Negotiation for LDs.
I thought it might be good to share our dealmaking abilities when it comes to LDs.
I for one usually try for at least the 2for1 rate. I think $15/3 minute song isn't terrible (it's not good either). I've found that letting the girl come to me helps...I act reluctant to take the LD...sometimes she'll suggest the better deal.
What kind of rates do you guys get compared to the stated prices and how do you get the girl down to that.
I for one usually try for at least the 2for1 rate. I think $15/3 minute song isn't terrible (it's not good either). I've found that letting the girl come to me helps...I act reluctant to take the LD...sometimes she'll suggest the better deal.
What kind of rates do you guys get compared to the stated prices and how do you get the girl down to that.
That said, I will take a 2 for 1 when offered, and I will sometimes ask if the 2 for 1 is still going on if it's the right time of day. I don't make any big deal about it if there's no special, though. It's not worth it for the few I get.
I do make sure I know the clubs posted price on dances and confirm with the girl before thats what she will be getting a dance. If she wants more than the clubs posted price, she is a ROB and I immediately deselect her.
regarding cheap, i don't know what's worse, being thought of as cheap, or being thought of as a sucker aka p.l.
there's a fine line there and i usually let my experience/instincts lead me into making a choice as to how to procede. overall i don't see a problem with trying to get a better deal on dances.
At Living Room in Dayton they just charge a $35 house fee and whatever the dancers make from dances they get to keep. The average dance price listed on TUSCL for a topless dance was $20. I told the dancer I would pay $20 for the first LD but if I wanted to keep extending it then it would be only $10 for each song. She agreed right away, which made me think I could have got even a better deal.
However, at many columbus clubs, they charge a house fee AND they make the dancers tip out a fee after each lap dance. You can sometimes find out what the dance tip outs are by reading reviews written by strippers on Sometimes the information is outdated but sometimes it is current or good enough.
For example, ever notice at Kahoots or Club X after you get a dance, the dancer goes over to the bouncer to "tip out" for that dance? Just one example why Columbus clubs are a rip off for both the customers and dancers.
For example, at Club X, the 2fer1 price for couch dances is $30, but I have got it for $20-25 from the dancers if you are patience enough. I heard from one dancer at Club X that they don't have to pay any house fees but they have to pay out half their earnings from dances. This is good because it lets them go to work without the pressure of having to pay off the house fee, but it kind of sucks because if they do sell a lot of lap dances they would have been better off just paying a flat house fee instead of percentage tip outs.
With popular dancers that I do know well, I will go to them. I want them to know I am ready and I don't want some other dude getting in ahead of me.
While I always agree to reg prices, I will NEVER give in to an upsell. That's a deal killer from the get-go. And if she pulls the upsell after the dances - I walk.
I have only had one bad experience out of dozens of when I did negotiate and it turned out to be awful. I asked for a 2fer1 $25 at Cheeks, which is normal price. She wanted to do 3 for $40 instead. I said OK, then she right away said, "I meant 3 for $50". I said forget it. She then apologized and agreed to do 2 for $25. We go back mid song and of course she started mid song and counted it. She also smacked my arm when I went up to feel her chest. She then yelled at me for moving my leg because she thought I trying to grind on her. She then again, said something nasty like "don't you move your fucking head, don't you dare move it" when she stuck her chest in my face. I could not wait for the dance to end. She won the bitch of the year award. However, the benefits of negotiating have far outweighed the negatives. I don't know if this bitch was the way she was because I did not agree to her prices or if it is because she was a former Diamond's Cabaret dancer for 6 years, which is the lowest mileage club in Dayton based on my experience and reading the reviews.
Are longer, and at most, the contact is exceptional.
I only ask 2 for 1's from the occasional 4 or 5 who won't take
No for an answer. Either they get offended and finally leave, or
I get a good deal (12 minutes of songs for 10 dollars)
Some clubs I would do it, others I would never consider it.
Most dancers I meet are not 9 or 10's either though. I do remember a few very hot 10's. I remember for a few weeks a couple were working in the negotiable club. They wanted two for $50. They both approached me at the same time one night. I was spending plenty on money and happy with the 8 and 9 girls at a much cheaper price so I declined their offer. They did not go down on their prices. I did notice the one 10 girl was doing her laps close to where I was sitting. She probably just liked the same area. I got to see her lap dances a few times though. Too many acrobatic moves to interest me. That's ok for stage tips but I like more bump and grind for a lap dance.
I have multiple favorites working again and often do not even get dances from all my favorites anymore. I believe one favorite I haven't had a dance from in months. I never see her until real late when I'm about ready to leave. When your favorites charge you set prices that are reasonable, and they can always throw in a reduced rate dance or free one, passing up other reduced rate dances is easy. Dancers often drop their prices they ask if you give them any leeway in the possibility of wanting a dance (where dance prices are negotiable).