Which club would you choose?

avatar for Jpac73
I have been debating about two of my clubs I visit somewhat regulary. I will need to take a hiatus from the Stripclubs for a little while but before I do, I want to cap it off in style. Each one of them has their flaws. One club I haven't been to in about 2 1'2months. The cover charge is $10.00dollars and the Laps are $30dollars for the 1st and 20 for each one after. Even though they are a little overprice the dancers do a good job, I usually leave pleased.

On the other hand, there is the other club. This club only has a $4dollar cover. The lapdances are a set $20dollars each. There are only 2 or 3 females that I fined attractive. The establishment is nice looking they just don't have alot of good looking females. I do have a current favorite at this club who gives me pretty good lapdances. The stage dancing is not very interesting either.

To be honest the only reason I have been going to the 2ndclub lately is because of the current Favorite and the fact that they are somewhat cheap. Club A. doesn't serve alcohol, but the dancers give a pretty good stage show and give good mileage. Club B. serves alcohol,but the women lately as a whole haven't been great looking. My Fav is sexy, and gives pretty good dances but not as good as the girls at club A.


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avatar for DandyDan
19 years ago
In a way, your situation is like mine, only some of the numbers are different. The one that is comparable to A is the one I've been going to more, so I'd probably pick A in your situation.
avatar for casualguy
19 years ago
At those high dance prices, I would skip the dances and just watch. I believe the best place to just watch was club A. I might check out the local pick up bars and see if there was more action going on there.
avatar for Clubber
19 years ago
Nothing like being redundant..."$30", and then "dollars"!
avatar for davids
19 years ago
Get your favorite to do a private show for you.
avatar for Jpac73
19 years ago
FONDL: I don't really get to spend time with my fav at Club B. I will talk to her when she is on stage or during the lapdance but that is pretty much it. Her S.O. is the DJ and she spends time at the DJ booth most of the night. I think the best choice would be Club A simply because I would have more privacy in the lapdance booth. When I was at the other club where my current Fav works they had a security guy monitering the rooms. She still gave a prettygood dance but I still want my privacy. I will give that club a few months or so to stop monitering the rooms. The rules regarding the monitering of the lapdances changes all the time. Maybe in about 2 or 3months they will be back to not being monitered at all.
avatar for AbbieNormal
19 years ago
Go to the one where you'll have more fun. To me that sounds like club A, but you'll have to decide for yourself. Kind of sounds like you have.
avatar for minnow
19 years ago
Try drinking more alcohol @ Club B, and the dancers may start looking better.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
Depends on how much you like the girl at club B and whether you prefer variety or spending all your time with one girl. If you like her a lot better than any of the girls at club A and you enjoy spending all your time with just her, I'd go to see her. If there isn't that much difference between her and the girls at club A and you enjoy spending time with different girls, I'd probably do club A. It doesn't sound to me like the difference is price is significant enough to be a factor, especially if it's your last trip for awhile.
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