Comments by lopaw (page 213)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Is Having a Favorite Cheating?
    If my SO found out about my SC excursions in general, she'd kill me. If she found out I was also emotionally involved, she'd dig me up & kill me all over again.
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    15 years ago
    Free/discount passes - where?
    Almost every club in my area offers online free passes and/or passes in the local newspapers.
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    15 years ago
    Sitting at the tip rail, short and long songs
    It's funny...sometimes if you spend more that 5 minutes with a dancer, every other dancer in the club figures you're HER customer.
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    15 years ago
    Getting Off
    I can get off with just "grinding" (tribadism, in my case), but that's just me.
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    15 years ago
    Strip club activities, who knows about them.
    Most of my immediate coworkers know, since we occasionally go together as a group. One or two close friends also know. No need for anyone else to know. What happens in the club, stays in the club.
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    15 years ago
    South Carolina
    Tips on how to'Make it Rain'?
    There used to be a couple of dancers that would give my friend & me each $20 or $30 in singles of their own money to "make it rain" on them. At this particular club, it got the dancers alot of business because many of the customers thought that any girl who got money showered was worth taking for a dance. The dancers were actually pretty smart with this ploy.
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    15 years ago
    What club(s) have the best stage show in So Cal?
    The club with the best stage shows (IMO) closed down last August. RIP, Century Lounge.
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    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Favorite clubs
    One long standing club in my area has already closed, and another is slated to close next year. Not a happy situation. Lucky for me that there are alot of clubs in LA and I can always find a backup if needed.
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    15 years ago
    $64,000 question
    Instead of cutting the dance short, I let her finish it but stopped her before she started another one. The dialogue went something like this: Me: Thanx for the dance. Her: Anytime, baby! Me: Hmmmm....Can I ask you something? Do you have a yeast infection? I'm asking because something is not quite...ya know...right down there. Her: (frowning) I don't think so....Why? Me: There is a slight odor (it was WAY more than slight, but I was trying to be nice). It's not that bad! But maybe you should have it checked out anyways, just in case. (Lying) I get them all the time - it's no big deal! Her: I'm so sorry! I'm so embarrassed! Me: Don't be silly - it happens sometimes! (throw in here all kinds of compliments to make her feel better) Her: (sad smile) And that was that. Never saw her again. Don't know if you guys would feel comfortable with a conversation like that or not. Don't try this at home, kids!
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    15 years ago
    $64,000 question
    I've had this happen before, & went with #2. But it's much easier for another woman to tell a dancer something like that.
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    15 years ago
    Do you go to a strip club on your birthday.
    Since my b-day is a week before xmas, it often coincides with our office xmas party, which will usually result in a SC visit as our last stop of the night. If we wind up @ my fave place, several of the dancers know my b-day, so I will usually get a few special treats from them (woo hoo!)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Would you say the dancers now aren't as hot as they were 10 to 15 years ago?
    As the availability of extras increased over the years, so did the influx of average looking girls willing to do them. How many times have you seen hot dancers sitting around, while the chubby plain jane dancer is constantly in the VIP? You don't need to be a beauty queen to give BJ's (or DATY, in my case).
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    15 years ago
    sex addicts anonymous?
    I can't help but think that your average true sex addict probably has alot of emotional/physical baggage....most people with additions do. I don't think I'd want to hook up with someone like that. That kind of pussy would probably not be the free spirited, sex-for-fun event that we all would hope that it would be.
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    15 years ago
    Holiday Booty?
    Since the only topless joint near LAX is set to close down sometime next year, many of the girls are panicking and trying to have a plan B. Since so many of the other nearby clubs take a huge chunk of the dancers money, more & more are starting to offer OTC as not only a source of guaranteed income for the Xmas season, but also as a way to avoid having any club take a cut of their cash. Sounds like a "win/win" to me!
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    15 years ago
    Bitches and their self-entitlement to beating up men
    Clubber - that joke is liable to have me give you a good beatin'! ;) deogol - Yup. It's all a gov't conspiracy to secretly let women run amok in society, get their way, and wantonly abuse men. It's all happening constantly, but of course it's not reported, well...because it's a conspiracy, after all. And all of us women are secretly laughing behind your back at the mayhem that we are causing! Yeah....we win! I suspect that you have been, or presently are, a victim of female domestic abuse, and that is no joke. It would help explain your irrational perspective & misogyny. Please seek help.
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    15 years ago
    Strip Club Song You Hate
    Anything by Kings of Leon sets my teeth on edge. I hate them THAT much. If I hear one of their songs at a SC, I head outside or to the restroom for the duration of the song. I agree that "Girls Girls Girls" has long outstayed it's welcome, along with T-Pain's "I'm in Love With a Stripper". Stop already!
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    15 years ago
    Bitches and their self-entitlement to beating up men
    Uh huh. A handful of "infamous" female-on-male domestic violence that dated all the way back to the early 90's. With male-on-female violence, it's a daily event. When was the last time a woman went berserk and killed her husband and three kids before turning the gun on herself? When was the last time that a woman stormed into a workplace and killed her SO there? How many restraining orders are issued against women, as opposed to men? You see those types of male-dominated crimes on the news DAILY.C'mon & get real, guys. You are absolutely right about spousal abuse being wrong, no matter who does it. But to think that these "crazy women are out of control" when the ratio of domestic abuse crimes is skewered at something like 1000 to 1 with men as the perpetrators, is laughable.
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    15 years ago
    Bitches and their self-entitlement to beating up men
    Is the title of this thread a joke or something? Try a little perspective there, deogol. For every woman that has gone nuts & tried to kill a man, there are thousands of instances where the role is reversed. Of course either scenario is unacceptable, but to single out a "celebrity" case that will get more airtime than it deserves as a basis to conclude that "women more and more these days are turning into crazed bitch princesses who think they are entitled to what ever pleases them" is ridiculous & unfair. Like men over the centuries have not felt that same entitlement to get whatever they want? Oh puh-leeze. Yep. Sounds like you're either old & cranky, or well on your way there.
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    15 years ago
    Married and clubbing
    It's generally not too much of a problem. Where there's a will, there's a way (wink wink).
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    15 years ago
    New boobies in da house
    There seems to be primarily two reasons most women get boob jobs - 1. strippers get them because they are convinced that gi-normous tits will get them the big cash 2. non-stripper women get them because their boyfriends/husbands talk them into it. Although there are probably many other reasons why they do it, these are the two scenarios I've run across the most.
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    15 years ago
    Strip club gift cards/certificates?
    If my local SC's offered gift cards, I'd be the easiest woman to shop for in the whole damn world!
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    15 years ago
    Spanish Strip Club vocabulary
    There are many latinas at LA clubs. Some espanol I use regularly: bailamos (lets dance) muy caliente (very hot) uno mas por favor (one more please) muy bonita (very pretty) Many latinas get a kick out of us gringos attempting to speak spanish, and they seem to enjoy that we make an effort to try.
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    15 years ago
    Why the hangup about privacy in the VIP??
    I insist on privacy in a VIP area because when I go in it can become a sideshow if there is not enough privacy, and too many guys are pretty overt about their ogling. It's distracting and annoying.I get enough looky-lou's out in the open area - I sure as hell don't want that in the VIP area. But I can't speak for anyone else, since my circumstances are pretty unique.
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    15 years ago
    Road Trips?
    Speaking of walking - once walked from the Stratosphere down to the Deja Vu in Vegas during July, in the middle of the afternoon. Not a wise decision. When I finally arrived 45 minutes later, I was a hot, sweaty, babbling mess. Spent a good 15 minutes apologizing to the 2 girls working the afternoon shift. Next time I'll take the bus or a cab.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Mami, you bi?
    Timbuck is right, shadowcat. I have met soooooo many dancers that are indeed bi (and trust me - they proved it!) that it can't be a fluke. Just being a dancer exposes you to many different situations, and dancers typically are more sexually open than the general populace. steve229 - I gotta download that song!