Do you have any sisters?

I've always been of the opinion that guys who grow up with sisters have a different view of women in general than do guys who don't. And I think some of those differing views are reflected here and probably influence how we relate to strippers.
last commentFONDL,
"Understand women"? In my 57 years I've understood a grand total of ZERO women, including my SO of almost 36 years!
I'm the oldest of three children raised in my household, and I am the incarnation of every stereotype about oldest children.
I have no sisters and one brother 12 years older than I am. So I was practically an only child.
Chitown, I completely agree that mother-son and father-daughter relationships have a lot to do with how you behave later in life. But I didn't especially want to go there, I thought that might be getting a little too heavy for here.
I believe that birth order is another strong behavioral factor. It might be fun to know who here is the oldest among their siblings. I'm not.
I have a much younger (15 years) half sister who I did not meet until I was in my early thirties, so I can't imagine that fact had a lot to do with my attitude toward women. I would think a man's relationship with his mother would have a lot more bearing on that. Conversely, I am very intentional about my relationship with my nine year old daughter, because I think my relationship with her is going to have a big influence on how she will interact with men in the future. I can't believe how many dancers I know tell me something fucked about their relationship (or lack thereof, a particular species of fucked-ness) with their father.)
I agree with whoever said that you can often tell a girl who has brothers, that she's more earthy, more comfortable around guys. Similarly I think guys with sisters are often more comfortable around girls, at least when they're younger. It always seemed to me when I was young that guys with sisters were more successful at dating, but that difference probably disappears with age.
I have 2 older sisters but I don't know if it has helped me with women in anyway. I just know you are supposed to treat every lady with respect(If she respects herself.)
I don't have any sisters, either. On the other hand, my brothers don't have any sisters, either and they don't go to strip clubs and the one has never been to one, so far as I know. And the other is married, so he would seem to have a different understanding of women than I would.
Maybe I should add that my family had over 20 pets over many years. Accidents do happen whether you want them or not.
FONDL, if it makes you feel any better...I AM a woman, and I don't understand 'em any more than you do.
And for the record I have one sister. I just recently starting getting dances from a stripper who looks alot like my sister (both redheads, same coloring & body size, etc.). I balked at first, but then just shrugged my shoulders and went for it. It just seems so unwholesome, but the dances are awesome. I guess I'm a sick fuck.
I have a few sisters. My younger sister seemed to be quite popular since she grew up listening to the same rock music that my brother and I listened to. I guess good looks factored into that as well. I've had a fair number of arguments with my sisters as well. I even thought it was funny when one of my older sisters tells stories making it sound like my brother and I were like evil twins causing trouble for her. We never did anything that bad though. Well, her cat was dead one day but that was an accident. She never forgot that after all these years. I get along ok with all in my family. I usually have a lot more to talk about with my brothers than my sisters though.
I agree with hugevladfan. No sisters here too. I'm also very liberal and treat nice women with respect.
no sisters here but since I am quite liberal I treat everyone equally with respect.
FONDL: No sisters here. I've found that understanding women is less important than accepting them for who they are and treating them with respect. This may be the result of being raised by a single parent.
I had an older adopted sister who I was quite attached to. She left for college when I was very young, so perhaps that explains my abandonment issues with strippers who say they'll "be right back".
I've known a lot of guys with sisters who were just as perplexed by women as the rest of us.
The main difference I've noticed is I can usually tell when a girl has brothers, because she has a coarser sense of humor, and is more at ease with the give-and-take of good-natured ridicule.
Ryan, I'm not sure what I mean, that's why I'm asking the question. One difference I've noted is that guys with sisters seem to understand women better than guys without. I don't have any sisters and I've never understood women at all.
What do you mean by "a different view of women in general?" I have a younger sister and I don't think it effects me at all. If I see a hot woman I am going to want to score with her no matter who's sister she may be.
FONDL, three sisters here. Don't know how that fits into your theory but my guess is that you have sisters also. You might also consider the effect of a younger versus older sister. My older sisters were far enough ahead of me that they were nearly parental figures in my youth and out of the house by my early teens. My younger sister on the other hand was nearly old enough to date my friends and classmates, much to my horror.