
Strip Club Time Machine: Your Destination?

Blue Ridge Foothills
Friday, June 16, 2006 6:06 AM
If you had one chance to travel back in time and visit strip clubs, what time and place would you set it for? Based on the accounts I've heard of $1 no-rules lap dances and more, I'd pick San Francisco in the early 80s.


  • dennyspade
    18 years ago
    1980 -- Chicago area: My Uncles's Place, Picadilly Circus, and Club Algiers on Ogden in Lyons. These were Mob-Controlled dens of unadulterated pure vice, Open til 6 a.m. liquor and Nude girls with full service available on-the-premises. There were a few clubs near O'Hare Airport (Club Taray and My Friend's Place come to mind). The best places to be ripped off were in the Rush Street area; however, you had to go for the thrill and excitement of it all.
  • ralphyboy
    18 years ago
    1970, Newport Ky. (the twilight of it's nice and nasty glory years-now it's all cleaned up and a shadow of its old bad self) The Mousetrap, or for a little more 'class' the Pink Pussycat where EZ Ryder (yeah the movie had just come out) strode the stage like an Amazon. If you handed her your cloth napkin (I told you the place had class) she'd give it a few quick swipes under the taint between her skyscraper legs and hand it back. An ice cold can of Wiedeman's never tasted so good.
  • Officer
    18 years ago
    to the top
  • Officer
    18 years ago
    I would go back to 1999 in Tampa, FL. I stopped by Mons Venus and 2001 Odyssey, but wouldn't pay the cover charges because I thought they were too high. I later found out that the clubs were considered two of the best in the nation, and have always regretted not going. Then the clubs started getting raided all the time by the local cops, and a lot of the pretty girls left. Oh well. I also was in Seattle and didn't stop by Rick's. I later found out it's one of the best in the U.S. I'm still kicking myself. I also never had a chance to go to a Vegas strip club---now new laws require girls at the topless clubs to be 21 or older---I wish I had gone when the hot young girls were working. Lots of regrets!!
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Ah yes, the memories of "out in the open" experiences. I've learned that looking around when I'm getting my own is probably better than a locker room after a workout for giving pasty and average white guys like me inferiority complexes about our endowment.
  • SemiCrazy
    18 years ago
    Scandals in Waldorf, MD circa 1991-92. Not exactly high class, but the experiences to be had in those dark corners... Deja Vu near SeaTac Airport in 1991 (my first time in a lap dance club. "Candace" the very first "Showgirl of the Year" for the entire Vu chain made me explode in my pants!) The Red Parrot in El Paso in the mid-late 1990's. The darkest club you'll ever (not) see, and unparalleled couch dances from the "dirty dancers" on day shift on the couches along the back wall of the VIP. Something about getting away with it right out in the open...
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    I would travel back to a Saturday afternoon in March of 2003. It was the last time my ATF danced for me. If I knew she was quiting I would have done more dances....
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    Ricks & Sugar's, Seattle - 1991
  • ShotDisc
    18 years ago
    24K Atlanta 1993-1999 Home of my ATF. The Forum Rochester NY 1985-90 A great bar with a special dancer I will probably think of a few more
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    jimmyblong: I went to Mainstreet back in 1995, then it had been shut down when I came back the next year. What was it like in 1991? And what on earth was Delilah's all about? I know about other Hammond clubs, but I never heard of that one.
  • jimmyblong
    18 years ago
    Washington Park, Illinois 1991 Mainstreet. Hammond, IN, 2001?, Delilahs (the old hotel location)
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Fantasia, Richmond Hill (suburb of Toronto), 1991. House of Lancaster, Toronto (Bloor Street), 1994. Mitchell Brothers O'Farrell Theater, San Francisco (from what I've heard), 1979. Any place in Honolulu (from what I've heard), 1930-1940. 'Most any place in rural Quebec just south of Montreal (from what I've read on the 'net), NOW.
  • Jpac73
    18 years ago
    Let's see There are 2 for me. The Gold Club in Atlanta back in 1997 and a local bikini club in Alabama back in 2000. The girls didn't mind breaking the rules.
  • Golfer99
    18 years ago
    Let me think........with some of the girls in the clubs today they would be perfect so today for them, back to the 60's for lack of STD's lol, also back to the 70's for prices of course with me having today's bucks lol can you arrange a 3 way time machine.
    18 years ago
    That's an easy one for me to answer: Key West around 1996 or so when Pirate's Den was still open. That's the only club I've ever encountered where they had a full bar and fully nude laps done in completely private booths. Gee I wonder why they got closed down?
  • Shekitout
    18 years ago
    Damnation, Shadowcat! You have got to let her go, man! It's over & done with! There will NEVER, EVER be another one like her! I miss her too & I guess 10-23-03 was the last day I saw her as well but I did hear from her via voice message at my former work place on 12-23-03 and a post card from New Zealand in Mar or Apr, 2004. You might have moved on but you still have one foot in the past!
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