Comments by minnow (page 98)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Bye Bye bin laden!
    Thanks for posting, troop- I learned about it here first- logged out & turned on news. A huge "well done" to the forces who accomplished this!
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    13 years ago
    Penin of Florida
    E St Louis
    My "strong endorsement" for rental car choice aside: I don't totally eschew using light rail/subway to visit stripclubs- I've done so in Atlanta, DC, and San Francisco. In those 3 cases (Cheetah 3, Archibalds, Crazy Horse, resp.), club was ~ 5 minute walk from station. Yes, LR's are a boon to downtown visits. You piqued my curiosity on STL Metrolink- it appears that East Riverfront and Washington Park stops might be within 1-1.5 miles of some prospective clubs ( PT Sauget & Penthouse; HC, HSC, & MK, resp). A quick cab ride from there- if cabs are readily available. But, again the issue of getting back much after midnight, plus flexibility. I know I70 can get congested during ballgames on weekends, or if construction is going on. Getting on outer 270 loop or cutting down to I64 could be a viable alternative. This is one of the metro areas on my to do list ( 10 plus yrs. since last visit)- awaiting TR......
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    13 years ago
    Hawaii Theater re-opening as a Rhino?
    Yet another "corporate chain" club? I'll stick with indies/local chains, thank you.
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    13 years ago
    Penin of Florida
    E St Louis
    OP not familiar with Google Maps, et al? Can't type in "St Louis light rail system" in search? Geography 101 Lesson: ESL clubs are at least a 25 mile drive from airport. Anyone not willing to procure a rental car for proposed undertaking ( especially after midnight)should just stay in hotel and jack off to porn.
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    13 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Is tuscl Corporate and Stuffy?
    Corporate and stuffy is far from what I'd describe tuscl to be. (Eg- unmoderated db). I appreciate some degree of screening for reviews- definitely don't want it to be like SCL juvenille chat room. I initially joined, and continue to stick with Tuscl because they (we) have the best review system out there- by customers, for customers. IMO, letter drunken ramblings- big on genralities,small on specifics (eg- what exactly about tuscl changes is stuffy and corporate??) Thanks again for keeping site up and running.
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    13 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Prepay or Postpay
    Looks like the jury is out amoung experienced clubgoers in that: 1) Vast majority of clubs are postpay 2) The prepay dances are mostly subpar, or a ROB in cases where other club dancers are postpay. To put this question in sports terms: A postpay dance is like team owner(you) paying a player(dancer) a 1 year(dance) renewable contract. If unsat, its 1 yr contract and out. If good, multiple year extension with performance bonuses(tips). On the other hand, prepay is like ballplayer(dancer) getting an upfront bonus just for signing. Regardless of how well they perform, they got the money in their pocket. Later system (upfront signing bonus,or guaranteed multiyear contract) should only be reserved for known performers...
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Prepay or Postpay
    RE- mikew....// "why should this practice bother you"? Interesting question, coming from someone with ZERO reviews. Maybe a bunch of guys who have reviewed anywhere from 10-97 different clubs can spot a duck when it walks and quacks. On a final note: Since you appear to have some familiarity with Shangri-La/Scores (maybe worked there??), does Scores require patrons to prepay for a steak dinner and bottle of wine? I know Shulas, Mortons, etal do not.
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    14 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Prepay or Postpay
    If dancer asks for prepay in a club where postpay is customary (vast majority of clubs I've been to)- that is a dealbreaker. In some cases, VIP's are prepay. I don't have heartburn with that, because I wouldn't go there,unless non-Vip test drive was good, or I knew the dancer to be good from a prior visit.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Man accused of fondling dancer at strip club
    This just underscores the point to read between the lines very carefully. Although club highly rated ( well over 7), it has only 6 reviews. Reading 1 of the reviews, it was mentioned that doorman scanned drivers license into machine prior to entry. A good thing to know prior to going to club. Also, conflicting reviews. Most recent reviewer says contact is allowed, yet another says club mgt. super strict about enforcing rules. I wonder if the dancer posting a review to see her "for a good time" was the dancer who called cops on patron? Stay tuned on the pink site..............
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Getting a LD on a bed or couch
    IMO, bed dances are over-rated. They are a staple of many DV chain clubs,but have found their way into a few other clubs. Basically, keeps you 2-dimensional, restricting your reach to a large extent. The only person that I could imagine liking the bed dances the way they are often done would be someone with Danny Devito height, and Manute Bol length arms.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Feature Entertainer Dances?
    IME (Limited)- Features charge 1.5- 2 times the regular LD price- actual dance roughly equal to club average as far as contact levels.
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    14 years ago
    Tan Lines
    Lee H took the words right out of my mouth. Tan lines evoke memories of the first bare T&A that I'd seen- boo on it being exception rather than the rule!
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    14 years ago
    What's her problem? Share your similar stories ( About prude dancers! )
    The number of fingers I'm holding up now (on 1 hand) is the number of times in the last 12 years or so that I've gone beyond 1 dance with a dancer like the 1 you described. Whether she was actually prudish, or just playing ROB games is irrelevant- either way, OP didn't get value for his $$. Two of my cases a few years apart: 1) Recent Cheetahs- SD visit- Maybe being the only dancer that wore a maxi-dress vs very skimpy outfits by most other dancers should have given me a clue. But she was young with a very nice tight figure underneath that maxi, and seemed OK enough on stage (nude, 6' away). Second clue maybe should have been steering me towards VIP area- nope test drive 1st honey. Once dance started, she said "hands at sides, please". One and out for her. 2) Another So Cal club. I chose 1 of the hottest looking blondes in a club full of hotties for some dances in basic LD area. Her stage show and interaction were OK, we went back in the middle of a song. During the chat, subject came up on clubs she'd danced at before. She said that she left a COI club because she couldn't stand the contact levels there. My thoughts were already fading for an upgrade to multiple dance area. When dance started, basic contact was there, but dance was mechanical, going through the motions kind. As I had some other (known) prospects in mind, I bailed early on this one. Only $25 out, but wish I'd had that conversation before going back. Live and learn.
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    14 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Girls that say ' the vip'
    A list of some of the biggest lies: 1) "Check is in the mail" 2) "Van is on the way, should be there shortly." 3) "Things will get better in VIP". Please feel free to add to list...........
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Strip Club Etiquette: A Video Guide
    Interesting link. Guessing interviewer might be Phil-W.My guesses on the dancers: Dancer with glasses and big boobs is Brigette. Brunette fox in the middle Daisy Delfina (handle kikiwiki), not sure who 3rd dancer is with English accent.
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    14 years ago
    Best Club for Couples in Florida?
    Didn't another new joiner with another handle ask the same question a couple of weeks ago? Seems too that a recent Mons review came from a chick who went to club with dude.
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    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Best "eye candy" club in your area?
    For Dallas and L.A. Fenster and lopaw nailed it. My choices: Phoenix- Babes, Bourbon St. Circus, and Christies-Tempe Tampa- Mons Venus- although not the highest mileage, combination of attractive dancers, nudity, and some mileage - can't go wrong there.
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    14 years ago
    Tall or Short?
    Doesn't bother me one bit. I've had "faves" from 5'ish to 6'3". The bit of leg man in me leans towards tall dancers- the more leg, the better!
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Cell phones in the strip club
    Personally, when going to clubs, I like to keep cellphone "out of sight, out of mind". That most often means leaving it in car , or hotel room if within walking distance. For those times that I cab it, or subway it, I like to have phone available, and don't care to hand phone over to strangers. In most clubs, this is not an issue. One coworker wasted a subway ride downtown because club wanted him to hand over cellphone during club visit- he was "NFW" with that.
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    14 years ago
    VCG Holding Corp. Announces 2010 Fourth Quarter And Full Year Financial Results
    Super Dude: Was this "policy" introduced into their ESL clubs? As for waiting for a new chain to come into town- not nec. in Indy- just go to the plethora of clubs that haven't jacked up their prices. ( Brass Flamingo, Gold Club, Dancers, etc). Which is what I've done since 2009.
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    14 years ago
    What do you prefer?
    Welcome, bd26, my answers: 1) Pole dancing not a deal maker (or breaker) for me. However, getting too wrapped up in it can be a turnoff. 2) For stage show, whatever you feel good at- for private dances, more slow/ sensual. FYI, I don't think this board has any gangbangers or gangstas, so you're getting a skewed audience here. 3) Enjoy a good conversationalist more than a "wanna dance robodancer". Having said that, depends on how tight my time is on visit. Either extreme- (Chatty Cathy on tight lunch break, or a straight on approach that virtually screams "so how about spending some $$ on me RIGHT NOW") can be a turnoff 4) Be observant and go with the flow. If you don't see a customer smoking, or his pack of cigs, assume that he is a non-smoker and that he would mind it if you smoked. As for drinking- note whether customer is drinking like a fish or nursing their drink along. In either case, let customer make the offer. One should not be made to feel "obligated" to buy overpriced dancer drinks, or feel like they're being tag teamed. 5) I'm more concerned with the dancer under the outfit than the outfit itself.
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    14 years ago
    The TUSCL Top 100
    jaypee- So, if a reviewer gave a rave review of a club on Sa. night- saying it had over 50 centerfold quality young thing dancers, but you visited on an early week afternoon at 2pm with maybe 5 dancers, most over 30 but ok looking, would you say reviewer was "FOS"? There can be variances between day and night shifts insofar as dancer attractiveness, mileage, "enforcement", etc. Even nights can be different, depending on mgr. on duty.
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    14 years ago
    The TUSCL Top 100
    I started a T100 thread a short while ago. I acknowledged that it was an imperfect system. The flaws stem from: 1) Reviewer input. 2) Alogorithms/factors input by founder. I'm sure many of us can see reviewer flaws- e.g. newbie to scene, only familiar with clubs in their local area, etc. Myself- I'd never make a visit decision based solely on club being in T100. Often, club is simply the best available option in the area. If I'm on a business trip, or vacation halfway between 2 cities (lets say, Indy and Chicago, Orlando & Tampa, Boston & Providence), I'm not going to roll to either city without looking deeper. I suspect that most of us KNOW which city WE'D go to in those examples- (Only Orlando area doesn't have any T100 clubs- other 5 do/did). That said, I've still found that going to the top scoring 3-5 clubs in particular metro area- can't go too wrong there.
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    14 years ago
    Manager interrupting LD to inform dancer she has to go to VIP
    ss1- I'd simply say to mgr- "Excuse me, but I AM getting a lapdance, and I don't appreciate you interrupting it." The ball is now in his court, if you don't get satisfaction from him,(e.g.some kind of "comp"), then I'd consider taking it up with his supervisor. If not resolved, leave and write it up. I agree with m26 that one should feel respected as a customer. I haven't experienced ss1's situation exactly, but at Baby Dolls- Dallas I was chatting with a hot prospect for a minute and about to ask her for dances when a female mgr type interrupted me, and steered dancer to a VIP party. This is a bit of a gray area, as I wasn't paying dancer anything yet, but I still thought it rude, especially since I hadn't been talking with dancer all that long. I didn't make an issue of it- talent pool was deep and attractive enough to find another good dancer, it rankled all the same.
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    14 years ago
    TUSCL Midwest Meeting?
    Sorry, tied up today ( nothing kinky). Missed a mini-convention by a few days, racejeff and I visited Brass Su. night.