pussy to China!).
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
pussy is like music. For every person who pays for it, there are thousands more getting it for free.
avatar for gk
15 years ago
"Pussy is like music.

Seems like we're all conceret-goers, some get in for free, some pay, and when we pay, we get to choose our "section."

Hmmm. Those lower boxes look awfully good.
"1,500 B.C. to 1945 A.D.-Europe only understood one war after another. Post WW2 they allowed nude beaches, public nudity, tolerated or legalized prostitution and they've been war free since."

Wow, your lack of an understanding of history shows it's ugly head once again...ugh...

Prostitutes in Ancient Greece had to pay taxes. Prostitutes in Ancient Rome had to be registered. Prostitutes were tolerated in Middle Ages...Sixtus IV was the first Pope to even impose a license on brothels. In the 19th century, legalized prostitution existed in France & the UK.

"Post WW2, the US passed one anti sex or nudity law after another and we've known nothing but war since WW2."

Like I pointed out, it was actually pre-U.S.-involvement-in-WWI that these laws started to become prevalent in the USA, and I think you're forgetting that there have been basically the same number of major U.S. wars both post-1915 (around 7) and pre-1915 (around 6).

"women want prostitution made illegal, and MisterGuy is right in pointing out that it was women who did that in the USA."

Some women did...certainly not all. There's even a feminist argument to be made in favor of prostitution, though you don't often hear about it.

"Labor laws would seem to cover most of the issues with regrading to fairness, and health and sanitation in the workplace are already issues the government has taken pervue over, for both workers and customers."

I don't think that these laws adequately cover the valid public health concerns that people have when it comes to unregulated prostitution. To a large extent, it seems that NV has taken a lot of these concerns off of the table from I've heard.

"after all, you sure as hell can't outsource pussy to China!"

Hey, I wouldn't put it past Wal-Mart to try
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