Gay men in strip clubs

avatar for DandyDan
So I go to the local club and get a lapdance in the VIP with one of the cuties there. We had some great fun and I tell her there's no way to not have fun there and the only way you can't is if you're gay. So she tells me that gay men go there all the time. Huh?!? Don't they prefer bumping weenies or something?


last comment
avatar for chandler
19 years ago
I'm no expert, but I don't think gays get off much on slapping their dicks together.
avatar for DandyDan
19 years ago
Just in case you wonder, I used to have a boss whose second job was DJ at a gay dance club and one of my coworkers used to always say he got off on bumping weenies. So I actually didn't invent that particular phrase, but probably would have.
avatar for parodyman-->
19 years ago
Chandler: Nice post. Do you think before you write or does it come spraying out like so much diarrhea? To quote you, "a lot of men who appear "faggy" who many people might assume to be gay actually are not, especially dancers, artists, punks, and the like." So by your statement because I was into hardcore punk when I was a teenager I must have looked or dressed "faggy." Fuck You! You were probably one of the pussys who would cross the street in fear when you had to walk by me. I used to laugh at people like you, now you just make me want to puke.
avatar for chandler
19 years ago
FONDL: That's what I'm saying I've observed, only they're in groups with off-work strippers. Another point is than a lot of men who appear "faggy" who many people might assume to be gay actually are not, especially dancers, artists, punks, and the like.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
Gay men often seem to have a lot of female friends. So I imagine some strippers have gay male friends (my ATF does.) Seems natural for them to visit the girl at work.
avatar for parodyman-->
19 years ago
More wishful thinking on davids part. If the thought of me sucking dick is what he jerks off to at home fine. But it is just his fantasy - it ain't going to happen!
avatar for davids
19 years ago
parody: I understand. Just b/c you have a few (hundred) guy's dicks in your life doesn't mean your gay: Gotta love TUSCL logic!
avatar for giveitayank
19 years ago
Hey...RL Dude...Are they lying about being abusive or are the lying about being gay????
avatar for parodyman-->
19 years ago
RL: Lay off the drugs dude. Angel Dust is bad for you!

davids: please stop fantasizing about me being homosexual. No matter how much you wish it will not make it so.

Everyone else: What difference does it make if there are gay men in the strip club? It is a public place. We are all people. All trying to have a little fun. Would you exclude someone on the basis of ethnic, economic or religous persuasion?
avatar for JC2003
19 years ago
WTF, RL? That sounds like some really, really bad episode of Will and Grace, man.
avatar for RomanticLover
19 years ago
What about strippers' ABUSIVE BOYFRIENDS who are GAY and are LYING about it?
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
How can anyone tell if guys are gay or not? Many gay men have none of the outward traits that are frequently attributed to gay men, and many gay men are still somewhat secretive about their preferences. So if there is a group of guys in a club together, there's a reasonable chance that at least one of them is gay. Also there are many different reasons why people go to strip clubs and I'm sure there are a lot of gay guys out there who enjoy the overall atmosphere of a nice club, and some of them are maybe friends with some of the dancers. Bottom line - who cares.
avatar for chandler
19 years ago
Shadowcat, a few times I've seen what appeared to be off-work strippers come in accompanied by faggy male stripper types they pal around with. I don't know if that's like what you've seen with features.

Once, I was with a fave when a group of fairly fem acting gays took a table right in front us. She commented as though it was quite unusual in the club but not completely unheard of. Obviously, straight-appearing gays could be coming in without our knowing, although strippers would be in a better position to find out.
avatar for JC2003
19 years ago
davids, you know you're the boy-toy in my flaming gay dreams. Kiss, kiss.
avatar for JC2003
19 years ago
But anyways, I can't recall that I have ever seen a gay man in a strip club ever, but it's not like they wear nametags that tell everyone they're gay either.
avatar for DandyDan
19 years ago
I can't say I've ever definitively seen one in a strip club, either. But supposedly, there were a couple gay ones there at the time. And it was afternoon, so not so many people were there, but no one looked like a Village Person.
avatar for lopaw
19 years ago
You'd win that bet, Jpac73.
avatar for chandler
19 years ago
Dan, I wonder if your cutie might have been exaggerating to get a reaction out of you after your "you'd have to be gay" line. I don't think it's typical of most clubs to have outwardly gay regulars. I've seen them a few times. It shouldn't come as a great shock. Strip clubs do attract all kinds of misfits and thrill seekers, not always just your average Joe Jockstraps. I bet some gays are attracted by seeing strippers as flamboyant performers laying it on the line, sort of like the camp divas they admire among singers and actresses.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
In case you don't know: women LOVE gay guys. They aren't worried about the gay guys trying lame come ons, and they can talk about shoes and clothing with them.

So I won't be surprised at all if gay guys hung around strip club: to make friends. In fact, a rather unsurpulous person (Neil Strauss of _The_Game_ fame) even experimented with employing this as part of a pick up strategy, and had SUPPOSEDLY had some success... I'll see if I can find the link if anyone is interested.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
(Also note that JC and parody, wto reknowed and flamboyant homosexuals of TUSCL fame (set to marry each other, interestingly) are in strip clubs all the time as regular as part of their denial. Recently chandler has also made indications in his post that he is (with 97.3% certainty) a homosexual. Perhaps these three would care to comment.)
avatar for giveitayank
19 years ago
davids...The gay guys don't just go into clubs to discuss fassion trends with the girls. I was in sugars a few years back and there were a group of gay men trying to pick up other guys in the club.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
yanker: Ok, gay guys trying to pick up (obviously) straight guys in a strip club. Yep makes alot of sense.
avatar for Jpac73
19 years ago
I have never seen any gay guys in a stripclub but lately have seen alot of Lesbians. I am willing to bet a lesbian can go in and pickup a stripper faster than a heterosexual male.
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