Do you care how much goes to the girl vs. the club?
Blue Ridge Foothills
Does it make any difference to you whether the club takes a cut out of every dance, counts dances, or charges additional admission to a lapdance room? Is it a matter of principle, or do you find that such policies tend to be a bad sign about the place or to interfere with your fun?
Bones, looks like you had quite a trip last weekend. If I ever find myself driving north from Austin Texas, I'll know where to stop. I'll also avoid Texarcana. Have you ever been to San Antonio clubs? That's where I lost my lapdance cherry years ago. I then hit almost every club in the Houston Richmond/Westheimer corridor as part of the same trip. From what I hear Houston clubs are rivling Tampa for mileage in recent years.
I think that, like many GC's, this club caters primarily to special occasions - bachelor parties and such - and doesn't much care about other customers. Unfortunately that really hurts their dancers, who unless they have some rich regulars don't do very well the rest of the week. I think it's really sad because this place could do so much better. Part of the reason I generally avoid GC's. I much prefer a friendly neighborhood titty bar that doens't play these rip-off games.
At most clubs I go to, the girl keeps everything and her stage fees and tipout are independent of what I pay her. That's not the reason I go there, but I don't think it's a coincidence that they are the clubs I like best. I agree with what others have said about the simplicity of stage fees vs. a per dance cut making for happier dancers and a more hassle-free operation. I also like to feel I'm in control of where my money is going. All that said, when I'm travelling, my focus is more like Minnow's, and I may never find out a club's behind-the-scenes policies. In fact, if I were to visit my home club while on the road, I'd probably opt for the $25 dances, which the girls tell me are really quite good.
I think that having a $35 dance and knowing that the club is getting $15 of it would bother me.
It would be interesting to speculate, though, what percentage of dancers have ever had sex with a customer OTC. Maybe I'll start a new thread.
I agree there are more girls having sex in the clubs but it's still no where near a majority of dancers. Some do have sex both ITC and OTC and some only do it in the clubs. The girls that only have sex in the club are generally staying ITC for their own safety.
I think I need to start my own strip club!!!
I spend most of my time now in a couple of Mass clubs that allow less contact but do not take a per-dance cut. It not only costs me less but also tends to make the dancers a lot less conscious of counting songs-making them and me much more relaxed.