Stripper 101

avatar for txtittyfan

In the world of strippers and the things they discuss about customers, I can imagine the following scenario:

A young new stripper begins working at a club. She is having a bad night and asks a veteran for some tips on talking with the customers and increasing her income. The veteran offers the following tips:

Look for the married guys. They like to complain about their lack of sex at home. Tell them you have a loser boyfriend, sick relative, money problems or are trying to better yourself so you don't have to strip. They will shower you with money to help save you. Play on their weaknesses, sell them the fantasy they are looking for.

When dancing, tell them they have a big dick.

Let them think they can date you.

Remember, the more you stroke them and their ego, the more you make.

Any comments?


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avatar for vincemichaels
14 yrs ago

Sounds like strippers we all know. Of course, we all have big dicks so we believe their SS. LMAO

avatar for TessaMia
14 yrs ago

lol, wrong have normal conversations not regarding personal relationships all the time with people, not looking for prey in the weak, how sad are the clubs you have gone to ... they come in forever whatever reason, and there are many reasons, whatever their needs i try to cater to them for the money they pay me to supply fantasy or excite them to go home to significant other or go solo ...

avatar for CTQWERTY
14 yrs ago

Sounds like the playbook I've grown accustomed to hearing.

Did get a new pitch last club visit: "Do you want to go make out?" She was a good-looking single mom, so I inquired about the price ... $35 a song. Ouch! I replied my budget could go for $20. Course she tried to sell the $35 by letting me know what I could expect. Nonetheless, I held fast to $20, and not surprisingly, no deal was reached. Just meant my stage-tipping visit came very cheap, with high-returns because I was one of the few there.

avatar for vincemichaels
14 yrs ago

Cool, Tessa. If you can make money that way, good for you. Whatever the customer and vender can agree to, often works out. Unfortunatel, life is life, and people do get burned. Oh well.

avatar for georgmicrodong
14 yrs ago

Tessa, it's good that you can do that. If so, you're the kind of dancer a lot of us like to see. However, just because you differ from the portrait presented by the OP, doesn't make him wrong. There are a lot of different girls out there, and frankly, the regular posters on this discussion board have seen far more of the type described here than those of your type.

To be fair, the regulars here are probably not representative of the population of SC goers at large; but by the same token, you are not representative of the majority of strippers I've met, either.

avatar for lopaw
14 yrs ago

My experience has been different, but maybe that's because I tend to club during the dayshift, when there are more regular customers than tourists.

The dancers on dayshift tend to pass their well spending customers around - at least amongst their stripper pals. I happened to me today @ the Rhino. A dancer I've seen once before came by & after a lengthy chat we headed over for a bunch of dances. Later on, while she was onstage, a dancer pal of hers went up to the stage to tip her, and they had a quick whispered conversation. The "pal" immediately headed over to my table and asked if I wanted to take advantage of the 3fer2 special that was going on. Coincidence? I think not!

avatar for georgmicrodong
14 yrs ago

lopaw, wrt passing customers around, how much of that do you think is because you're female (and presumably a hot one, even though you won't post a picture :), and not an ugly, overweight, creepy old guy lime the rest of us. :)

avatar for lopaw
14 yrs ago

lol gmd It's hard to argue that in the world of stripclubs, it all boils down to cold hard cash for these women. Now, being good looking certainly doesn't hurt in terms of getting attention for some, but I don't think it matters all that much - it's all about emptying our wallets.

avatar for bigdude012
14 yrs ago

What the veteran should tell the new dancer: Sit on his lap and do a little grind. Just enough to get it hard. After all a man with a hard-on is at a mental dsadvantage and very likely to be loose with his money.

avatar for Clubber
14 yrs ago


You might ruin my image if a dancer was to tell you that you had a big dick. :)

avatar for lopaw
14 yrs ago


Well, if I accidentally left my big strap-on on then it wouldn't really be incorrect, now would it? :D

avatar for Clubber
14 yrs ago


I guess not, but that raises a question...

Why would women not like men (lesbians), but then when with their SO, use a fake dick? Makes not a lot of sense to me.

avatar for lopaw
14 yrs ago

Clubber, Your guess is as good as mine. I personally don't like or use them, but I guess between two women sometimes fingers just aren't enough

avatar for Player11
14 yrs ago

The OP starting comment sounds like a lot of the plays I have been hit with by strippers. If there is a strippers basic playbook this is probably it. I am sure a lot of them have their fav plays they score the big bucks with. Anyone venture to guess which one is the HB Counter out of the Ace formation or the Hail Mary out of the Shotgun?

avatar for MisterGuy
14 yrs ago

I've seen many dancers pass nicely-mannered, well spending customers around amongst their pals. Once someone latches onto a good thing, it would only make sense to share some of the wealth in order to keep everyone happy.

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