
Do dancers who don't take no or no thanks for an answer, ever get you angry?

One did last night but I was out of the club thinking about it before my anger flared up a bit. One dancer wanted to argue with me asking why not after I told her no. I don't want any dances. After a couple of minutes of arguing she asked if I was gay. I said No. I thought that was an insult. I should have told her I thought she looked a bit ugly in return but my anger is sometimes delayed if I had a good night. I just did not want another dance. To top if off she asked for a tip for her time she spent arguing with me.

I seem to get angrier thinking about these dancers I encounter after leaving the club. I was trying to not let it bother me but typing this up helps get it out of my system. My night was pretty good other than the ending.

I have done a much meaner sounding rejection to a couple of dancers but sometimes it seems like they go over in a corner and seem to sulk as if I hurt them.

I need the measured level of increasing rejection.

Level one. No, no thanks, maybe later.
Works 98 percent of the time.

Level two. She wants to argue afterwards, why not?
You give out a lie to get rid of her.

Level three. She still continues to argue, why not? or some other excuse.
Lay it on her.

Just in case this helps anyone else.
I know some guys will lay it on a dancer from the getgo.


  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    I offered to give this insulting dancer a dollar to get rid of her since she was a friend of another dancer I liked. However when she saw it was only a dollar, she said it was an insult to only tip a dollar. I gave her another to get rid of her. Afterwards, I wish I had not since she did not deserve it at all.

    Maybe she'll stay away if I see her again. I told her I tip all the dancers just one dollar. Whenever I see the dancer who dropped her off again, I'll avoid getting dances from her as well for a while now. If she asks why I'll tell her why. I do not like her friend. aahhh, maybe that's inviting more stripper drama, I'll just tell her no without telling why unless she's persistent too.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    I think I'll use the line in response to arguing dancers, "you just don't look that good to me and I don't want to spend the money on you."
    I'm not lying when I say that.
  • sinclair
    14 years ago
    The girls that beg and try to start fights with customers are the ones that can't take a hint that they are ugly and should not be in this line of work. The sexiest girls at any given club can bank big time without even making approaches. A hot piece of ass always speaks for itself.

    If a desperate girl will not leave you alone, tell management or go somewhere else. It is not worth taking shit from her. Think about it: She may go lie to the bouncer and say you tried to finger her just to have your ass kicked for not giving her YOUR money. She may tell all of the other dancers you are a cheap skate because you wouldn't give her YOUR money.
  • brewerfan
    14 years ago
    Well, my opinion, sharkhunter did the right thing, for the most part. For one, if a girl argues a refusal for a dance, than just say that you are not what I'm looking for, in a nice sense of way. But where the convo turned into an argument, and a accusations of being gay to be followed, then I'd complain to the manager. She's a goner. And as far as tipping her for the arguement,fuck that, I'd laugh in her face and get up and go somewhere else in the club. Yes, I know that the girls work for tips only, but they ain't suppose to act like it, though.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    vincemichaels and I were sitting at the Living Room bar in dayton last night. I had a blond approach me and pull at my arm demanding we do a dance. She pestered me with "why not?" questions before finally leaving calling us lame. lol
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    Yes, she did, and samsung1 and I laughed at her after she left. Dingbats like her don't deserve a dance, and if they want to insult us as she did. Well, it's too damn bad, you stupid bitch.
  • 10inches
    14 years ago
    99% will accept the no and just walk away, but those that don't get a polite "you're not my type". if that doesn't do the job i will be blunt and tell why she isn't my type (tattoos, fat, no boobs, big ass, plain looking) that pisses them off and they storm away in a huff.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    dancers have pissed me off over other things but not because they won't take no for an answer. if a dancer i'm not interested in persists in bothering me i just plain tell her i'm not interested in her and that always ends it.
  • londonguy
    14 years ago
    What is annoying is that any of them with any kind of experience know when most guys are interested or not but still persist.
  • bumrubber
    14 years ago
    I usually wind up leaving after a certain dancer at a local club moves in and won't go away. Apparently management doesn't realize she's chasing their money right out the door.
  • mmdv26
    14 years ago
    I let them know before it ever gets to anger that I'm just not interested. If they persist, I get them down real close to me and explain that I'm looking for a lot more than just a lapper tonight, and if she's game, I'll find her when I'm ready.

    It gives her something to go tell the manager.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    I have noticed I tend to leave a club (unless I just arrived and refuse to let one dancer ruin my night) if a dancer gets me ticked off.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    One dancer that wouldn't leave me alone tried everything the third or 4th time she saw me. She even offered to do completely free dances. I still refused. Well she didn't try everything which is why I did not want to be alone with her. She wasn't my type. I did not like her pulling on my arm but she never got me angry. I can't say that for a couple of other dancers.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    I really can't get my mind around paying a girl just so she won't whine. As a matter of principle I won't do it - it just rewards bad behavior. If she wants to get pissed, so be it - no skin off of my balls. I'd rather watch her howl like a stuck coyote than give her a nickle for pulling that stunt.

    When I don't want a dance, I look her in the eye and firmly say "No thank you" period. If a girl that I don't like asks if she can sit with me, I look her in the eye and say "I'm not really looking for company right now, but thank you."

    In rare instances where she is not disuaded, I say "honestly honey I'm looking for something a little different than you, but thank you." They tend to huff off a little if it gets to this point but too bad - she should have listened the first time.

    And in those rare instances when she is really persistent and is in my lap, or worse, grabbing my nuts, I usually say something like "Honey, you're not my type so please [get up, take your hand back/whatever]." Again the girl usually gets pissed but that was inevitable anyway if she was like that to begin with.

    I've had only one really bad one in all the years, where nothing I said seemed to penetrate. Finally, I put my face into hers, looked her in the eyes and said, "Are you deaf or just stupid, I said go the fuck away!" That did it, though she left bitching like I just kicked her favorite dog.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    brewer and sin, I hear you on going to the manager, but that's not really a great option if you are looking to cultivate some ITC or OTC fun. The last thing you want is to be labelled as a drama magnet by management or the other dancers.

    It ain't McDonalds and what I want is not on the official menu anyway, so I much prefer my game quiet and well under the radar ;)
  • troop
    14 years ago
    yup, i agree, keep things cool and low key is my motto too.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    I think strippers who don't take no for an answer are the wrong ones you don't want a lap dance with anyway.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    Just remember "it is better to be pissed off than pissed on".
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    I actually forgot about this for a few days. I'm glad I posted it so I can remember. I somehow doubt I will see the same dancer. I don't think she made too much money. There weren't a lot of people left in the club when I left. I may avoid the dancer who dropped her off too. If she asks why I believe I will tell her. Depends how busy I am. I'm looking to cut back my spending somewhere.
  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    I've encountered some persistent dancers in my day, but never to the point that I had to send any of them away all butt hurt - and never to the point of me getting even mildly pissed off.

    Overall I've been way more pissed off by dancers ignoring customers, which is the opposite extreme.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    I guess you could say that I'm lucky enough to almost never be ignored unless the dancers know me and I never bought a dance from them. It would be worse to always be ignored.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    It probably doesn't make a dancer feel too good if she approaches me and says I never got a dance from her in all the 2 or 3 years she has worked there. Then she asks for a dance and I say no thanks.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    Aa couple of times I did accept a dancer' offer when asked the question above.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    <if she approaches me and says I never got a dance from her in all the 2 or 3 years she has worked there>

    There's probably a reason for that.
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