Comments by lopaw (page 202)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    SoCal value pricing...
    lol meant "bumrubber". Doh!
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    14 years ago
    SoCal value pricing...
    bumrunner -no harm, no foul. I was over @ The Jet Strip earlier today and some of the staff were talking about the zbone posts. As I looked around the club at the happy patrons & dancers, I realized that the OP isn't hurting that club one bit. I don't know what the OP's real agenda is, but since yesterday there have been alot more posts on the JS thread on zbone, all of which shoot down the his BS. He's really comparing apples & oranges in regards to the upscale vs. ghetto clubs, but he's obviously too stupid to know the difference.
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    14 years ago
    Passing For Gay
    I agree w/ vm - since when is "gaydar" strictly a female thing?
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Have you ever thought a dancer was hot and into one night but more like a golddi
    lol I like steve's response. I might try that the next time a down & out dancer starts her woe-is-me spiel.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    SoCal value pricing...
    The originator of the post has been plastering it all over zbone. While there may be some PL's out there who might want to try out some of these places, mainly what the poster is doing over there is pissing off the mods, & the club managers who use zbone to post useful stuff like dancer RTRC. He's being a douchebag by bagging on the owners & PL's who frequent clubs other than the ones he's listed. Not cool. If you want to read a great reply to this guy, read Jake's response on the Jet Strip thread.
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    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    TUSCL nick names...
    lopaw is chinese for "wife". It's what me & the missus call each other.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    What are your favorite body sprays dancers use?
    I don't know what the names are for any of the wonderful scents that often linger on my clothes & hair long after our encounters. All I know is that whenever I walk into a Bath & Body Works store I can recognize many of the smells there. I think strippers must shop there ALOT.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Do dancers who don't take no or no thanks for an answer, ever get you angry?
    I've encountered some persistent dancers in my day, but never to the point that I had to send any of them away all butt hurt - and never to the point of me getting even mildly pissed off. Overall I've been way more pissed off by dancers ignoring customers, which is the opposite extreme.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    They must be able to smell bacon
    a-HOO-gah! Just saw gmd's avatar......another winner! That pic actually made me drool a little bit....good thing the SO didn't catch me!
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    How can I find the best bachelor party strippers?
    I've hired dancers that I've gotten to know (and spent money on) for parties here in LA. It usually takes time & money to win a girl's trust before she'll ever consider doing something like a bachelor party (unless she also does bachelor/private parties thru an agency on the side).
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Does it take an expert to know when a dancer is playing you or if she's really i
    Does it take an expert? No. Does it take experience in clubbing to learn this? Yes. They are always playing's just that the better actresses make the game seem oh-so-real.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Negotiation for LDs.
    I don't negotiate either. I've seen friends negotiate the prices down, and they have in turn wound up with crappy lap dances. Even in this economy some dancers will resent dickering over prices and will give you air dances, or find another way to generally ruin the dance(s) for you. While I always agree to reg prices, I will NEVER give in to an upsell. That's a deal killer from the get-go. And if she pulls the upsell after the dances - I walk.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Ever Been Spotted OTC ?
    Yes, several times. And in all but one instance, the dancer was very discreet, and offered nothing more than a slight nod of her head to acknowledge me. The one "wanna-get-away?" moment had the dancer come up and throw her arms around me (in front of my SO) and babble about missing me & when was I gonna see her again. I later explained it to the SO that she was an old college pal of mine. Oy vay.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Somebody's watching me
    If it's a dancer watching, it's a definite turn-on. If it's a customer watching, then it's a big turn-off. Other customers staring & ogling gets really old after awhile. Buy your own damn dances, ya cheap bastids!
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    End of the Month
    I usually club on Wednesdays and just realized that tomorrow is Sept 1st, which is pretty much the end-of-the-month. I expect WAY more dancers showing up tomorrow than I would normally see on a sleepy Wednesday. That's the good news...the bad news is that the pursuit of rent money tomorrow will be probably be relentless.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    What did she really mean
    The "not really" answer to the extras question seems like a golden opportunity missed. If you are a new clubber, I would attribute that as a rookie mistake. If you are a long time PL.....then I'll assume that you're just not into extras (which puts you in the minority on this board, and will make most here wonder if you are insane.)
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Hard wood floors. Oh...are you talking about hair on their head? My bad.
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    14 years ago
    Club buddies
    I have a bunch of club buddies at the local divey topless joints I frequent. But at the more "higher end" nude clubs that I also hang out in the dancers are far too busy trying to get into your wallet to really develop any buddy type relationships. They are just too predatory.
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    14 years ago
    Stripper 101
    Clubber, Your guess is as good as mine. I personally don't like or use them, but I guess between two women sometimes fingers just aren't enough
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    14 years ago
    Stripper 101
    Clubber, Well, if I accidentally left my big strap-on on then it wouldn't really be incorrect, now would it? :D
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Dancers' sexual orientation
    Most dancers that dance for me profess to be either bi or bi-curious. I've met about a dozen lesbian dancers over the years as well. It's all good. I really don't care either way as long as their dances are good. Even the supposed straight dancers give pretty good dances to the women customers. Of course this is based on a sample of one - me. I think I need some of that grant money for further research.
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    14 years ago
    Stripper 101
    lol gmd It's hard to argue that in the world of stripclubs, it all boils down to cold hard cash for these women. Now, being good looking certainly doesn't hurt in terms of getting attention for some, but I don't think it matters all that much - it's all about emptying our wallets.
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    14 years ago
    Stripper 101
    My experience has been different, but maybe that's because I tend to club during the dayshift, when there are more regular customers than tourists. The dancers on dayshift tend to pass their well spending customers around - at least amongst their stripper pals. I happened to me today @ the Rhino. A dancer I've seen once before came by & after a lengthy chat we headed over for a bunch of dances. Later on, while she was onstage, a dancer pal of hers went up to the stage to tip her, and they had a quick whispered conversation. The "pal" immediately headed over to my table and asked if I wanted to take advantage of the 3fer2 special that was going on. Coincidence? I think not!
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    14 years ago
    Weird Washrooms In SCs
    Lol shadowcat! You're right - I love it when I go to a club and I have to share the dancers bathroom with them. It does come with some caveats, tho - I not only get to see some of these chicks in bright light (Ack!), but I also get to see & hear the types of things that occur in a bathroom that you guys never have to experience. It can really kill the fantasy. After all....strippers never actually pee or poo, do they? ;) What's interesting is that more & more I'm finding clubs with separate female customer & dancer restrooms. As female customers get more commonplace, it seems clubs are adding that separate "jane" for us lady clientele.
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    14 years ago
    Mood Killers
    Like shadowcat, I once had a dancer announce in the middle of a VIP that she was pregnant. Ugh....I couldn't get out of that room fast enough. Another previous fave of mine used to work part time in the L.A. Coroners office. She'd tell me horribly graphic tales of the stuff she saw, and then cheerily hit me up for a dance. Ewww.