avatar for Shekitout
The dancer I had OTC experience with a month ago who followed it up with a message that it was not going to happen again now wants it to happen again. Money was not mentioned this go round but will see how it goes if it goes. Has a money shortage prompted her offer? She is a stunner! I would like to have her as a friend with benefits.


last comment
avatar for Shekitout
19 years ago
Wouldn't want to save your face because it looks just like your ass!
avatar for davids
19 years ago
Sure, sure, old man. Try and save face with the others here.
avatar for Shekitout
19 years ago
Don't have a daughter, assbreath!
avatar for Shekitout
19 years ago
Tho she overcame her conscience before the end of the month, when I reolied in the affirmative to OTC, I've heard nothing further since that day. Something(or more likely, someone)has interferred so another OTC might not happen again. Just my buzzard luck!
avatar for davids
19 years ago
Why just pay an escort and get a sure thing, dipshit?
avatar for Alucard
19 years ago
Good for you Shekitout!
avatar for Shekitout
19 years ago
She's overcome her conscience before the end of the month!
avatar for Shekitout
19 years ago
Shadowcat's response mentioned some of the things I mentioned in my email to him. She was not living with Big Daddy but perhaps he was financing her apartment. Her parents live in a trailer so I guess that makes her trailer trash but she's damn good looking trailer trash! Much better looking than the 2 other dancers you mentioned. Apparently the TV has no antenna so it can only get 1 channel over the air.
Anyhow her conscience has kicked in again & no more OTC. She might overcome her conscience at the end of the month just like she did before. We'll see.
avatar for hugevladfan
19 years ago
Isn't that supposed to be an e-mail?
avatar for Shekitout
19 years ago
Shadowcat: So what is wrong with a dancer/stripper taking you to her place for OTC? You've got to be some place and her place is as good as any place plus it's a lot cheaper than a hotel room! Why should trusting someone take so long? It's kinda like love at first site, either it's there or it's not! Watch for an email from me discussing the situation further.
avatar for Shekitout
19 years ago
Shadowcat: "She's taking way too big of a chance with you by letting you know where she lives." You make it sound like I'm going to hang outside of her place(s) waiting for her to show up(wait a minute, that's not a bad idea!-just joking). I would never be that stupid. What is the one thing you keep harping on when it comes to relationships with dancers? T-R-U-S-T! I think the girl trusts me or she would have not invited me to places where she lives/stays. She said she feels comfortable with me & I guess she's demonstrated that by inviting me to where she lives/stays.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
Must take that back: once when I was in vegas I was offered a threesome at my hotel room.

In fact about half the time I have been offered OTC it has been for threesomes... so strippers must really be into threesomes.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
"I would venture to say that 99@44% of OTC expierences take place in hotel rooms. "

I doubt it. Every time I was offered or asked for one it was to be at my place (which is not a hotel room ;-) ). But maybe Seattle girls are different than South Carolinan women.
avatar for parodyman-->
19 years ago
This has got to be the all time funniest exchange on TUSCL.

davids: "Hey, Sheik: paragraphs are your friend. Really."

sheikitout: "Well you're certainly not! What gives you the idea I'm a bitter 60 year old fuck. I'm a happy 63 year old who just hooked up with a 29 year old hottie on Sat-what 'cha do yesterday besides tried to rain on somebody's parade, you SOB!"

I can guess what davids did on the day in question besides rain on peoples parades. I bet he spent most of his time being the COCKMASTER of his universe. This means he was JACKING OFF DUDES with his HAIRY PALMISTRY and spreading the CLAP by putting his LIPS on as much DICK as he could swallow. All the while using NLP to try to convince strippers that he should get sex for free. And when he would have a spare miniute (between ejaculations) he would log on to TUSCL and claim to be a scientist. Busy guy isn't he?
avatar for Shekitout
19 years ago
Hey, SC: it was not a week later but a month later. What makes you think her brains are fried? Because she had sex at her parents house as well as her own apartment. The offer she made a week ago Mon was sex at her sister's place but that was derailed by the bouncer at the club not letting her drive her sister's car so I could follow her to the sister's place. I guess you now think her brain is double fried! What is there to be concerned about if the sex happens in different places? The only place it won't happen for sure is at my house!!
avatar for davids
19 years ago
A "friend with benefits" that he has to pay for the priveledge.
avatar for Jpac73
19 years ago
I hope you got your money's worth Shiek. What type of family does this girl come from? I just can't imagine a Educated woman doing something like that, but I guess you could care less.
avatar for SuperDude
19 years ago
So this is a realationship? Or a commercial transaction?
avatar for RomanticLover
19 years ago
Sounds like you already HAVE a "friend with benefits". Good luck!
avatar for Shekitout
19 years ago
Well you're certainly not! What gives you the idea I'm a bitter 60 year old fuck. I'm a happy 63 year old who just hooked up with a 29 year old hottie on Sat-what 'cha do yesterday besides tried to rain on somebody's parade, you SOB!
avatar for davids
19 years ago
Hey, Sheik: paragraphs are your friend. Really.
avatar for Shekitout
19 years ago
Well I called the ex dancer who had changed her mind about OTC on Sat & she asked if I could come over & take care of her. I said sure & told her I'd be there around 3PM. She said make it 2 so I agreed. Got to her apartment a little before 2 but waited until after 2 before I knocked on the door. No response so I tried again but no response to even louder knocking. I left her a message & headed to a nearby Waffle House & waited to see if she would call. She called & I asked her if she had fallen aslepp and she said she had in fact. What she forgot to tell me when she asked if I was coming over was that she was at her parents house who live in a small town not far from where I live. She apologized & asked if I still wanted to come over-it was almost 2:30 then. I said sure & she told me to call her when I got to the small town & she would meet me which she did. We went inside and she gave me a big hug & we sat down on a sofa & she threw her legs over mine and began playing with my chest. She took off her dress & she was wearing an outfit that looked like one she had worn at the club. I had no objection as she looked damn good in it & it really showed off her great body. This girl is a real looker in a very exotic way. She then asked after a few minutes of caressing each other did I want to do a session & $$$ were asked for, same $$$ as 1st time. I didn't try to get the price down or ask for a freebie. I asked if she wanted it before or afterwards & she said before as I might try to run out the door w/o paying if we did the session first. I gave her the $$$ and she said let's go to her bedroom. She told me to take my clothes off as she wanted to go down on me which she did w/o benefit of a condom which I was pleasantly surprised by because the 1st time we hooked up, she put a condom on me before she did oral. I told her I thought she might have done that before as she was really doing a great BJ. I asked her if she wanted me to cum in her mouth & her response was an enthusiastic yes & she proceded to let me do that. She didn't swallow but spit it out in the batroom, telling me that that it was quite a load but I didn't taste bad. I then went down on her for several minutes and then fingered her until she shuddered and told me not to touch her pussy as it felt like needles sticking her, it hurt but in a good way she said. Unfortunately die to her having meet her parents at or their coming home at 4:30, (didn't understand which) we didn't get to fuck like the 1st time but I hope to the next time. She told me to call her & she would text message me. Didn't hear from her today(Sun) but will see how it goes. Said she felt really comfortable around me & that's why she had changed her mind about getting together again but I'm sure that the $$$ money also played a role in our getting together again also. Hoping this turns into a regular thing even if $$$ chnages hands everytime.
avatar for AbbieNormal
19 years ago
FONDL, I confuse,
Shadowcat and Sheikitout.
Two sides of a coin.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
Sorry, Shadowcat, I must have thought the original post was yours. I'll try to pay closer attention.
avatar for hugevladfan
19 years ago
You can get a feel for motives for the most part. When an individual wants to be objective and break things down to its most common denominator it can usually be pretty telling. There was a stripper recently I was pretty fond of and even tho I thought she was a rather sweet girl and would've spent somewhat lavishly on her I could tell I was getting a bit too involved and it wasn't difficult to gauge motives in neutral settings.
avatar for hugevladfan
19 years ago
Money doesn't have to be mentioned if there is some sort of a hopeful implication. Have you spent $$$ on her in the past generously and gratuitously? If so than she is hoping you'll continue to do so without overtly mentioning it. If you have juss hung out and chatted and tossed a few $$$ her way but not a reat deal than there's a decent possibility that's this is a legit offer with NSA.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
huge: Look at the poster: A bitter 60 y/o fuck who likes to go into strip clubs to exploit poor, desperate women for cheap sexual services. What do you think the chance she is attracted to him versus just wants money is? Hmmmm....

Anyway, if the old fuck wants to be serious, try removing money from the relationship and see what happens. Or if you think you've spent too much already that this one is not salvagable try that when you start your next relationship in a club w/ a stripper.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
Except that life is rarely that simple, and motives are especially complex. Chances she doesn't know why she changed her mind. And whether or not money is involved, that still doesn't explain why she chose Shadowcat as opposed to the hundred other guys she sees. My advice - don't waste your time trying to analyze, just take what happens and enjoy it. It sounds to me like she's looking for an intimate frienship.
avatar for hugevladfan
19 years ago
What kind of character this girl has (you can prolly tell with 80% accuracy) will determine whether or not a $$$ problem is the source of her call.
avatar for Shekitout
19 years ago
Hey, davids, why don't you just fuck yourself?
avatar for davids
19 years ago
b/c your daughter insisted that she fuck me instead
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