Don't you just hate bad club visits?

avatar for Jpac73
Just got back from one of the Stripclubs I visit and it was pretty lame. Seems like I should have waited till friday night since neither of my two favorites were there tonight. The rest of the girls there didn't really do anything for me. On top of that I had to hear the DJ (who use to be a dancer) talk shit on the microphone about guys needing to tip. The only comment I agreed with was her saying she can't believe guys paid 10dollars to get in and spend the whole time in the poolroom in the back.

I got a dance but it wasn't as good as the ones Kim would have gave. Don't you hate when you have a lame trip? It makes want to go out the next night to another club and try to get the night I want. However, that won't happen. Can't afford to give all of my money to these Ho's. If I had of known that the Pussycat Dolls were going to be performing on Jay Leno tonight I would have stayed home.


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avatar for Jpac73
19 years ago
Dude your the one that has the mind of a child with your Toilet humor. I could give a fuck less about what you think. Everyone on this has a right to an opinion. I do think that alot of strippers are freaks and some are Ho's. Just cause you want to make them out to be schoolgirls doesn't make it so. That's why Davids doesn't like your dumbass.
avatar for parodyman-->
19 years ago
Jwack73: Is your paycheck $60? Then you would have spent the whole thing. I suspect you earn more than this and are just CHEAP.

As far as the "ho" comment. You weren't commenting on some of the strippers' extra curricular activities you were throwing out an insult because you were angry that you didn't have a good time.

You should "man-up" and admit that you don't always think before you type and sometimes the fact that you have the mind of a child becomes obvious to everyone.
avatar for Jpac73
19 years ago
Parodyman: Just because a guy doesn't want to spend his whole paycheck in the club doesn't make him a broke ass. I got 2dances for 50dollars. Why spend more money when I said that the dancers weren't attractice? Also Dumbass alot of strippers are Ho's and not just because I had a lame trip. Being a Ho at a stripclub can be a good think if you are a paying customer.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
Actually I can recall only one club visit that was truly bad. Some are great, some are just OK, but few of them are really bad. I'm not that hard to please. I've had some fun evenings in terrible clubs. All it takes is one decent (or maybe indecent) girl.
avatar for chandler
19 years ago
An occasional bad visit doesn't bother me too much. It's bound to happen, even at a great club. I figure on the next try, it's liable to bounce back. (Not a sound probability calculation, I realize, but it seems to work out that way.) Besides, the bad visits just make the good ones that much sweeter.

(I know all the rationalizations.)
avatar for Golfer99
19 years ago
My answer would be a yes and know. I hate to go to one of my favorite clubs and have a bad visit, that ruins what I thought was a sure good time. However if I hit a new club like I did in Kansas a few weeks ago and it sucks, I just leave and mark it off the list so that is a good bad visit lol
avatar for parodyman-->
19 years ago
Yet another thread poluted by the tuscl troll.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
FONDL: "That's a main reason why I started being a regular at a club and having a favorite about 10 years ago. "

The main reason is that you are a PATHETIC, OLD, PUSSY who feels that he has to PAY for female affection.
avatar for parodyman-->
19 years ago
Jpac73: You wrote, "Don't you hate when you have a lame trip? It makes want to go out the next night to another club and try to get the night I want. However, that won't happen. Can't afford to give all of my money to these Ho's."

If all the cash you took out for the evening was the ten dollar cover plus enough for one lap dance it is no wonder you had a lame time. Why don't you save all of your pennies in a jar for a year and then try again.

One other point: The strippers are now "Ho's" because your broke ass can't aford to go to the club twice?
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
That's a main reason why I started being a regular at a club and having a favorite about 10 years ago. I got tired of only having fun about half the time. Having a club where you're known and having a favorite and knowing her schedule increased the odds of having a good time.
avatar for DandyDan
19 years ago
There's a couple clubs I have gone to in the past I don't visit much anymore, mostly because I've had too many lame visits in a row. Most of the dancers are just not my type. All you can really do is go somewhere else next time.
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