
Bitches and their self-entitlement to beating up men

I hope Tiger Wood's wife ends up behind bars. Seems women more and more these days are turning into crazed bitch princesses who think they are entitled to what ever pleases them.

Or maybe I am just getting old.


  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    The details have not been revealed, but it looks like: A domestic argument blew up and she went after him with a golf club. After she hit him in the face and started chasing him, Tiger did not fight back but fled. The blows to his face were serious. Bleeding and stunned, he passed out behind the wheel of the SUV and hit the curb, fire hydrant and pole. She was chasing him with the club, ready to hit him again, but when he came to and got out of the car he fell to the ground and may have been drifting in and out of conciousness. This is just speculation with no facts to support it, but I've seen this movie before.
    15 years ago
    I dunno if it's a new trend... former Chicago Bull Craig Hodges made the news when his wife threw gasoline on him and tried to set him on fire at their kids school (20 years ago?)


    And then there was Andre Rison's house getting burned down in 1994:


    And, didn't Joey Buttafuoco's lover shoot his wife at their house back in the '90s?


    And then the John Wayne Bobbit saga from 1993:

  • vincemichaels
    15 years ago
    Geez, I think SuperDude is on to something. The Florida Higway Patrol backed off twice in interviewing the Woods, but it does seem kinda strange that "allegedly" his wife returned to their home and got the golf club to bash in the rear window of the Escalade rather than just getting her keys to open up the door to get Tiger out. Time will tell. Allegedly, Tiger has been straying with some night club hostess up in NYC. Let's see what Tiger looks like at his charity golf tournament next week in California.
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    Oh, the drama!
  • lopaw
    15 years ago
    Is the title of this thread a joke or something? Try a little perspective there, deogol. For every woman that has gone nuts & tried to kill a man, there are thousands of instances where the role is reversed. Of course either scenario is unacceptable, but to single out a "celebrity" case that will get more airtime than it deserves as a basis to conclude that "women more and more these days are turning into crazed bitch princesses who think they are entitled to what ever pleases them" is ridiculous & unfair. Like men over the centuries have not felt that same entitlement to get whatever they want?

    Oh puh-leeze.

    Yep. Sounds like you're either old & cranky, or well on your way there.
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    lopaw: "For every woman that has gone nuts & tried to kill a man, there are thousands of instances where the role is reversed. "

    1000+:1 huh? Yeah, right.
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    Do women believe that allegations of adultery, whether true or not, justify mutalation of the husband/boyfriend. Sam Cooke was shot and killed by his wife, who caught him cheating. Al Green's wife dumped a pot of hot grits on his face. I worked with a colleague whose face had been damaged because his wife poured lye on him while he was sleeping. And Lorena Bobbit was promoted as a feminist heroine. Spousal abuse is wrong no matter who does it. Women seem to think that because of past history it is now acceptable to get even.
  • lopaw
    15 years ago
    Uh huh. A handful of "infamous" female-on-male domestic violence that dated all the way back to the early 90's. With male-on-female violence, it's a daily event. When was the last time a woman went berserk and killed her husband and three kids before turning the gun on herself? When was the last time that a woman stormed into a workplace and killed her SO there? How many restraining orders are issued against women, as opposed to men? You see those types of male-dominated crimes on the news DAILY.C'mon & get real, guys.

    You are absolutely right about spousal abuse being wrong, no matter who does it. But to think that these "crazy women are out of control" when the ratio of domestic abuse crimes is skewered at something like 1000 to 1 with men as the perpetrators, is laughable.
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    lopaw: You spoke specifically about murder attempts. Do you have any evidence to back up your "thousands to one" claim? How about to back about your 1000:1 claim for domestic abuse. Please cite some references to back up these claims or we'll just have to write off what you say as a crazed man-hating lesbian rant.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    What do you tell a woman with two black eyes?
  • zeke
    15 years ago
    In a brief search of the internet, I can find no support for 1,000 to 1, but the majority of victims are women. One study had it 56% to 44%, but it included men victims in gay relationships. A BBC (British) study had 19% of victims being male, but about half were gay, so maybe it is close to 50/50 or maybe as different as 9-1, but certainly not 1,000 to 1.
  • mmdv26
    15 years ago
    "You look like a raccoon"?
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    Agreed that male abuse of women, outweighs the opposite even if you include the fact that female abuse of males is grossly underreported.
  • stripclubspy
    15 years ago
    The answer is "nothing, you already told her twice" but I do not think this is funny or appropriate. I had to google it to find out.
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    SuperDude: I don't think anyone would disagree that male domestic abuse of women is much higher than the other way around. What we are asking for is evidence to support lopaw's outrageous claim that the ratio is 1000 (or more):1. Is this truly a fact or just the product of a man hating lesbian rant?
  • deogol
    15 years ago
    Lopaw's purpose is to change the subject. Let us not discuss women becoming violent/destructive and their victims subjected to a double standard under the law.

    Slash his car tires and paint vile messages on it? Ha ha! Internet joke!

    Hit or stab him with a weapon? He's a man. He can take it. And no, he has no right to break her jaw defending himself. That's domestic violence!

    No. Lets keep the agenda correct!

    Hell, attacking Woods, wrecking his property, and getting a divorce, she will probably take him for half of what he is worth.
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    Well, before we start calling names and discounting lopaw's legitmate point of view, let's look at what we are dealing with. A lot of the discussion is more emotional than factual. Some men believe that women act as if they are entitled to do anything they want to do, including taking a golf club to the face of the number one golfer in the world. (Stupid move if she hit him in the eye, impaired his vision, ended his career and the money became greatly reduced.) And some women believe that men have long gotten away with abusive conduct to the point that it is acceptable conduct, especially if "the bitch gets out of line." (Old timers will remember the running gag in "The Honeymooners" when Ralph Kramden always threatened to hit Alice, his wife, so hard she would wind up in space or "to the Moon.") The late Farrah Fawcett played an abused wife in a TV movie based on a true story here in Michigan, "The Burning Bed." Peter Strauss played a physically abused husband in a TV movie. (I think it was "Men Cry, Too.) Any rational discussion must start with the view that abuse is just plain wrong. It has nothing to do with weighing the number of incidents by gender, race or economic background. (Pres. Reagan's nominee to head the S.E.C.'s Office of General Counsel was withdrawn because of allegations of spouse abuse--and he was a rich dude.) The true incident of abuse will never be known because of underreporting--all the way around. One case is one too many.
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    Lopaw's "point of view" is not legitimate unless she can provide some evidence of this supposed 1000 (or mote) to 1 ratio. Until she can do that she is just a crazed man hating lesbian on a rant and we can safely ignore anything she says.
  • Dudester
    15 years ago
    If you work a woman's shelter, as I have, you'll see that the only thing that there's a shortage of is bedspace for the abused women and kids.

    Having said that...

    Women today are much more impowered than ever before. 26 years ago I had a woman empty my bank account, and more. Having learned from that, and even being careful, sometimes there's no telling when she has a hidden ally (I have a pending article). If I thought for a second that I could get away with it, I'd supply her and her ally with a beating of epic proportions. I'm not fond of jail, so if she turns up at my door, I'll:

    A) Not let her in.

    B) Tell her to leave or the cops will be called (and live by it).

    I grew up in a home where my mom's boyfriend beat and raped us. To her shame, she allowed it to go on for ten years. Both men and women will linger in a abusive relationship when the smart thing to do is bail.

    Why do people do this to themselves? We'll never know. If any of us at this site paid attention at all, we'd know that strip clubs are very much staffed with women who have and/or continue to linger in abusive relationships. This is why states try to pass extra taxes on strip clubs, but that's merely treating a symptom instead of trying to find a cure. For me, children are the most innocent victims of this abuse and they don't have the option to bail. Instead of just taxing clubs, I think we should:

    A) Require that wedding licenses require first, criminal and financial background checks,as well as a STD check. Let's stop pretending it's all about romance and be practical.

    B) Repeal the 1980 federal law that says it's always in the best interest of kids to remain in the family. There are a number of deserving wannabee parents who deserve better than the bureaucratic two step. Remove kids from abusive homes and ease adoption rules. Why is it that being a parent only requires a working uterus and being an adoptive parent requires a 16 step background check and the patience of Job?
  • lopaw
    15 years ago
    Clubber - that joke is liable to have me give you a good beatin'! ;)

    deogol - Yup. It's all a gov't conspiracy to secretly let women run amok in society, get their way, and wantonly abuse men. It's all happening constantly, but of course it's not reported, well...because it's a conspiracy, after all. And all of us women are secretly laughing behind your back at the mayhem that we are causing! Yeah....we win!

    I suspect that you have been, or presently are, a victim of female domestic abuse, and that is no joke. It would help explain your irrational perspective & misogyny. Please seek help.
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    Sure lopaw! Go on a lesbo rant and claim ridiculous numbers you can't back up and then call other people irrational! And great psycho-analysis. Let us guess: You turned lesbo because you are too ugly and bitter to get any dick, right?
  • Philip A. Stein
    15 years ago
    Dougster, you just more pathetic with every post. You name calling and armature psychology have run their course long ago.

    <now you can call me a faggot>
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    Call you a faggot? No need. There is a picture of you giving a blowjob right there. (Strange choice of self-portrait if you ask me.)
  • deogol
    15 years ago
    Noting Phillip's picture and your reply, I have to admit I busted out laughing! Excellent retort, sir, excellent retort!
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    "Let's see what Tiger looks like at his charity golf tournament next week in California."

    He's not even going.
    "The answer is 'nothing, you already told her twice' but I do not think this is funny or appropriate."

    Amen to that.
  • mitciv
    15 years ago
    Tigger told a friend he was going to buy a "kobe special" for his wife. Hope tigger and kobe are taken to the cleaners by their wives. The handler manufactured "perfect human being" image for tigger is laid to rest.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago

    In my wildest dreams!!!
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