
Ever been the only customer?

Thursday, June 15, 2006 8:37 AM
Have you ever gone into a club only to discover that you're the only customer there? How do you feel about that? Do you care? Personally I don't mind at all, in fact I kind of like it. As long as the girls are working - in some clubs they won't get on stage until a certain minimum number of customers are there, which I think is really dumb because guys keep coming in and leaving when they see that there's nothing going on. If someone were dancing they'd stay.


  • messaround
    18 years ago
    I was the only customer at Fantasy Land in Bucyrus - high mileage but all the dancers were huddled together and only fuglies were leaving the heard to come see talk and ask for a dance...finally after a while a decent one came over...it was a little wierd though as I was trying to come up with a way to get rid of 5 fat and or ugly ones to get at the two good ones.
    18 years ago
    It's funny, a couple people have mentioned being pestered by girls as one of the drawbacks of being the only customer, but my experience has been the exact opposite. Seems like whenever I've been in a club where I'm not known and I'm the only customer, the girls will sit and talk with each other and won't bother coming over at all. Or if one of them does come over and I turn her down, the rest won't bother, figuring I'm just there to watch and not spend any money. I like when that happens because it makes it a lot easier for me to end up with the one I want.
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    It happens once in a while to me. I visit one of my favs at her club on either a Monday or Tuesday afternoon-the clubs two slowest days. It's not unusual for me to be the only guy in there after the lunch crowd (free buffet). The upside of having a fav is that none of the other dancers bother me, I get to spend two or three hours with a great lady an, since she is happy to have the business on a slow day, she tends to lose track rather easily of how many dances we've done...always seems to wind up in my favor.
  • minnow
    18 years ago
    Actually happened 2 me at Mons Venus on slow weekend afternoon- nnniiiice! 2 other times & places, not so nice. In 1 case, there was a good reason why I was only customer(hitw place, fuglies), and another time early in SC experience, place was a clip joint.
  • Clubber
    18 years ago
    I went into the Gold Rush in Miami in the early afternoon. As I got to the door, someone was coming out. I asked if the club was open. Now this guy seemed like one that works there, but not sure, of course. He told me they were open and in I went. When I first got in, I saw no one, not even a bartender. I sat at te bar and then saw two girls sitting in the corner. Street clothes, but likely dancers not yet ready to work. Still no bartender. After a couple more minutes, as I was just watching TV, a woman came out of the back and just looked around. After about a minute she walked over to me and asked if I had been served. I motioned to the bar, and asked her if she saw a drink in front of me. I was joking about it, but she got a little pissed and walked away to the back. Just then another woman came out and went behind the bar and served me a beer, on the house, then she went into the back again. I drank the free beer and left! Never saw anyone else even move, and the two "dancers" in the far corner, they might as well have been statues.
  • Jpac73
    18 years ago
    I haven't been the only single one but maybe 1 of only 2 or 3customers. I don't like it, especially if you are at a club you don't normally visit. 2 things will happen. The girls will just sit at the bar talking amongst themselves or you will get too much attention. Time 1 girls leaves here is another one coming up to you to see if you want a dance.
    18 years ago
    At the club where I met my AFT, a little hole-in-the-wall no-alcohol LD factory, that happened to me often when I went during mid-afternoon. And there was always a dancer on stage alrady dancing. The grirls there were required to dance on stage when it was their turn even if there weren't any customers. I think that's a good policy.
  • DandyDan
    18 years ago
    Once, at my favorite club, I was the only customer for the last half hour. Of course, it was a Tuesday night when only 3 dancers were there and they had precisely 7 customers all night. After a half hour of only me there, the owner decided to close up, but he let me stay as long as I wanted getting lapdances. I've been to a couple other clubs where I was the last customer and they closed up and let me and the lady of my choice grind it out on the lapdance couch.
  • komey1970
    18 years ago
    I don't really care for it. But I think it depends on who's working. The few times I've had it happen, I feel obligated to tip all the time - even the girls that I don't really care for, which runs me out of money sooner.
  • maybeenuf4u
    18 years ago
    several times. It kind of makes you feel like some kind of perv, but its OK. I've gotten over that anyway. The thing youve got to figure out is, is this just a really slow afternoon, or night, or does this club just suck. Once you figure that out, you just decide to stay or go home and save my money for another night, another time.
  • Golfer99
    18 years ago
    YES on several occasions. I think those of us who are more afternoon visitors probably have this happen. The only thing I don't like about it is that lots of times when the club is empty obviously no one is dancing and there is no music. If you are the only customer some places turn up the music and put up a dancer and some don't. In reality either way is okay with me for about 20 minutes until I settle in with my beer. At least you get the attention of the dancers when you're flying solo. lol
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