Getting Off

I have seen reviews and posts on this and other SC sites where guys talk about getting off during lap dances (I'm not talking about "extras" just garden variety ass to lap friction). Is this common or just guys BSing? I am in Tampa and have gotten plenty of full contact dances at Mons but have never gotten off.
In my own case this has been repeated with variations many times. BBBJ, CBJ, HJ, TTP stimulation, ITP (Inside the pants) stimulation - they have all worked at one time or another.
Some guys get so worked up that they are being touched by a woman that isn't their wife/GF that they do cum after a song or two. Personally, it takes me a very long time to get there because that's how my first lover trained me.
The only exception being one time last year. I was taking a break from OTC Gal. I went to the Mansion and there was this gal who was the spitting image of a gal, who in my teens drove me absolutely crazy. After a couple of songs I was was right at the peak, just seconds from orgasm. I said "Oh baby, I wanna fuck you in the worst way."
She pulled up and that was that. She was done with me.
no we are not pathetic, it happens..... and to some, more than others.
me personally, i get lap dances expecting to cum, does that make me pathetic? i dont think it does, but i bet people like you would think otherwise, do i care what people like you think? that ansewer is a big fat HELL NO!!!
"You can't get pussy in real life so you pay a stripper/whore to grind your dick through your pants. What the fuck"
for your information, pussy is hard for some of us to get and if we want to pay some stripper money to grind her pussy on our laps, so be it
and if we happen to cum, they get a bigger tip. so technically its a win win, but i understand that everybody dont see it that way.
i am paying my money to enjoy myself and that includes leaving the SC with sticky pants, but dont lump me into that PL category because unlike them, i know that its all just an act. this is how i see it, if i pay a stripper to grind my lap for 2 or 3 songs then i might as well get my money worth weather she knows it or not.
i could just find a Whore and have her satisfy me for far less money than i spend at a SC and do everything thats not allowed in the club but theres 1 reason why i dont, the prostitutes in my area are eather ugly, a gay man dressed up like a woman or a tranny/sexchanged person. yes i have picked one up but as luck would have it, she was a cop.
so i was hit with a fine and had my car impounded, i do not want to ever go through that again, that was my first and last time picking up a hooker.
my point is this, i dont have looks and im a bit on the heavy side so most women would not bother to give me the time of day, and i dont have money to blow, however i do make just above minimum wage and have bills to pay so i dont have a whole lot left to spend on a woman who may or may not want to have sex with me, so i choose not to deal with that headache. so i go to the club, get a LD or 2 and leave happy(most of my SC visits last 45 mins to just over an hour)
so really dont give a flying fuck what people like you think.
"I've heard some funny stories from strippers who said customers ejaculated from next to no contact at all."
Guilty! Happened when I was just getting back into clubbing. Getting a $10 air dance, but as dance went on there was less and less air. Finally the dancer backed up against me and gave me a few seconds of covert grinding. That was all it took, lol!
Kinda too bad it doesn't work that way anymore, think of all the money I would save.
"I've been in prison for three years. My dick gets hard if the wind blows." - Reggie Hammond (Eddie Murphy) from the movie 48 horus.