stripper gonna make me rich....
I recently met a stripper who is also a certified financial planner and she has convinced me to invest 30K. she says she will get me 500% return within 6 months and then i can do it all over again. its some sort of secret hedge fund and there will be no paper trail or documents detailing all this so its tax free. she said not to tell anybody but i couldn't keep this great news from my tuscl brothers. Did i totally luck out or what?
That's an even better deal than when a stripper convinced me to invest 25k in her soon to be launched strip club. All cash of course because I can't have my name on licenses, which she told me would be necessary otherwise. When I was last able to reach her about 6 months ago, she told me that she was still working on the zoning. I can't wait until it is finally open!
when your club finally opens let your tuscl brothers know and we will all attend the premier. I should warn all you guys this is not for everybody, there are some strippers you cannot trust.
Are you nuts! Any woman that will get naked in front of a man is one of the most trustworthy people in the world! And if she has any sexual relations, forget about it!
Oh wait, that was an acid flashback.
Then again, I'm sure, even if it is a scam, you would do better on this one than following txtittyfan's advice to people here to short treasuries and short US dollars.