
How do YOU spot a ROB

Survey time. What sets off the alarm bells in your head that say RIP OFF BITCH!! We can all share, but start with the ones you actually use as opposed to what you think should work.

My number one, she wants me to start a tab. How I pay should be of no concern to the dancer.

Number two, if my waitress suggests a dancer (unsolicited) I assume they are a team. While that isn't always a ROB indicator, it makes me very cautious.


    18 years ago
    And a customer who allows that to happen to him and willingly hands over the money - PL.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    If a stripper promises more than a normal dance - ROB

    If the dance price is not set in stone and she doesn't tell you the price ahead of the dance -ROB

    If a stripper keeps putting her hands near your pockets (if you have money or a wallet in them, - worse than ROB, possible pick pocket. I've heard stories about guys not checking to see if their wallet mysteriously slid out of their pocket during a lap dance. Then it disappears if they don't check for it before leaving the dance room. I was told this by a stripper and also told the guy is stupid if he doesn't check to make sure he still has everything before leaving.
  • davids
    18 years ago
    Classical FONDL logic: ROB's are nice to nice guys. It's the jerk customers they try and rip, since we all know jerks are so much easier to dupe than nice guys.
    18 years ago
    I agree an ROB doesn't much care whether she does, but if you are careful I don't think it's very difficult to achieve. Especially if, like me, high mileage isn't a top priority. I think most dancers tend to be ROBs with some customers and not with others. I've usually found that most dancers, like most people anywhere, will treat you the way you treat them. Of course there are those who always have a chip on their shoulder, they're the ones to avoid like the plague. But they're pretty easy to spot.
  • AbbieNormal
    18 years ago
    I assume that by definition a ROB does not give you your money's worth.
    18 years ago
    Actually I don't especially care if a girl is a ROB. If she gives me what I want in exchange for how much I'm willing to pay, who cares what her motivations are. And if I don't establish the details of our transaction in advance, whatever happens is usually giong to be my own dumb fault.
  • hugevladfan
    18 years ago
    I've never been approached for OTC and never really had the two dancers ploy either (tho one time a dancer did have her friend start dancing for me and I gave $20 out of charity, hey I guess that is a ROB)
  • hugevladfan
    18 years ago
    Generally overaggressive types are ROBS. At the same time they are gyrating like mad on you they are overpromising stuff if you're juss willing to take them to VIP. I think someone who orders an expensive drink is likely to be a rob as well. You juss hafta be paying attention.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Over-promising is a tipoff that may not rise to the level of pushiness. As with any sales pitch, if it sound too good to be true, it probably is.
  • bigdawg_1
    18 years ago
    Iv'e been going to clubs for over 20 years now. I have troble spotting ROBS. When I see someone hustling VIP that will only take a tip in her hand obviously see won't be any fun in the couchroom. On the other hand Iv'e been with ladies that are somewhat reserved in the club but not bad in the CR. Also Iv'e been promised the best LD's and had horrible ones.
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    I'm a firm beleiver in FONDL's approach. Most ROB's won't waste time on a "talker".
    18 years ago
    AN, to answer your question, if I'm in an unfamiliar club where there's no possibility of sitting and talking first (Partners Tavern is like that for non-regulars), I'll try one inexpensive dance if there's a girl who appeals to me, otherwise I'll just leave.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Huge: Pardon me, but I think the whole idea is to spot one BEFORE she's ripped you off.
  • AbbieNormal
    18 years ago
    Again, interesting, but a lot of this seems to be premised on going to the club of your choice and having the luxury of interviewing dancers at your leisure. What if you find yourself in an unknown club, maybe all the dancers are agressive, or all passive. Pretend you are there for a few hours and need to strike quick and leave. Some of you have addressed this, but I'm just curious for those of you with regular clubs or who say you wouldn't be caught dead in an airdance club what you used to do.
  • hugevladfan
    18 years ago
    someone who after giving them $200 for a VIP set is unhappy when you don't wanna give them $20 more so she can tip the bouncer.
  • DandyDan
    18 years ago
    Quite simply, it's because they are overly aggressive in their approach. Not sure what other indicators there are, but that's the obvious one.
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    To some extent, I just view it as an occupational hazard, which I combat by starting the dancer off at the lowest level of financial involvement (the $10 couch dance comes before the VIP). However, I have found that dancers who insist on pre-payment tend to present problems later.

    I agree with a previous post-er that dancers tend to comport themselves in a way consistent with the overall environment of their clubs. I have yet to find an air dancer in a contact club, nor a high-contact dancer in an air-air dance club (of course, I leave the air club within 30 seconds of making that discovery, so it may be academic...).
  • ryan111778
    18 years ago
    I alway try and avoid the girls that approach with the old "wanna dance" routine. If they just come up right away and don't try and start conversation they are only interested in quick in quick out.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    It's not a big issue for me, either. As I replied on the airdance thread, I get burned so rarely, it must have become an instinct for me. Like FONDL, I'm not usually attracted to pushy dancers, but a little aggressiveness can be a turn on, since I like to act on impulse with strippers. Physical aggression I can handle. Aggressive selling is a very bad sign.
    18 years ago
    This has never been a big concern of mine. Maybe I've just been lucky but the girls I seem to find most attractive rarely turn out to be a ROB. Usually the ROBs are aggressive and pushy, and that type of girl just doesn't appeal to me, inside or outside the club. I can only recall one exception to that: once I was grabbed by a dancer as soon as I entered the club before I even sat down or had a drink, and she said something like, "Quick, nobody's watching the monitors right now, If we go back right now we can do whatever we want." My ROB meter was ringing like mad but for some reason I took her up on it. And she turned out not to be a ROB. Fun night. Anyway, to answer the question, I almost always sit and talk to a girl for awhile to get to know her a little before spending any money on her, and the ROBs aren't usually willing to do that for very long. So they tend to eliminate themselves from my consideration.
  • Jpac73
    18 years ago
    A few that come to mind are: 1. If you have 1 dance from a girl and she suggest that it gets better on the 2nd dance. 2. You have bought a dancer 1 drink and after she drinks it she asks will you buy her another one( She can get drunk with her own money not mines). 3. Any type of Bullshit line to get you to buy a lapdance. ( let's go get naked, are you ready for a real dance???)

    Just some of my opinions.
  • davids
    18 years ago
    A more interesting question:

    How do you spot someone pretending to be a science professor on an internet message board when he is a MERE BARTENDER?

    Do you find out what he knows about Godel's theorem?
    Find out if he has ever heard of a Turing award?
    See if knows what Bayes's theorem is?
    See if he can calculate limit at a 1st year level?

    If he fails all these simple tests than he is A QUACK: AN the ROB of TUSCL.
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