What are your favorite body sprays dancers use?

I don't know if they are body sprays or perfumes. I like the ones that smell like food. I've smelled vanilla, that smells good. One that I have not smelled yet that might make me want to get a dance from a dancer is one that would smell like cinnamon rolls. I remember reading somewhere that the scent of cinnamon increased blood flow to men's private area more than any other smell.
If the smells didn't entice me to get dances, then the club would probably sell more food because I think I would get hungry.
last commentI remember one dancer made me think about a delicious piece of cake with the body smell she had. Maybe that was the vanilla smell. I think there was another smell I liked but I don't remember right now.
The only one I can recall was cotton candy. Problem was, I felt like a 12 year old at the county fair.
I prefer very subtle scents. Musky or citrus ones work best for me.
Since everyone appears to like scents that smell like food. Why not fish. The Pink Pony South in Forrest Park GA has a sushi bar just above the main stage. So you can smell what you are seeing. Wait... is that really necessary?
shadowcat: I go away for a week or so and the famous shadowcat animal is gone. What's up?
farmerart, see my topic "my temp avatar". Click to enlarge.
I liked what Skylar used to wear. I don't have a damn clue as what it was.
shadowcat: Gotcha. This was first stroll through discussion board. Like the old stylish expressive cat better.
Cotton Candy for me thought it was great
Hmmm...my ATF uses Dolce & Gabanna Light Blue. Sort of a fruity scent with hints of cinnamon. Very nice, light scent that is not overpowering (like the stuff some women use).
I like the smell of oranges and lemons, whatever the fuck spray that is. Don't all strippers wear scented body lotion? That's all I end up smelling like at the end of the night.
I don't know what the names are for any of the wonderful scents that often linger on my clothes & hair long after our encounters. All I know is that whenever I walk into a Bath & Body Works store I can recognize many of the smells there. I think strippers must shop there ALOT.
One of my favs uses Cool Water
bath and body works? is that a spa?
gf: B&BW is a store that sells bat products, lotions, etc.
"bat" should be "bath"
I also agree with clubber and stan about the cotton candy scent being one of my favorites.
Eau de Moi