I remember about a year ago I was at one of my regular clubs and this new dancer who I had tipped came and sat at my table. Well I knew I wasn't going to get a dance from her and I figured that is why she came over. The only thing she said was "Do you mind if I sit with you?" I said no I don't mind. After that she just sat there looking at the stage(It was kind of slow that night). I tried to make a little convo with her by asking how long she had been dancing & where she lived. She answered the questions but didn't volunteer to keep the conversation going. After about 10minutes I told her I was leaving and got up and left.
Why did she come over to the table if she wasn't going to ask for a dance? I knew she was bored because it was slow but that is even more of a reason to start a conversation. I left her at the table by herself. I had already gotten dances from whom I wanted and this was a clear sign it was time to leave. Seems to me that she had the wrong attitude/personality for being a stripper.
One other point to consider - in many clubs the dancers are required to continually make the rounds unless they're sitting with a customer. So maybe she's just sitting with you because she doesn't feel like circulating. I've had lots of dancers who I knew come sit with me, even though they knew I was waiting for a favorite, for exactly this reason.
Chandler, I agree that there's no correlation between a girl's conversational skills and her LD skills. But there is a strong correlation between her conversational skills and my enjoyment of her LD.
Good point, CG. I hadn't noticed that detail in LAG3's post, that the girl went onstage after sitting silent for 10 minutes. No wonder she didn't ask for a dance. Girls are always doing that to kill time before they have to go up.
If a dancer is just sitting for 10 minutes before she goes up on stage, I think she is just passing time. I remember in a club where the sound volume of the music was low enough to talk, one time a stripper who wasn't very attractive sat at my table. I didn't hardly say a word to her and she just sat there for somewhere from 15 to maybe 30 minutes. I've had several other dancers sit with me from 20 minutes up to maybe 30 or 40 without saying much. However I don't know if that's the same thing since they may have been sitting in my lap or letting their fingers roam across me and I didn't mind.
A job interview is essentially what a dancer is at your table for to begin with. Personally, I don't find a strong correlation between conversational skill and lap dancing, but I do expect her to be engaging in some form, whether that's talking, cuddling or simply leaning on my shoulder.
I've had this happen fairly often. And I usually do exactly what Shadowcat did, I got up and left. Why do they do it? Because they have no social skills and don't know how to hold a conversation. I once had that happen in a job interview - this gorgeous babe walks in, sits down, and says nothing. All I could get out of her were one word answers. She had 10 looks and 0 personality, I felt sorry for her. (She didn't get the job.)
Shadowcat: I still think it sounds like they're waiting to be asked, they're just not as good at it as your ATF. There's more art to waiting than just sitting there silently, but these girls are too timid or too slow to catch on.
Yeah maybe she did want me to ask for a dance but just isn't the type that like to ask the customers. I shouldn't have tipped her in the 1stplace. She looked alright but not someone whom I would have wanted for a dance. Since then I have learned to be a little more midnfull of whom I tip. They don't have to be 9's or 10's but definintely more than a 5 or 6. If the club has mostly average looking women then that would would make for a short trip.
Yes, certain retarded stripper will come and just sit down and either: say nothing at all, contribute only monosyllabic sentences to the conversation. I guess they are used to guys trying to whooing them just based on their proximity and beauty. Any strippers tries that lame-ass shit on me, I am calling her on "Why are you sitting here if you have nothing to say?" or "Well you've certainly talked my ear off. You better get back to work now before you get in trouble with your manager for not working."
Whatever you do: Do not lead the conversation or ask her for dance. This is a stupid stripper compliance test. Send her away. Next time she will back with something to say.
I had a similar situation happen. I was sitting at the bar and a girl approached me and asked if she could sit next to me. I said of course. She was gorgous. She was young, seemed pretty new. She introduced herself, we exchanged names, and that was about it. I asked her a few questions and she would just give me one word answers. There was no conversation. She just sat there with her hand on my leg looking around for about ten minutes until she had to go on stage. It was strange. I at least expected her to ask me for a dance. She must have been new and very shy.
This has come up here a few times before. Some strippers never ask for a dance, relying on the customer to ask. These sound like two of the less succussful practitioners.
last commentChandler, I agree that there's no correlation between a girl's conversational skills and her LD skills. But there is a strong correlation between her conversational skills and my enjoyment of her LD.
Whatever you do: Do not lead the conversation or ask her for dance. This is a stupid stripper compliance test. Send her away. Next time she will back with something to say.