I'm sure we all have had mood killers whilst getting lap dances and more from the gals at the clubs. Last night at Showgirls Cabaret in Sunrise, Florida, I spotted this young brunette with nice tits wandering around the club. Waving her over we talked and headed into the VIP booths. It was my luck that as she was about to dance, the DJ announced a 2 for 1 special. That wasn't the moodkiller, although often enough, the dancers don't get terribly motivated doing a 2 for 1 special. What killed it was her telling me she was going to a trade school to be a Private Investigator. At that point, I decided not to push her boundaries and just enjoy an average grind by a new dancer. What have your experiences been?
Nice looking dancer sits down after I've tipped her about $5 for her stage dances. After a moments conversation where we're talking about what comes next, she starts scratching her leg.
"Sorry, I've all these sores where I have ingrown hairs and they itch so bad I made them bleed from scratching."
What I really dislike is when the dancers try to upsell me and make me start talking prices. For example, if I am at a club with $10/dances but the dancers wants $20/song...sure I can talk her down to $10/song but it is a mood killer for me.
I was in a crap club in Muskegon a couple weeks ago. They have a bar stage and a cute little thing is sitting next to me. We're talking a little and we're watching the dancer. Cutie turns from looking at her to cough on me. I remind her, "It's common etiquette to turn your head the other way."
Dry humping HARD,toooooo much perfume,glitter,upselling during a dance and talking to other dancers during my dance. How could I forget looking bored going through the motions.
Quite frankly what some of you find as a mood killer I find as a turn on. For example, when a girl tells me she's wanting to do something else with her life, like going to school. Or if she can have a real discussion with me about real topics and not just say a couple sentences and talk about money and dances like a machine.
Dance like a machine with back towards me is a guaranteed single dance. If I chose to dance with her because it was a 241, then I will generally suffer thru a second song, but I try to envision a great looking pussy to put me in a better frame of mind.
Plugging VIP *during* a dance. I understand the idea of "strike while the iron is hot" but if she's any good, the iron won't have cooled off 10 seconds after the dance is over.
Another mood killer: Slow day/night at the club. You find a dancer you liKe. You're hanging out, edging toward room negotiations, and her friend, drunk off her ass, plops down uninvited, and won't catch anything less subtle than "WILL YOU PLEASE GO THE F*** AWAY?!"
Like shadowcat, I once had a dancer announce in the middle of a VIP that she was pregnant. Ugh....I couldn't get out of that room fast enough.
Another previous fave of mine used to work part time in the L.A. Coroners office. She'd tell me horribly graphic tales of the stuff she saw, and then cheerily hit me up for a dance. Ewww.
The only mood killer that I have experienced was described in one of my reviews - janitor making rounds of dance area during busy time. The mood killer aspect of this was the pure hilarity of the dancers' paranoid reactions to this clueless janitor. So sad - I was with a lovely Czech lady and my laughter made completion of the deal impossible.
was at club in ATL. good looking ebony babe that i had VIPed b4 sat down with me. after i couple of drinks she mentioned that she couldn't do lap dances/vip cause she had a yeast infection. talking about a turn off!!!
rank cig breath...hell even just smoking one..cheap (or any) excessive stinking 'perfume'...coated in sweat...all personal conversations about kids, gyno visits, tooth probs, court dates, loser BF's, car probs...that regimented jack hammer, energized bunny dancing by rote that threatens to tear the skin off my lil' buddy...singin' the 'no money blues'...any sign of greed, avariciousness or upsell...let's face it, it's one in five hundred these days ('less i'm going to the wrong places) that ISN'T a mood killer...
LeeH says: Posted: 08/27/10 Another mood killer: Slow day/night at the club. You find a dancer you liKe. You're hanging out, edging toward room negotiations, and her friend, drunk off her ass, plops down uninvited, and won't catch anything less subtle than "WILL YOU PLEASE GO THE F*** AWAY?!"
LeeH says: Posted: 08/27/10 Another mood killer: Slow day/night at the club. You find a dancer you liKe. You're hanging out, edging toward room negotiations, and her friend, drunk off her ass, plops down uninvited, and won't catch anything less subtle than "WILL YOU PLEASE GO THE F*** AWAY?!"
Now I hate when some crazy bitch says Lets be friends...yeah I wanna be the friend that is fucking you up the ass bitch. That is the friend I want to be... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v…
10 inches I have a similar story about yeast infection dancer. A dancer friend of mine told me about a gal that she worked with would get a yeast infection sometimes and continually grind on customers knees to relieve the itch.
samsung1, I was recently with a dancer who wanted to "be friends." But she made it clear it would be "with benefits." She and I did everything ITC, and she gave me her home phone number...asked me to call it right then so she'd have me on caller ID, and yes her voice was on the voicemail. So that wasn't a mood killer.
last comment"Sorry, I've all these sores where I have ingrown hairs and they itch so bad I made them bleed from scratching."
Uh, thanks for your time.
Didn't care too much for the dancer who talked about her methadone.
Another previous fave of mine used to work part time in the L.A. Coroners office. She'd tell me horribly graphic tales of the stuff she saw, and then cheerily hit me up for a dance. Ewww.
Another mood killer: Slow day/night at the club. You find a dancer you liKe. You're hanging out, edging toward room negotiations, and her friend, drunk off her ass, plops down uninvited, and won't catch anything less subtle than "WILL YOU PLEASE GO THE F*** AWAY?!"
LOL! that happened to me last night!
Another mood killer: Slow day/night at the club. You find a dancer you liKe. You're hanging out, edging toward room negotiations, and her friend, drunk off her ass, plops down uninvited, and won't catch anything less subtle than "WILL YOU PLEASE GO THE F*** AWAY?!"
LOL! that happened to me last night!
So that wasn't a mood killer.