
Comments by Jpac73 (page 15)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    South Carolina
    I hope you got your money's worth Shiek. What type of family does this girl come from? I just can't imagine a Educated woman doing something like that, but I guess you could care less.
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    18 years ago
    Personal Top 3 high mileage events ITC
    Shadowcat: I think the club you went to was Lil Nikki's. I never went to it when I lived up in the ATL, but I remember the name. Sorry I don't have any luried sexual escapades other than being able to feel on some ass and suck on a few titties.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Security... are they just watching to deter illegal activities?
    FONDL: This club that I am talking about isn't consistent with watching the rooms. The time I was there before about 5 or 6weeks ago they didn't even have a security guy on hand. They had a guy who was the doorman(not big by any means) and the club owner. This isn't a regular stripclub but a Bikini club, so I don't know if tipping them would work. They would probably ask why I wanted them to go away. Heck, for all I know these security guys might be gone in a few months. This club doesn't keep Bouncers on a regular basis. They seem to come and go.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Security... are they just watching to deter illegal activities?
    Chandler & FONDL : You sound alot like davids in those last 2post.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How do YOU spot a ROB
    A few that come to mind are: 1. If you have 1 dance from a girl and she suggest that it gets better on the 2nd dance. 2. You have bought a dancer 1 drink and after she drinks it she asks will you buy her another one( She can get drunk with her own money not mines). 3. Any type of Bullshit line to get you to buy a lapdance. ( let's go get naked, are you ready for a real dance???) Just some of my opinions.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Ever had a dancer sit a your table with nothing to say?
    Yeah maybe she did want me to ask for a dance but just isn't the type that like to ask the customers. I shouldn't have tipped her in the 1stplace. She looked alright but not someone whom I would have wanted for a dance. Since then I have learned to be a little more midnfull of whom I tip. They don't have to be 9's or 10's but definintely more than a 5 or 6. If the club has mostly average looking women then that would would make for a short trip.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Want to see what type of values your Fav has?
    We already know you hate them Mr. Heathcliff "cliffbar"huxtable.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    NBA Playoff Success Correlation w. Good Stripclubs
    What about the Ohio area? The Cleveland Cavaliers on the playoffs. I am pretty sure Miami is getting alot of customers in their Stripclubs.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Do you have any sisters?
    I have 2 older sisters but I don't know if it has helped me with women in anyway. I just know you are supposed to treat every lady with respect(If she respects herself.)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Which club would you choose?
    FONDL: I don't really get to spend time with my fav at Club B. I will talk to her when she is on stage or during the lapdance but that is pretty much it. Her S.O. is the DJ and she spends time at the DJ booth most of the night. I think the best choice would be Club A simply because I would have more privacy in the lapdance booth. When I was at the other club where my current Fav works they had a security guy monitering the rooms. She still gave a prettygood dance but I still want my privacy. I will give that club a few months or so to stop monitering the rooms. The rules regarding the monitering of the lapdances changes all the time. Maybe in about 2 or 3months they will be back to not being monitered at all.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    "Excuse me, sir, I believe that's my pussy."
    I think parodyman is right to a certain extent. I think you can go up to a dancer while she is with another person and say excuse me to both the dancer and the customer and let her know you would like a dance later on when she isn't preoccupied. However I would advise to take size up the individual before you walk over there. If he looks like someone that would be easily pissed off I wouldn' do it. Just use your head.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Distance to club?
    Gas prices are too high to be traveling far distances. I only travel 80miles one way and that takes about 15dollars round trip in a small vehicle!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Distance to club?
    Casualguy that is the average gas price here in Albany,GA where I stay. There are a few gas stations that are $2.63/gal. It will have went up by the end of the week. The further you go up Ga the higher the prices.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    North Iowa
    Gay men in strip clubs
    I have never seen any gay guys in a stripclub but lately have seen alot of Lesbians. I am willing to bet a lesbian can go in and pickup a stripper faster than a heterosexual male.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Don't you just hate bad club visits?
    Parodyman: Just because a guy doesn't want to spend his whole paycheck in the club doesn't make him a broke ass. I got 2dances for 50dollars. Why spend more money when I said that the dancers weren't attractice? Also Dumbass alot of strippers are Ho's and not just because I had a lame trip. Being a Ho at a stripclub can be a good think if you are a paying customer.
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    18 years ago
    Don't you just hate bad club visits?
    Dude your the one that has the mind of a child with your Toilet humor. I could give a fuck less about what you think. Everyone on this has a right to an opinion. I do think that alot of strippers are freaks and some are Ho's. Just cause you want to make them out to be schoolgirls doesn't make it so. That's why Davids doesn't like your dumbass.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Do you care how much goes to the girl vs. the club?
    No I don't like it. One club that I have visited charges 35 for the1stdance. The girl still gets her 20dollars but she could have had another dance from a customer if the club wasn't taking 15dollars out of the 1stdance. It's not the customer or the dancer's fault the can't sell alcohol in the county so why punish us?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Ever been the only customer?
    I haven't been the only single one but maybe 1 of only 2 or 3customers. I don't like it, especially if you are at a club you don't normally visit. 2 things will happen. The girls will just sit at the bar talking amongst themselves or you will get too much attention. Time 1 girls leaves here is another one coming up to you to see if you want a dance.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Strip Club Time Machine: Your Destination?
    Let's see There are 2 for me. The Gold Club in Atlanta back in 1997 and a local bikini club in Alabama back in 2000. The girls didn't mind breaking the rules.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Yoda: Thick women look nice if it is more muscle than fat. I don't like "cottage cheese" thighs and ass either. As fare as tits, if they are perky they get my attention but if her tits sag like a cow, please leave the top on.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Greener grass in a strip club
    Yeah I think that has happened to everyone at least once.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How much would this hurt a stripper's "feelings"?
    Shadowcat: What if those 2girls would have asked "What do you mean, it wasn't as good as the 1st time?" What were you going to say. "Oh you know the 1stime you put my dick in your mouth and grinded the hell out of me." You wouldn't be a little embarrassed to mention those things????
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Hope I didn't start anything at the club
    The party sounds cool, but I wouldn't want to eat around a bunch of naked women. I don't care how "fine" they are. As Chris Rock would say "Tater Tots & Tits don't go together."
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Off Topic: Didn't know you had to dress up to get atterntion from women
    BookGuy: I am not trying to talk to any female at work and no this is a retail environment not a desk job(a little labor involved). I will agree with what you wrote about the African American society.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Off Topic: Didn't know you had to dress up to get atterntion from women
    hugefladvan: You don't see it because you are not African American. True, not all African American women are like this but the "Ghetto'" ones are. Sadly to some extent his message is true.