Somebody's watching me

I'm in one of the end booths in the lap dance room with the lovely Giselle. I hear another dancer and her customer come in. It's the middle of the song, so she tells him they'll wait for the next song. Then she says, “let's sit here and watch Giselle and Steve.†My ears perk up at that, so I peek around, and sure enough, they're sitting in the opposite booth checking out Giselle's (lovely) butt. I lock eyes with the other dancer, and she gives me a little smirk.
So, does this ever happen to you? Is being watched a turn-on or a turn-off?
last commentIs being watched a turn-on or a turn-off?
Turn off. I don't want others to learn my best moves.
Yes, it does. The only time it's a problem is if the dancer on my lap is getting fucked while they watch or if she's giving me a blow job. That only happens with certain dancers, though, and the way my club is set up it's more difficult to watch others.
i like privacy and prefer that others around mind their own business and stay out of mine.
You should let her watch your ass.
I like privacy. However that may be hard to obtain in a strip club. I've heard much worse stories though. Hopefully no one will get upset at me sharing. One dancer once told me that was guy was gay (she did not identify the guy) since we were in a regular strip club. Anyway she said that he said he liked to watch the guy's get hard. I thought how disgusting. If someone is watching I do not want to see them watching. That is unless she's one of the hottest girls I've seen in a long time and she wants me. Chances of that? Slim I think. I still prefer not to be watched or feel watched when getting dances. I know bouncers and cameras are probably watching but those items usually are not in my face.
Depends on who the watcher is. If it's a guy, probably not. A girl? Maybe, if she's one I know.
I hate voyeurs. Unless of course I am the one doing the watching. lol.
Couple of years ago - I'm a little wasted, having LOTS of fun with a very cute blond on a couch in a rather open but empty VIP when the club manager walks by. Only after he said "hi" to us and walked off did I realize that he couldn't have missed my equipment securely planted in the blond. I shriveled up like a prune, took her ten minutes to get me back to attention. NO, I don't like being watched!
If it's a dancer watching, it's a definite turn-on. If it's a customer watching, then it's a big turn-off. Other customers staring & ogling gets really old after awhile. Buy your own damn dances, ya cheap bastids!
I go to a place up in Toronto (Cannon Ball) that is a VERY high mileage place but the back room is literally a wide open room with little tables and club chairs to sit in. Very uncomfortable to have a head bobbing in your lap with a couple of other guys about six feet away. Now, on the other hand, it's good to head back early in the night on a recon mission to see what dancers you SHOULD take back later. :)
At some of the low rent clubs I have visited it is impossible NOT to be a voyeur or a voyee (just made up that one). At first the "let it all hang out" nature of these VIPs really crimped my action. However, my innate horniness soon asserted itself and it is now no problem at all. In fact, I now find a wide open generously lit VIP to be crudely charming.
True story: Having many dances at one of these places, one dancer asked me this: "The girls are buzzing in the dressing room about the BJ you got from J. earlier today. Nobody has ever seen her do that before. We are all curious to find out how much you paid her."
In its day, Chameleon Club in WP (ESL). Lap dance room was an apartment with several sofa's and overstuffed chairs in a couple of rooms. About half the time there would be another couple in the room on the sofa six feet from you, totally naked, engaged in some type of sex. It was very real. Most of the guys were balding, and most of the girls were crack whores. Not always a pretty picture.
I never considered it to be a big turn-on to watch others, but one time I recognized the girl who was doing reverse cowboy across from me while I was getting a bj; we smiled and waved to each other.
It certainly was not your typical strip club experience...fresh towel, brand new rubber, and a girl for a half-hour: $125. Tip optional, but $25 was appreciated.
Damn place burned down. Probably better that it didn't rebuild.