Now that the Holiday season is upon us, anyone notice dancers more willing to give it up (extras ITC and/or OTC) to get cash for holiday gifts, travel, etc.?
Hot dancer I really only know as the friend of a fav recently offered OTC after mentioning she needed to buy her kids Xmas gifts. (I passed, nervous from recent events - thanks a lot, Tiger!)
interesting topic..I also received a text message the other day saying she will make me feel good if i spent a lot of money on her. I thought it was too vague for my liking. I like to hear prices!
You passed Steve, those 'recent events' must have made you very nervous indeed? It is the time of the year when gifts etc have to be paid for so I guess you are probably right.
Since the only topless joint near LAX is set to close down sometime next year, many of the girls are panicking and trying to have a plan B. Since so many of the other nearby clubs take a huge chunk of the dancers money, more & more are starting to offer OTC as not only a source of guaranteed income for the Xmas season, but also as a way to avoid having any club take a cut of their cash.
Dancers actually believe that guys have extra money for them at this time of year in this economy? Get real. Clubs will be dead until after guys pay the family holiday bills.
My favorite mentioned Xmas and the need for gift buying last night. I "started" the discussion of an OTC meeting, but she wants nothing to do with it. I must be that bad looking, ha. But there are one or two others that I might talk to soon. Not the one I would want, but they will certainly do.
One of my favorite waitresses is considering dancing to make more money for the holidays. As she says, a temporary thing. She has done a couple nights as shot girl, but hasn't quite made the full conversion yet. Ahe has only been at the club for about 8 weeks.
It happened to me 2 weeks ago at my favorite club but I am not sure it is holiday booty.She is married. He has a job. They have no children. I wouldn't think they have any real financial problems. She is one of the top earners on the day shift at the club.I have know her for 6+ years. She always gives me good dances but no real extras. I have lusted after her for those 6 years but never dreamed that it could happen.
2 week ago she shocked the hell out of me.She took me to the couch room for what I expected to be my usual good dance. It turned into a GFE. DFK, DATY, BJ. Everything except fuck.Then she hit me with "It could happen for $500." I know this club and her too well. I would not have believed that she would do that. I am sure that nobody else would either. I was spinning so badly she had to help me get up. Well it didn't happen then but before she left a short time later, she gave me her phone number and email address. I emailed her 2 days ago to let her know my next planned visit. I have not received a reply but at least I know that it is a working address.
I want her but not for $500. I talked to TUSCL_Brother. He knows her. He said "If you can get her down to $200. Go for it". I talked to gridget. She has known her for 6+ years and was shocked that I was offered FS OTC with her. She was noncommittal but would never cock block me. $500 would not bust my bank but it seems too high. Even for some one that I am reasonable sure is not fucking every guy that comes in the club. A fluke? She got caught up in the passion? I am waiting with anticipation for an answer to my email. She promised nude pics.
I gotta consider gridget too. I do not want to do anything to fuck up our relationship. Women are strange creatures to understand.
last commentSounds like a "win/win" to me!
2 week ago she shocked the hell out of me.She took me to the couch room for what I expected to be my usual good dance. It turned into a GFE. DFK, DATY, BJ. Everything except fuck.Then she hit me with "It could happen for $500." I know this club and her too well. I would not have believed that she would do that. I am sure that nobody else would either. I was spinning so badly she had to help me get up. Well it didn't happen then but before she left a short time later, she gave me her phone number and email address. I emailed her 2 days ago to let her know my next planned visit. I have not received a reply but at least I know that it is a working address.
I want her but not for $500. I talked to TUSCL_Brother. He knows her. He said "If you can get her down to $200. Go for it". I talked to gridget. She has known her for 6+ years and was shocked that I was offered FS OTC with her. She was noncommittal but would never cock block me. $500 would not bust my bank but it seems too high. Even for some one that I am reasonable sure is not fucking every guy that comes in the club. A fluke? She got caught up in the passion? I am waiting with anticipation for an answer to my email. She promised nude pics.
I gotta consider gridget too. I do not want to do anything to fuck up our relationship. Women are strange creatures to understand.